For a bit of fun: Who do u think is the best looking guest?


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Mar 18, 2010
For me it has to be Holly Bell who demonstrates the Kitchenaid, she seems a very sweet and pleasant girl, with no hairs and graces, i always thought the last kitchenaid guest, was very up herself, and didnt communicate very much.

I have no plan of buying a kitchenaid, but watched every show today to see holly
The new Thompson and Morgan guest Micheal i think his name is :blush:
Oh my sort of topic. There are so many and I cant think. I like the new Ojon, Emillio is it? Marie-Francois from Kipling is beautiful, and a nice person too! I kind of getting to like Matt Trim. I like Lee who does the tvs, Jeanetta from Veronnese. No doubt more will come to me, as others come up with some names. I liked the chap with the beard who did Philosophy, the one with the great voice, Robyn from Philosophy was nice too, again lovely with it. The man who does the Eve Lom stuff. and my favourite giggleing Antthony, Michele Hope is beautiful, would love to take her for a lovely posh meal, love her voice too.
TBH there's not enough eye candy on QVC for us women. Loads of beautiful guest presenters, but the men leave a lot
to be desired. So i'll pass, can;t think of one, which is bad :wonder:
Marie-Francoise is a stunner and there was a technology guy on ages ago, not seen him since with dark hair, stubble and a pony tail, yum!

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TBH there's not enough eye candy on QVC for us women. Loads of beautiful guest presenters, but the men leave a lot
to be desired. So i'll pass, can;t think of one, which is bad :wonder:

No not one these days. Another vote for Dennis Ojon from me for former guests. :wink2:
Has to be!

TBH there's not enough eye candy on QVC for us women. Loads of beautiful guest presenters, but the men leave a lot
to be desired. So i'll pass, can;t think of one, which is bad :wonder:

every new presnter is female unfortunately.

as for guests, bring back Timber! no contest.

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