JR writing a book


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Jan 4, 2009
West Midlands
Did I hear correctly? did the man demo'ing the Clickfree just say that Julia is writing a book? What on earth could it be about? Answers on a postcard, please.
Did I hear correctly? did the man demo'ing the Clickfree just say that Julia is writing a book? What on earth could it be about? Answers on a postcard, please.

I've heard her mention it a few times herself on air a long time ago. Pretty sure she said that it's autobiographical.

Julia talking about herself...surely never!
She's writing a book on how to get a perfect 10 figure, just like the one shes had for 40+ years!! :mysmilie_701:
Didn't she once give a brief outline of the contents? If I recall, there's going to be 3 chapters devoted to the 30 second appearance on Citizen Smith circa 1978, 4 chapters detailing her relationship with Simon B&W, a long chapter on her first appearance on QVC 16 yrs ago, 3 chapters on the trials of being a Crystal Palace fan, a chapter on her Sophie Kipling bag, and I've forgotten the rest. Sorry. Oh yes, a chapter on the benefits of wearing flip flops all year round.
Didn't she once give a brief outline of the contents? If I recall, there's going to be 3 chapters devoted to the 30 second appearance on Citizen Smith circa 1978, 4 chapters detailing her relationship with Simon B&W, a long chapter on her first appearance on QVC 16 yrs ago, 3 chapters on the trials of being a Crystal Palace fan, a chapter on her Sophie Kipling bag, and I've forgotten the rest. Sorry. Oh yes, a chapter on the benefits of wearing flip flops all year round.

:mysmilie_17: bestseller
Didn't she once give a brief outline of the contents? If I recall, there's going to be 3 chapters devoted to the 30 second appearance on Citizen Smith circa 1978, 4 chapters detailing her relationship with Simon B&W, a long chapter on her first appearance on QVC 16 yrs ago, 3 chapters on the trials of being a Crystal Palace fan, a chapter on her Sophie Kipling bag, and I've forgotten the rest. Sorry. Oh yes, a chapter on the benefits of wearing flip flops all year round.
And surely several chapters about her life/feet changing experiences from being a hoofer on the cruise ships with.
Perhaps its a Joan Collins type steamy novel about all the affairs that go on in QVC Towers?

She walked into the board room, she knew she looked good, with her Kim and Co swirl pattern dress clinging lovingly around her ample boosom. She pulled out of her Kipling bag an item that no man could resist, it was an automatic hammer drill. "This is it" she said, fixing her eyes firmly upon his, "This will be the next big seller on sundays morning show". She imagined Orlando's bulging biseps as he grabbed the hammer drill firmly in his manly hands. She imagined that he was grabbing her around her tiny size 10 small waist. She felt the electricity that would surely form between them, or was that just the static from her Kim and Co dress?

To be continued by another forum member..............
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In walked Sophie, her on trend daughter, swinging her on trend Kathy Van Zeeland bag. "I've got a new Job Mum....QVC presenter!".."I didn't know there was a vacancy?" JR gushed. "They wanted someone 'small' and on trend" Sophie sheepishly answered.............................:mysmilie_12:The penny dropped!
........... Was JR to be replaced by a younger version of herself? Surely not, she had invested many years of her life and youth within the company, she was the origonal glamour presenter, men in their droves tuned in just to see her with her generous assets and long flowing locks. She hadn't lost it had she? No she knew she still had 'it', her flirting with Simon from B&W proved that, surely if someone as camp as him found her attractive then any other man still would.............
Her lower lip trembled. She turned to Julian"julian, am I still desirable, tell me I havn't lost my allure..." His soft brown eyes raked over her " Perhaps a crossover pinny and a tight grey perm like me gran used to have - she was a real stunner.." She turned on her heel and fled....
.... down the corridor to Dale's dressing room. Dale would always see her as the Citizen Smith size small icon. Julia was confident that he would back her up - she was the best thing about QVC after all! She ran as fast as her flip flops would carry her and flung open the door. "Dale, Dale" she screamed - but what was this?? There on the dressing room chaise longue lay Dale but he was not alone - a spindly and rather scantily clad Jill Franks lay next to him and laughed wickedly. "Well well Julia" she sneered. "Has a Butler & Wilson swarovski crystal cat got your tongue?"......
Jill Franks was breathless, it was obvious what she and Dale had been doing. Dale had beads of sweat running down his manly chest. Julia glanced around the room, panic almost engulfed her. Wheeze "well Julia?" said Jill as she stepped back onto her Tony Little rock 'n' roller, wheeze " Did you think you were the only one? " wheeze.......
Dale covered his manhood with a Pompoos earring and snarled " you think you are the face of QVC but I have news for you.............."
Just then, in burst Craig, he had heard the commotion and like a galant knight ran to Julias rescue. "I know I'm the new kid on the block" he said, "But I really respect all that you have ........" Just then his eye wanderered around the room and took in the scene before him, he spotted Dale and Jill in thier semi nakedness, "ooo" he said pointing the pompoos earring, "I have one of them at home if you need to make up a pair, and one of those rock n rollers" then he glanced at Jills breezies bra, "and one of......." he didn't get chance to finish his scentance.......
......as Charlie wandered in exclaiming, "Take a look at this!" He reached into his pocket ready for the slow reveal..........

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