Faulty Travelon bag


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Registered Shopper
Feb 21, 2011
Plymouth, Devon
Firstly, here is a link to the item - - -


I bought this on 8th August last year, so it is 10 months old.

It is a SECURITY bag, reinforced with metal mesh and with metal wires inside the strap to prevent it being cut off.

It has a buckle on the strap to adjust the length of it. The buckle looks like metal, but turns out to be rather flimsy plastic, as it broke when my partner was wearing the bag, causing the bag to fall off as the strap was no longer attached to the bag. So much for "security"!!!

I've just rung CS to try and get a replacement. They said they can't access any orders after 1700 on a Friday, and not until Monday!

However, they also said it was out of its 6 month guarantee.

I would have though an item like this would have a year's guarantee, and in any case, IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BROKEN IN THIS WAY. What is the point of all the other security features if the strap falls off if a flimsy plactic buckle breaks? It should have been metal.

Obviously I will ring again on Monday, but in the meantime, any comments or suggestions if they stick to the 6-month rule?
I would quote the sale of goods act, which states that goods must be fit for purpose, or words along those lines. it should certainly last longer than 6 months. i don't think you will have a problem-ask for a supervisor and don't give in.

BTW I made a mistake in my arithmetic, it is only 9 months old, not 10, and this is from my ORDER, not when I actually received it.

I received it on 18th August, and it probably wasn't used until about 2 weeks later (it takes that long to transfer everything from a woman's handbag into another one lol)
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I thought most items were guaranteed for 12 months by the manufacturer? Have you tried Travelon direct to see if they can help?
dont waste your time messing about with QVC, you'll just have a load of argument and stress.

you may need to get Q to send you an order list as proof of purchase if you dont have the original reciept but when youve got that deal with the organ grinder www.travelonbags.co.uk which says

What is Travelon's warranty policy?

One Year Limited Warranty
We warrant your product to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for one year from date of purchase.

In the unlikely event that you experience a defect in materials or workmanship, we will repair or replace the product (at our option). Please e-mail or call customer service at (847) 621-7000. They will provide you with instructions for the product’s return. You will be asked to send dated proof of purchase and a check with the product to cover shipping and handling.

If a defective product cannot be repaired and there is not an exact replacement available, we will make every effort to replace the product with a similar product. If there is not a similar product, we will replace it with something of a comparable retail value.

This warranty is designed to protect you against defects in materials and workmanship only. Please be aware that defects are most likely to be discovered during the first year of use. Like any product, your Travelon product will wear over time with normal use. This warranty does not cover damage resulting from wear and tear, misuse, abuse, or damage caused by common carriers. If you return an item due to these reasons, Travelon will reserve the right to return it to you.

Travelon does not make any implied warranties of merchantability or use for a specific purpose nor does the limited warranty apply to incidental or consequential damages. Some states do not allow limitations on incidental or consequential damages nor the extent of an implied warranty, so the foregoing may not apply to you.
I rang CS today, spoke to someone else, and there was no problem at all.

He will send me a return label, I can choose to have a refund or a replacement.

I want a replacement, but unfotunately the black one I want is on waitlist, but I am not in a rush as I actually bought 2 when it was a TSV, so now the 2nd one will be brought into use while we wait.

BTW I think the buckle is metal, not plastic as I originally thought, but nevertheless the centre bar just snapped completely off, resulting in the handle coming completely off at one end, so the bag fell off my partner's shoulder. Like most women's handbags, it weighed about 1/2 ton, so she noticed this when her shoulder suddenly rose 6 inches.
This is Stratobuddy's partner elbowing into this forum behind his back, just to say it (the bag) does NOT weight half a ton, more like only about 1 cwt - he can be SO rude sometimes!!!!!
Oirish. I've lived in Northern Ireland for years now and talk to lots of NI and Irish people daily and I still end up seeing people on telly and thinking they're either from Bristol or the US when they're actually from Eire. I don't know what it is, I'm usually quite good with accents. Most of the time it's the Dublin accent that catches me out.

I still haven't received the return label, so I rang them again today.

Once again, because it is the weekend, they can't access my account!!!!!

What a ridiculous restriction for a major shopping channel, as being a weekend, people are more likely to ring CS, and they can't access your account.

