Now we know.....


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Apr 27, 2009
In light of the recent badge wearing support for LGBGTQ I decided to write the following...........

"Its clear that QVC are taking up arms in support of organisation and Trusts, (the badges the presenters have taken to wearing), I wonder if they would be interested in publicising and supporting the following worthwhile charities....... Retired Greyhound Trust, Cats Protection League, Adopt a Sea Turtle, World Parrott Trust, or perhaps Sponsor a Puppy or Guide Dogs for the Blind, as I'm sure they cannot be seen to favour one charitable organisation against others".


" Thank you for contacting QVC.
I just wanted to let you know that many of our presenters personally buy and choose to wear badges for various causes and charities. This is not us favouring any one charity over another.

As June is Pride Month, you may see an increase in our presenters and guests wearing badges that support the cause.

We as QVC do support various charities that are local to us and/or are nominated by our staff.

You have suggested some wonderful charities and you are more than welcome to write into us to put these forward for consideration in our charity nominations. You can write in to the below address.

L70 2QA

I hope this information helps.

If we can help with anything else, please get back in touch ......"

😂 😂 😂 Apparently I have suggested some wonderful charities, and should put them forward for consideration ...... SO WHAT THE HELL HAVE I JUST DONE THEN ??????
I Think their reply is fair enough to a certain degree as they've pointed out the official way you need to contact them in order to nominate a charity or charities you like to see them support, though I'm surprised you weren't instructed to add the words "charity nomination" to the address that would make more sense. They're just placating you in saying you're welcome to write in, but it's doubtful they'll do anything.
Like most organisations (including the company I work for) like to jump on the bandwagon for the charities and causes that are currently in fashion. Recently, it was black history month and our inhouse magazine was dedicated to the cause as were all our social media channels - and this in the heart of the pandemic - somebody suggested that they dedicate the next magazine to the celebration of Chinese really?!!!!
Badge wearing is a waste of money and effort if it's doing nothing more than virtue signalling, it's as bad as overlaying your facebook profile with the BLM logo - how the F does that help anybody?! You can agree with and support a cause without wearing a badge and talking about it loudly - They'll say they're spreading awareness, but again what good is that if nobody actually "does" anything?
I'd like to see more public support for "unfashionable" causes such as the R.N.L.I, Guide dogs for the blind, Cats protection league and so on - but they're not "woke" enough for the current climate, so doubtful it will happen anytime soon. If support means little more than wearing a badge, what's the blinking point!
Bollocks to that reply! It's all to do with being trendy and probably Chloe pushing the bosses. Lets face it she can do no wrong. Personally the gay,lesbian etc etc community do just fine I'll continue to donate to help animals that need our help more🧡
I Think their reply is fair enough to a certain degree as they've pointed out the official way you need to contact them in order to nominate a charity or charities you like to see them support, though I'm surprised you weren't instructed to add the words "charity nomination" to the address that would make more sense. They're just placating you in saying you're welcome to write in, but it's doubtful they'll do anything.
Like most organisations (including the company I work for) like to jump on the bandwagon for the charities and causes that are currently in fashion. Recently, it was black history month and our inhouse magazine was dedicated to the cause as were all our social media channels - and this in the heart of the pandemic - somebody suggested that they dedicate the next magazine to the celebration of Chinese really?!!!!
Badge wearing is a waste of money and effort if it's doing nothing more than virtue signalling, it's as bad as overlaying your facebook profile with the BLM logo - how the F does that help anybody?! You can agree with and support a cause without wearing a badge and talking about it loudly - They'll say they're spreading awareness, but again what good is that if nobody actually "does" anything?
I'd like to see more public support for "unfashionable" causes such as the R.N.L.I, Guide dogs for the blind, Cats protection league and so on - but they're not "woke" enough for the current climate, so doubtful it will happen anytime soon. If support means little more than wearing a badge, what's the blinking point!
Nature's rainbows are magical, man's versions aren't. I wouldn't wear one of these badges because they look horrible.
At my work we do small charity events and have things like dress down1 Friday a month for a fee of about £5 (don’t work on a Friday so not sure ). However the cause was for something obscure the Chairman was a trustee of so IMHO our efforts and cash was just to make him look good. Everyone just went along with it despite the fact that charity only operated in one area in the country which was only one office in the group plus no one was exactly sure what it was actually for. Being Bolshy I looked into to it and when I told others we decided to no longer participate. After complaints (and his retirement) it went to a vote, people nominated and the top 4 went to the vote. Needless to say it was the ordinary charities that ended up - no trendy ones.
Absolutely CC ! we are the silent majority, we don't 'do' virtual signalling or make it public like that lot on qvc which gives them a holier than thou attitude. I do wonder though if anyone there - be it presenter or guest, don't want to do it, yet feel obliged to do so. I'm waiting for Craig to come in wearing a rainbow pair of ears !!

As for the charities, I do give monthly to two of them, and the majority of my estate when I fall off the perch is designated for the smaller animal charities. Yes the RNLI and Air Ambulance are worthy causes too, you don't see them blowing whistles, parading through the streets holding up the traffic, they just get on with saving lives.
Absolutely CC ! we are the silent majority, we don't 'do' virtual signalling or make it public like that lot on qvc which gives them a holier than thou attitude. I do wonder though if anyone there - be it presenter or guest, don't want to do it, yet feel obliged to do so. I'm waiting for Craig to come in wearing a rainbow pair of ears !!

