Mother and Daughter "Event"


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I followed the link on the Q website for the "Make this Mothers' Day extra special" (currently the 2nd of the daily scrolling option on the home page) and clicked under £50 link and found this[Ljava.lang.String;@5fb65fb6

Now even when my children were little I doubt they'd pass off a reduced Xmas nick nack as a mothers' day present! And certainly by mid-March they'd balk at anything less than a 75% reduction!

There's also a set of drill bits, boomarangs, battery heated socks and a pair of men's emu slippers if you want to push the boat out this year!:taphead:
Did I miss something but when did "Mothers Day" become just about mothers and daughters? :mysmilie_506:, Don't sons count any longer then ?

Of course sons don't count in QVC land because:

1. Sons don't watch QVC - if they're anything like mine they moan 'God, what are you watching that c***p for? Is there nothing else on!!??

2. Sons are not organised enough to buy 2 weeks before the event, usually leaving it until the day before where you see Boots and Debenhams full of bewildered young men

I am generalising of course, there maybe many a young man out there who avidly watches QVC and is familiar with all the beauty brands, enjoys watching fashion shows (knows his mum's size of course and style preferences) and would be happy to buy her some lovely flowery flannel bedding for M Day as was suggested the other night. Or as Debbie Flint is always saying (when flogging a ridiculously expensive item) 'maybe all the family could club together and get this Dyson/Ipad/No no hair remover' :giggle: Yes of course a son would agree with this, round all the family up, explain the lovely item, order the item in secret, collect all the money from other family members, etc - NOT :mysmilie_19:
There's also a set of drill bits, boomarangs, battery heated socks and a pair of men's emu slippers if you want to push the boat out this year!:taphead:

Believe it or not, my mum would have been thrilled with a set of drill bits. When other Mums were running up summer dresses for their daughters my Mum was making beautifully crafted and fitted cupboards for my bedroom. She made me the most beautiful dolls house from scratch - even made the furniture. Unfortunately, at 87, the arthritis in her hands prevents her doing carpentry now, but she still loves watching the DIY shows.
My mum puts me before herself all the time, and always has. These dedicated days, have become an exercise in commercialism, an opportunity for retailers to extract from us our hard earned cash. I don't need to spend a load of cash to tell my mum how much she means to me. I always give her a card, but not a gift - this year I am as it will go with a birthday present I gave her last month and it will be a surprise - as I do not, despite the attempts of retailers, feel obliged to do so.
Even if I did buy her something for Mother's Day, it wouldn't strip me of nigh on £400!
Nothing QVC does shocks me, but it doesn't make it right. Although having that Lola Rose lady with the annoying mother/daughter team they often have on together, just seeing the 3 of them is enough to annoy me at the best of times, so at least they saved me some money. Had to switch over the second I saw that come on at midnight.
This year will be my first without my Mum, I think of her everyday. QVC, crafting outlets and so on are geared up to sell as much stuff to the public as they think we can handle but its how WE perceive our mother's and we do not need a guide to tell us how much to spend on her. With my own daughter, I'd much rather she made me something personal to us rather than an expensive trinket I don't really want but would not for the world hurt her feelings.

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