Win 24 - What a con!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

And if you read the whole thread, you would have heard me say that I done it to get people to read the post. What should I have called it?! ''Win24 not giving the best chances for its customers'' ?! I wanted it to be short and snappy. Also, I never used the word 'con' in my thread, it was only the title. Can't we just leave that now?

Look at post number 8 by you - in that you did say that you thought it was a con. You said 'In my eyes, I still think it is a con due to people signing up being told about all the big winners and 170,000 winners...not mentioning the £5 vouchers (i persume they have), which is covering the fact, and making more people sign up.'

So you did call it a con. We can leave it at that now.
But I don't see why we have to keep coming back to it.

Because you still think it is a con as you sated in post number 8 so that is what is being picked up on.

Also I don't think you have warned anyone off using Win24 as not one person on here has defended them as being a good idea to join - seems most people already know to steer clear.
At the risk of opening yet another can of worms, the OFT has recently won a court ruling against a gym management company, stating that long consumer contracts, (generally, those lasting more than 12 months) are unfair and unenforceable. I wonder if Win24 will be changing their contracts in line with this ruling. Details of which are here
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So you think they are conning people but if they give money to charity that is not as bad?

Atleast this was you know that some money is going to a worthy cause, unlike the win24 pocket. - You could actually be able to say that some of the money you parted with was used well.
Look at post number 8 by you - in that you did say that you thought it was a con. You said 'In my eyes, I still think it is a con due to people signing up being told about all the big winners and 170,000 winners...not mentioning the £5 vouchers (i persume they have), which is covering the fact, and making more people sign up.'

So you did call it a con. We can leave it at that now.

We wont leave it there.....later on I stated ''I used the word con to get people to look at the thread.'' If I thought it was really a con, don't you think I'd have stated that several times in the body of the thread?
OMG!!! Just to make Win24 worse!! I found this on their websites FAQ page;

'10. When and how can I cancel my agreement with Win24?

You can cancel your agreement with Win24 without giving any reason by the 15th day of the final month. Simply send us a brief note giving your name and customer reference number.
By e-mail to:
[email protected]. Please write "cancellation" in the subject line.
By post to:
Win24 Customer Service, Adam House, 7-10 Adam St. London WC2N 6AA
Please always state your customer reference number.
If you wish to continue using Win24 at the end of your membership you don't have to do a thing. It will be automatically extended. '

So, there is NO WAY you can cancel your contract, and if you don't notify them on the last month by 15th of the month, you will AUTOMATICALLY be entered for ANOTHER 24 months!! - They don't even confirm it with you!!

Now.....who can say that is fair? I can just see the vulnerable IW customers not knowing this, and ending up being signed up for 48 months!!

- You can just tell that they are trying to get every penny possible from their customers. - I think they should have a questionnaire for their customers to see how many are actually happy with their purchase!!
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We wont leave it there.....later on I stated ''I used the word con to get people to look at the thread.'' If I thought it was really a con, don't you think I'd have stated that several times in the body of the thread?

You did state it in your body thread as I showed you. And that was not when you were saying you used a bad subject title either...but fair enough if you don't think it's a con.
OMG!!! Just to make Win24 worse!! I found this on their websites FAQ page;

'10. When and how can I cancel my agreement with Win24?

You can cancel your agreement with Win24 without giving any reason by the 15th day of the final month. Simply send us a brief note giving your name and customer reference number.
By e-mail to:
[email protected]. Please write "cancellation" in the subject line.
By post to:
Win24 Customer Service, Adam House, 7-10 Adam St. London WC2N 6AA
Please always state your customer reference number.
If you wish to continue using Win24 at the end of your membership you don't have to do a thing. It will be automatically extended. '

So, there is NO WAY you can cancel your contract, and if you don't notify them on the last month by 15th of the month, you will AUTOMATICALLY be entered for ANOTHER 24 months!! - They don't even confirm it with you!!

Now.....who can say that is fair? I can just see the vulnerable IW customers not knowing this, and ending up being signed up for 48 months!!

- You can just tell that they are trying to get every penny possible from their customers. - I think they should have a questionnaire for their customers to see how many are actually happy with their purchase!!

I'm sure they send T&C's in the post or via e-mail that you can read through where that is stated.

