Chuntley the dim.


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I see from her latest tweets and blog that she has embraced veganisem with gusto. Protest marching, non leather shoes etc etc.

If this was genuine it would be applauded but I’ll bet it will be a different story when she next presents her beloved Lulu Guinness bags or the next meat pies show.
It's the same with Julia Roberts, she's a "vegetarian" apparently yet will stand next to Dennis Bastardo selling his clobber, so I think we can safely take from that that it's for health reasons and not ethical.
I see from her latest tweets and blog that she has embraced veganisem with gusto. Protest marching, non leather shoes etc etc.

If this was genuine it would be applauded but I’ll bet it will be a different story when she next presents her beloved Lulu Guinness bags or the next meat pies show.

Who? Catherine Huntley?
I see from her latest tweets and blog that she has embraced veganisem with gusto. Protest marching, non leather shoes etc etc.

If this was genuine it would be applauded but I’ll bet it will be a different story when she next presents her beloved Lulu Guinness bags or the next meat pies show.

Why can't she just be quiet & mind her own business? She really is a terrible show off.... & i really don't think she'll be avoiding 'Junes' makeup if its non vegan.....
For most vegans it's a lifestyle choice, it's not meant to be bragged about. I'm a vegetarian and would never force my views on anyone, the husband eats meat and that's his choice. Got to say though I tried going vegan a few years back and it's such hard work, that's probably why Chuntley is bragging about it, letting everyone know she's a vegan, it won't last though because only the committed stay vegan and if she felt that strongly about it, she'd have turned vegan decades ago. I couldn't do it so went back to vegetarianism, which I've been for thirty years. :mysmilie_3:
For most vegans it's a lifestyle choice, it's not meant to be bragged about. I'm a vegetarian and would never force my views on anyone, the husband eats meat and that's his choice. Got to say though I tried going vegan a few years back and it's such hard work, that's probably why Chuntley is bragging about it, letting everyone know she's a vegan, it won't last though because only the committed stay vegan and if she felt that strongly about it, she'd have turned vegan decades ago. I couldn't do it so went back to vegetarianism, which I've been for thirty years. :mysmilie_3:

It's not meant to be bragged about.<<
>>Chunts probably brags when she farts/plops/burps/sneezes (delete as applicable):mysmilie_11:
I think CH is in search of the holy grail diet: the one where you can stick to it for the rest of your life and keep the weight off. No question she has difficulty maintaining weight loss. In that respect, I can really identify with her. Shopperholic, you are so right about the difficulties of a vegan diet. I think the fact that to do it properly you have to eliminate anything from an animal source both in the everyday objects you use, but also in food and drink preparation means you have to do your research thoroughly. No quick snacks on the high street, as these are unlikely to be truly vegan.

I noticed Debbie seems to have relaxed her macrobiotic regime as she was on a good show a week or so back scoffing a meat pie.

I cannot help feel that if any QVC presenter is changing their diet, they would be well advised to shut up and get on with it. Far too often it is a vehicle for ego-stroking and feeding into a vain, attention-seeking pattern. Too often they get hijacked by QVC as another sales ploy.
Anne Dawson has lost a tremendous amount of weight ove4 a period but I don’t recall hearing how she achieved it.

When she did it previously she was part of the gang who went to Carla’s Zumba classes but later put some of it on again.
Some years back when each New Year New You started, they brought out a diet plan and forced one of the female presenters to go on it. Some did stick a few months, but one year it was Anne she managed a few weeks and no doubt decided it was a load of rubbish. It was announced she was going on the (whatever diet plan), then a few weeks later just dropped no more comments made. So, Anne, no doubt found what worked for her and just did it her way.
AD obviously didn't use one of Debbie Flints numerous editions of "When The Fat Lady Slims" diet books, because AD diet regime actually worked. :mysmilie_17:
Diet Chef is awful. I wasted so much money on it pretending I liked it and then blam, all in the bin. Waste of money. Stop eating tons of crisps and drinking tons of wine and you'll lose weight. I did.

I have a friend who's gone vegan and the halo stroking has got too much but the leather coat is still in her wardrobe because I've seen it. So there LOL.


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