Before & afters


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Silver Fox

Registered Shopper
Mar 14, 2010
I really don't see the point of these before & after photos--just watching ( never buying) the Perricone hour.The before & after photos that this company & others show are to me not at all convincing.In some I think the 'Before' pics look better than the 'After' & lets face it ( No pun!) we can all slightly lift our facial expressions to look better with no results from a product.Same with the body--If I pick myself up & stand in a certain way I can look a stone thinner--only one problem I just can't sustain it!
I agree, I've just turned over to see the No Foundation, Foundation (eh?) and caught the befores afters, and I can't see any difference between the two either, then turned the channel straight back over to watch the Mad Men box set on Sky, a title befitting more to QVC in my opinion.
I always chuckle when the before pics show the model unsmiling with a face like an oil slick-then after caked in product and smiling with matte skin and significantly better lighting and hair!!
I really don't see the point of these before & after photos--just watching ( never buying) the Perricone hour.The before & after photos that this company & others show are to me not at all convincing.In some I think the 'Before' pics look better than the 'After' & lets face it ( No pun!) we can all slightly lift our facial expressions to look better with no results from a product.Same with the body--If I pick myself up & stand in a certain way I can look a stone thinner--only one problem I just can't sustain it!

QVC is currently pushing at the boundary of what the ASA allows with these. Several of those 'after' photos are taken further from the camera, the angle and position of the face is slightly different and the lighting is slightly altered. This is right on the boundary of providing a fair comparison between photos. Mind you, if you can be manipulated by an American saleswoman to part with £220 for a pot of grease, then why bother with the before and after photos anyway.
I too find most before and afters totally uninspiring for skincare. The most impressive I've ever seen was the Cellex C man. Did you have Cellex C on QVC in the UK? It was an elderly man who had treated only one side of his face for years and the difference from one side to the other was staggering.
It's not only the face cream before and afters that are suspect,I saw the neck trainer on IW a few weeks ago.The examples were so obviously people in a slightly different pose, hair different etc,to give the appearance of jowels tightened and a saggy chin disappeared. I don't know how they get away with it.
It's not only the face cream before and afters that are suspect,I saw the neck trainer on IW a few weeks ago.The examples were so obviously people in a slightly different pose, hair different etc,to give the appearance of jowels tightened and a saggy chin disappeared. I don't know how they get away with it.

Oh, gosh, the neck trainer! That takes me back fifteen years to the one which looked like two-coloured small beach ball, which was on QVC, then IW, then bounced back to QVC. There was the blue, for beginners, and the green, for advanced neck students. Naturally, being a show off, I ordered both, confident of conquering green in a few weeks with my chiselled profile. I broke a filling a few days into using blue by chomping down too hard. I still have a double chin, but found last year that the mice in the attic had made good nesting material out of the now chewed up rubber balls.
I bought the Paul Younane one from IW the other day, ordered Friday got it Saturday, I've been on it ever since and it really has made a slight difference, so hopefully I'll get good results in about eight weeks if it carries on this way..........yay! No more chubby cheeks! :happy::clapping:
I bought the Paul Younane one from IW the other day, ordered Friday got it Saturday, I've been on it ever since and it really has made a slight difference, so hopefully I'll get good results in about eight weeks if it carries on this way..........yay! No more chubby cheeks! :happy::clapping:

Good luck. I am sure you will be thrilled if you persist. It's only exercise, not expensive creams, which make a difference to the face. It's the underlying muscle holding up the tissue which determines how well we age.
Good luck. I am sure you will be thrilled if you persist. It's only exercise, not expensive creams, which make a difference to the face. It's the underlying muscle holding up the tissue which determines how well we age.

Thanks Miss G, here's hopping :happy: It only cost £23 because it was Pick Of The Day and they sent me a code to get £5 off anything so I thought you know what, chubby chops have got to go :mysmilie_17: You're right though, it's not an expensive cream, it's actually working on the muscles of the neck and face, it's making them work, so yep, up to now it's looking good.
Thanks Miss G, here's hopping :happy: It only cost £23 because it was Pick Of The Day and they sent me a code to get £5 off anything so I thought you know what, chubby chops have got to go :mysmilie_17: You're right though, it's not an expensive cream, it's actually working on the muscles of the neck and face, it's making them work, so yep, up to now it's looking good.

I use my TuaTrend facial exerciser (bought from Q yonks ago) on a regular basis.It does make my face feel as though it has had a 'workout'.Not sure if it would merit a before & after pic, but who knows what I would be like if I hadn't bothered?
I agree, I've just turned over to see the No Foundation, Foundation (eh?) and caught the befores afters, and I can't see any difference between the two either, then turned the channel straight back over to watch the Mad Men box set on Sky, a title befitting more to QVC in my opinion.
Whoa. Give me Jon Hamm over Q and its male presenters any day. I was so annoyed when it went from BBC. I don't have Sky or anything like that. I will, eventually, buy all the box sets - when I can afford it.
Whoa. Give me Jon Hamm over Q and its male presenters any day. I was so annoyed when it went from BBC. I don't have Sky or anything like that. I will, eventually, buy all the box sets - when I can afford it.

Box sets come down in price quite quickly so I hope you can get it soon, after all, who wouldn't want Jon Hamm in their living room when ever they feel like it? :mysmilie_17:
'Fraid I don't trust these so-called 'before and after's' pictures anyway. There is so much creative work that goes on, apart from the fact that smiling gives a 'lift' to a face anyway (as has been said). We all know from magazine pictures how things are not always as they seem - many's the time I've seen pics of Slebs in a magazine and there's hardly a wrinkle or line in sight - then you see newspaper pic of them and they look about 25 years older and 3 stone heavier than in the magazine you read yesterday. To me, when I've seen live models on shopping tv who have had stuff slathered on and the 'marvellous' transformation follows, most of the time I can't see any difference, in fact often it looks worse (often wondered if this is just me -it now seems it's not - or whether I need to get a new TV!).

I always chuckle when the before pics show the model unsmiling with a face like an oil slick-then after caked in product and smiling with matte skin and significantly better lighting and hair!!

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