Alison Keenan has breast cancer


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My best friend died of inflammatory breast cancer three weeks ago. It was a long, painful journey and I'm still crying. I pray that Alison has a less aggressive form of the disease, and makes a full recovery. People have learned to think lumpectomy / radiotherapy / chemo --> cure. It doesn't always work that way.
I echo everything everyone here has said .... (to Ally if you are reading ....) I am so sorry to hear that both you and your dear mum have been affected by this dreadful parasite .. BUT ... many, many women are treated and beat it !!! My friend's sister (who was only in her 20s when diagnosed) is one of them, as is my own Aunt, and also my Hubbys Aunt (20 yrs ago and still causing grief !!!) .... so you see for many it can just be a temporary blip in procedings ... with normal service resumed ... as I hope it is for you both ..

Wishing you both well .... as everyone on here does ... but then that goes without saying doesn't it ... !

Love and best wishes
Missy xxx
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Thanks for posting the second link, Moth.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer and then secondaries in July 07 so have had continuous treatment since then and watched a lot of QVC into the bargain - it's been great to be able to turn it on in the middle of the night when I can't sleep because of side effects!

I wish Alison and her Mum the very best of recoveries - it's a long journey and can be harrowing at times but you do get through it one way or another. Mind you, Alison has an awful lot more on her plate than I did so sending her strength too.

I have tried to find her on the Breast Cancer Care forum as I have found it a godsend over the last 3 years but haven't managed to locate her. So if you are reading this Alison, let me know about your postings and I'll be of any help I can !!!!

Wishing Alison all the best.through her long journey. I was diagnosed in October with Bc 3 weeks after hubby got posted abroad to Thailand So here i was in a foreign country which has no real back up support system no friends facing one of the worst dilemas. i decided to stay and have mx here and it has been first class and now just had number 4 of 8 chemo.

I read up on the BCC forum and must admit is a godsend at times. I met another lady from Scotland who Lives in yangon and goes to bangkok for treatment and have become best buddies. Its amazing the way everyone rallies round each other and gives each other strength. One day at a time is my motto. Each day is different. But we will survive.

Best wishes to all going through the same.
My best friend died of inflammatory breast cancer three weeks ago. It was a long, painful journey and I'm still crying. I pray that Alison has a less aggressive form of the disease, and makes a full recovery. People have learned to think lumpectomy / radiotherapy / chemo --> cure. It doesn't always work that way.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend... My cancer is also inflammatory breast cancer... Do you know if your friend ever posted on the BCC forum? There are only a few of us with IBC on there as it is so rare and sometimes it is worrying when people "vanish" as you don't know if something has happened to them... Sending you lots of love at this tough time... xxx
Wow, what a shocker!

So sorry to hear it. I really hope that she reads this section and knows that everyone is behind her and wishes her a speedy full recovery.
Adding my very best wishes to Alison, there are huge improvements in treatments nowadays. I hope that she will soon be able to put it all behind her and move into Spring and Summer for a new start xxx:sun:
Hello everyone,

I do not know Alison, but we have a mutal friend and as I don't believe that Alison reads this forum,
I have copied your messages and with your permissions, I will have them forwarded onto her as I am sure they will bring her a lot of comfort knowing so many people are thinking of her.

My love and prayers to all touched by this terrible disease.

Hello everyone,

I do not know Alison, but we have a mutal friend and as I don't believe that Alison reads this forum,
I have copied your messages and with your permissions, I will have them forwarded onto her as I am sure they will bring her a lot of comfort knowing so many people are thinking of her.

My love and prayers to all touched by this terrible disease.


Yes, I think that is a lovely idea certainly have my permission.
Thank you Dottie. I'll be Emailing them off later today.

If anyone would rather not have their message included can you please PM me, easier that way.

Tolly - What a lovely,caring thing for you to do on our behalfXX I'm sure i speak for everyone when i say please send the messages to Ali K with all our best wishes for her speedy recovery. Hope she'll be back on our screens very soon. Please Ali look after yourself,we are all behind you and sending you positive thoughts x Its also important and as other forumites have said best wishes and positive thoughts are sent to all women and men dealing with cancer at the momentXX Linda
Please add my prayers and good wishes to Alison. Tolly. I hope everyone's good wishes, heart felt prayers and love help speed her recovery and give her strength to fight.

Just to let you all know that I have now sent the Email.
Thanks everyone. I am sure Alison will appreciate your support and good wishes.

I'm sure I speak for lots of us when I say thank you to all of those who have sent good wishes people like me having treatment for cancer. It is appreciated and I know it's not always easy to find the right things to say to people with such an illness but I for one know that these wishes are genuinely meant and not just platitudes.

I try to remain positive and hopeful although it can be difficult at times, especially when you hear news of a friend's passing or another diagnosis, or you have moments of fright when you think it's got worse or come back.

Good luck to everyone fighting the disease.
I haven't been on here for a while and was shocked to read this. I would like to add my best wishes & hugs to Alison for a very speedy recovery xx

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