Most contracts can't be broken - no different from my o2 contract I am on - the only way to get out of it is to pay off the full ammount...there would not need to be a contract if you could break it.
You did state it in your body thread as I showed you. And that was not when you were saying you used a bad subject title either...but fair enough if you don't think it's a con.
Like I said, if you then looked at my post soon after, you would have seen me say, "''I used the word con to get people to look at the thread.''

And why didn't I use it several times in my 1st thread post? You still havent answered.
I'm sure they send T&C's in the post or via e-mail that you can read through where that is stated.

Most contracts can't be broken - no different from my o2 contract I am on - the only way to get out of it is to pay off the full ammount...there would not need to be a contract if you could break it.

Fair do's ....(I had a 18 month contract with 02, and had the same t's and c's, and cancelled it after 3 months...they changed it though, so I only had to pay a £54 fee + some money for the phone) But even if they do get it in the post, if you forget about the 24 th month (as it is 2 years down the line), and they renew it for 24 months, I find that unfair. They should ring you. - It just proves that they are only there for the cash, and don't care about customer satisfaction.
So you think they are conning people but if they give money to charity that is not as bad?

For God's sake!!!! I don't think it's a flaming con.....I think we established that fact several posts ago..and yes if they're giving some money to charity then it is NOT so bad .
Thats the thing!! Would you know the really low odds if I wasn't to have said?

They don't sign up KNOWING the odds. If you told all the people before signing up that the odds were below 1% of getting your money back, I doubt anybody would sign up....but some people get seduced, and see the winners of the holiday and car, and think ''that could be me'' They don't see the odds.

It may be legal, but it is very unfair, and Win24 know it is, thats why they tie them into a 2 year contract!

Your insistence that you're so much cleverer than all these people is extraordinary - do you actually believe that you're the only person who understands this scheme? It's unbelievably condescending and patronising to the people who've CHOSEN to sign up. And yes, believe it or not, I worked it out all by myself the first time I saw Win 24 advertised.
Your insistence that you're so much cleverer than all these people is extraordinary - do you actually believe that you're the only person who understands this scheme? It's unbelievably condescending and patronising to the people who've CHOSEN to sign up. And yes, believe it or not, I worked it out all by myself the first time I saw Win 24 advertised.

Let's put it this way...I would be surprised if many, if any people who have signed up for win24 has given it an awful lot of thought....comparible possibly to the lottery, we know we're unlikely to win an earth shattering amount of money..but hey what if? that's why we do it. It think it's better as you can pick and choose when you buy your ticket, how much you are going to spend, you'll sometimes get a tenner back, sometimes more . I think this is pants tbh... Is there any proof you've been entered into these competions unless you win something? I dunno, this may be a psychological thing, but people are happy to win a

tenner on the lottery, but if they signed up for win24 and ended up with a baseball cap, or a rucksack...I'm sure they'd be gutted!
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Your insistence that you're so much cleverer than all these people is extraordinary - do you actually believe that you're the only person who understands this scheme?

I NEVER said I'm cleaverer than everybody else. But, you say that you knew the odds the first time you saw it, which is impossible. Unless you see the amount of people signed up, and the amount of prizes, you wont know! - I didn't know until I worked it out. I said that 'not everybody know the chances of winning' - I didn't say I am above everybody else and cleverer.....

I know for DEFINATE that there are people who wouldn't think of evenworking out the chances of winning Etc. and yes, people do sign up, but they are the ones who don't know it is less than 1% chance of getting your money back.

If (as you say) everybody knows the chances of winning, why do people still sign up knowing the crap odds? NOBODY would sign up.....they sign up, as they take Win24's advice, and get seduced by the prizes and NOT the chances of winning!!
Like I said, if you then looked at my post soon after, you would have seen me say, "''I used the word con to get people to look at the thread.''

And why didn't I use it several times in my 1st thread post? You still havent answered.

Ok I will answer this despite that fact I find it quite odd. I don't believe you need to use a word more than once after you have used it once.

As an example if I said in my title my new guitar was wonderful - I don't feel the need to say it is wonderful 3 or 4 times in the thread as I have already used it once and don't want to keep using the same word.
If (as you say) everybody knows the chances of winning, why do people still sign up knowing the crap odds? NOBODY would sign up.....they sign up, as they take Win24's advice, and get seduced by the prizes and NOT the chances of winning!!

The same reason that people but a lottery ticket - in the hope of winning the jackpot or in Win24's case something like a holiday to the US like the woman from Sal's Cut & Weave (or wherever she is from!)