As for the charities, I do give monthly to two of them, and the majority of my estate when I fall off the perch is designated for the smaller animal charities. Yes the RNLI and Air Ambulance are worthy causes too, you don't see them blowing whistles, parading through the streets holding up the traffic, they just get on with saving lives.
Hear Hear!
My Mother knits blankets for prem babies (pretty pale pink and white or yellow and white or blue and white) they are so soft and cuddly. And lap blankets for elderly. ..... There are piles of blankets that grow and go, grow and go. So that is the money and time. I just try to get the best deals on yarn for her.
What lovely ideas, and so easy to do. You tend to forget that both ends of the age spectrum need to be kept cosy and warm. Penny, I bet loads of knitters with oddments would gladly donate, and I've seen cheap wool in Lidl's from time to time.. Where I live we have a monthly village magazine, do you have anything similar where you could put an ad ?
In light of the recent badge wearing support for LGBGTQ I decided to write the following...........

"Its clear that QVC are taking up arms in support of organisation and Trusts, (the badges the presenters have taken to wearing), I wonder if they would be interested in publicising and supporting the following worthwhile charities....... Retired Greyhound Trust, Cats Protection League, Adopt a Sea Turtle, World Parrott Trust, or perhaps Sponsor a Puppy or Guide Dogs for the Blind, as I'm sure they cannot be seen to favour one charitable organisation against others".


" Thank you for contacting QVC.
I just wanted to let you know that many of our presenters personally buy and choose to wear badges for various causes and charities. This is not us favouring any one charity over another.

As June is Pride Month, you may see an increase in our presenters and guests wearing badges that support the cause.

We as QVC do support various charities that are local to us and/or are nominated by our staff.

You have suggested some wonderful charities and you are more than welcome to write into us to put these forward for consideration in our charity nominations. You can write in to the below address.

L70 2QA

I hope this information helps.

If we can help with anything else, please get back in touch ......"

😂 😂 😂 Apparently I have suggested some wonderful charities, and should put them forward for consideration ...... SO WHAT THE HELL HAVE I JUST DONE THEN ??????
Smarmy reply from QVC, putting the ball back in your court. I have only noticed the poppy badges that QVC sells well before November each year for which they give a donation. The 'pride' badge all the presenters are wearing may be on sale at QVC, for which they'd make a profit. I think that all the presenters are wearing this badge because, if one of them didn't, he or she would be seen as prejudiced.
I won't be donating to anything Pride any more.

As your 'resident rampant feminist' and former supporter of Pride I've read further than the 'fun' headlines and have been very disturbed the last few years to see lesbians being attacked at Pride events. Pride seems to have forgotten the L in LGB.

I don't support any of the other 'fashionable' charities either. I support BHF, several cancer charities, British Legion, RNLI, Guide Dogs and Air Ambulance as they're close to my heart. I also support a few MS charities as their work crosses over into my condition.

As for Q supporting charities because some presenters might push for it, well, maybe they shouldn't. If they can't support all the charities that their customers support they shouldn't be biased and support any.
According to my daily paper, "an LGBT charity" is wanting the word 'mother' to be replaced with ...... "parent who has given birth". I wonder how many presenter Mums sporting a badge, refers to themselves as - parent who has given birth ?

Sorry, but these minority trusts/organisations/charities are doggedly dictating to the wider workplaces how they should behave and anything less is 'unacceptable' - all in the name of prejudice and diversity. Its all getting out of hand and beyond a joke.
I’m fed up of it all. Live and let live without shoving it in peoples faces all the time. If people want to change gender etc we’ll get on with it and don’t keep harping on about it. I don’t care what anyone thinks about this post as I’m only speaking for myself and I’m a firm believer in free speech regardless of what others say.
The granddaughter of a friend of mine has gone from female to male - and still only just passed 20. She's had all the usual hormonal treatment and had breast reduction, BUT (and this is where it all goes pear shaped for me) draws the line at sorting out those bits that determine gender between the legs ! So, she's identifying as 'male', but is clearly still 'female' - its reached the point of absurdity.

Next time around - regardless of gender, I'm going to identify as a female Border Terrier :)
When was the last time you told all and sundry any of the following

Your sexual preferences (we might all be swingers for all I know)
The fact that you are Christian/Buddhist/Jewish/Catholic
The fact you voted Tory/Labour/Green
The fact you are Vegan/Pescatarian/Carnivore

Be what you want to be but dont make it your headline statement and the only bliddy thing you can talk about.

We don’t bliddy care!
You are right LATI, no one cares, let people who want to be different BE different. Just do it, go on with your lives and be happy. You don't need to appear on the BBC breakfast to share your story, you don't need to wear a badge or shave your head or wear Y fronts instead of lacy pants. Just do your thing.

Right, back to the Glenlivet 🥃🥃

CC - actually it's Grouse. That cheapskating Mr CC . . .

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