blog repliers and telephone callers


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Apr 27, 2009
Why do I feel a rush of nausea when I read some of the replies to presenters' blogs ?

Talk about creepy creep. If they're not doing the sweet ego pandering thing, then they are regaling us and the presenter with a whole list of health problems they are suffering with !!!!! WHY ???? Its the same with the dreaded telephone caller - if they cant string more than 2 words together, then nine times out of ten we get their A & E problems (a.....e & earhole) . I don't inflict my medical issues onto others, so I get a bit irate when I have to listen to others, particularly strangers, rant on about theirs. (if you don't believe me, check out the latest reply to JR's blog about her book !!!!!)
A-lot of people who watch QVC watch it for the company. They feel like they have a close bond with the presenters watching them on tv everyday it's almost as if they become their family:giggle:
I live on my own, and I have the tele on for "company" (mainly the news channel) as I don't like a silent environment, but its a sad indictment of the society we live in when people on the box become our family !
Why do I feel a rush of nausea when I read some of the replies to presenters' blogs ?

Talk about creepy creep. If they're not doing the sweet ego pandering thing, then they are regaling us and the presenter with a whole list of health problems they are suffering with !!!!! WHY ???? Its the same with the dreaded telephone caller - if they cant string more than 2 words together, then nine times out of ten we get their A & E problems (a.....e & earhole) . I don't inflict my medical issues onto others, so I get a bit irate when I have to listen to others, particularly strangers, rant on about theirs. (if you don't believe me, check out the latest reply to JR's blog about her book !!!!!)

As has been suggested in other posts, your remote control will surely have an on/off button.:down:
I used to call the T callers the creeping dead.:giggle:

Oh god imagine them all shambling around outside the local shopping centre, heads cocked mumbing about their own particular favourite Q product. Walking Dead eat your heart out

Oh god imagine them all shambling around outside the local shopping centre, heads cocked mumbing about their own particular favourite Q product. Walking Dead eat your heart out

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yorko you have just designed next season's butler & wilson brooch.

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When I ordered my snow gripper things a few years ago they asked me if I wanted to speak to the presenter in the studio, my reply was" ****** hell, no thanks" the person on the phone laughed at my reaction. I think I was just very shocked to be asked
Ive mentioned this once on here but I once decided to call in on a Gatineu TSV launch to ask Andrew why the throat gel had brought me out in hives but was too pissed to get the phone number right, probably just as well
Wasn't there one T-caller who phoned to say how well those magic knickers worked with her catheter? Sorry but that's too much information.
In the early days they used to get three regular callers, they seemed to like and buy almost everything. I won't post their names on here just in case I upset anyone here, but the same three were always phoning in. After a while they were never heard of again, seems that the people selecting the studio callers were instructed to put a stop to them getting through.
As has been suggested in other posts, your remote control will surely have an on/off button.:down:

Ah yes, but sometimes it's too late - the damage has been done.
I just popped in the other night during my programme's advert break to see Antthony's TSV ....... Ooooohhhhhh!:eek:
As has been suggested in other posts, your remote control will surely have an on/off button.:down:

The on/off button or mute is.ok when its a presenter that annoys you and you can mute the show. Its not so easy when a t caller pops up unexpectedly or when the pesky tweets are read out every two mins.. I'd end up with repetitive strain injury.
There was a woman who kept ringing in a while ago, she was on quite regularly for a time, Phillipa I think she was called, and every presenter she spoke to was her favourite. She had a wardrobe full of on Kim n Co clothes I think. She spoke to one presenter and asked if they'd received her letters etc and if they'd had chance to reply...:smirk:

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