Prices Candles still on QVC?


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Prices candles are always beautifully packaged but having purchased in the past I have never really rated them as they don't give off much scent for my nose. Nice gifts though if you like just a hint of a scent.


Yeah, I've never found the scent that strong. It's not invisible (like cheap scented candles from supermarkets) but it's not quite as strong as some of the bigger, expensive brands. For some that's a selling point - but I like a nice strong aroma.
I find the scent throw very thin in that they are not complex blends. Simple with a low to medium throw depending on the fragrance. They are cheap candles at a cheap price and if you dont mind that they are well worth the money. Dont expect a £30.00 candle throw or complexity and you will be happy.
Prices candles are always beautifully packaged but having purchased in the past I have never really rated them as they don't give off much scent for my nose. Nice gifts though if you like just a hint of a scent.

100% agree.

I find them almost scentless although I did break up one TSV and make several little gifts of candle and tea lights in a mesh bag I believe, perhaps also with a snuffer, and they were very well received.

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