So once again I have to wait until Monday to chase up the return label. That will be 11 days since I first rang them to request this.
This is now becoming a saga!

They promised to send the label last Monday, 8 days ago, and it still hasn't arrived.

I rang again today and was told that they can't retrieve my order details from the archive "due to weekend maintenance of their system". Also the excuse of the item being over 6 months old and out of guarantee was raised again.

I asked him to send another return label, but he said he couldn't do this until he could retrieve my order. He said they could normally do this after the weekend, but for some reason they could still not access my account even though it was now Tuesday.

He said he would try again later, and I said I would ring every day to chase it up.
I agree it's a complete joke but I did notice when I logged into my account just now (your post reminded me that I emailed CS about an incomplete order a week ago and didn't get a response) and there is a message at the top saying because of a system update not all of my order history might be available. So at least CS wasn't lying.
I finally got the return label yesterday, but too late to return the bag that day (local PO closes at 1pm).

I've now packed it up ready to return, with a covering letter. However, the black is now sold out (I think it was on waitlist 2 weeks ago when all this started). They now only have bronze, grey, plum and red left.

My partner is away on a painting holiday in deepest Cornwall with no internet, so can't look at these colours. So I am unsure whether to send it back for one of these colours, or keep the black one and try to get it repaired. She doesn't want a refund as she likes the bag, and it was a good buy at the TSV price.
I'd wait for her to get back, there's no real rush to return it.

If you include a letter with the bag there's a strong chance it'll get overlooked when the bag is received by the returns dept. and they'll just process it as refund automatically.

I'd ring CS and ask them to put the black option on waitlist if you can, at the original TSV price as a replacement for the faulty one; once you've got that order number you can still ring at a later date and change to a colour that is in stock. In my experience you have to emphasise that you want them to honour the lower price for a future order. Sometimes they can advise you whether an item will be restocked, sometimes a TSV is a one-off and they don't get additional stock of it once it's sold out; at least then you'll know whether there's any point holding out for a black one or whether to settle for another colour.

Jude xx
The saga continues.

As I said in my last post, they only had bronze, grey, plum and red left. These were all AVAILABLE. Black was SOLD OUT.

My partner rather reluctantly said she would have a red one, so we posted the faulty black one back to QVC, and today I rang to reserve a red one.

Red is still available, but what is very confusing is that grey and plum are now on WAITLIST, bronze is SOLD OUT, but BLACK IS ON WAITLIST!

I can hardly believe that, after 9 months of being in stock, grey, plum and bronze have disappeared in the last 3 days, but black is no longer sold out.

If black was actually in stock, I would suspect that it was a return, in which case I wouldn't want it anyway. But I can't understand how it could go back onto waitlist, especially as the operator told me that there is no information that it will ever come back into stock.

Therefore, I've reluctantly reserved a red one, while waiting for the returned one to be received by QVC.
I've just had an email to confirm that they have reserved a red bag for me.

However, despite what I think was a clear explanation I gave to CS, and all the info they have on the screen about this, it is shown as a NEW order, with a new order number, and at the current price.

So yet more explanation I will have to do when I see that they have received the faulty bag!

I've just checked "my account", it is shown as a new order and "in process", so I hope they don't just send it and take the money from my account.
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It's 7 days since I posted it back, but there is still no record of it being received.

I rang CS, they said I have to wait up to 14 days for it to "go through their system".

I have been unable to check it myself from "my account" as the system constantly seems to be "being updated" and I can only access my last few orders.
The bag has finally arrived back at QVC, but according to "my account" it was shown as
"partial exchange". I rang CS to see what that meant, and got a garbled story something like
I'd only paid 1/2 postage for it (as I'd bought two) and it was now dearer (as mine was a TSV).
It seemed that they were going to take money from my credit card before sending me the new one.

CS said they have now sorted this out for me, and will send the new bag without charge,
but I may not get it until 6th June.

BTW every time I look at the item, the stocks are different for the various colours eg sold out one day,
on waitlist another day, and in stock another day.

My partner will accept a red one, although she would prefer a black one, but this colour is either
on waitlist or sold out.

It's a much deeper and richer red than shown on-line, quite nice in fact.

It's been a month since it broke.
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