I suppose they do.......................


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Registered Shopper
Apr 27, 2009
I was going to ask if anyone ACTUALLY bought those Churchill tins of biscuits as seen on Festive Food yesterday. But then, I suppose they do or they wouldn't be presented.

I realise there are the housebound that would be the potential buyers, but really, does anyone else fork out for these ? when you can get then in any smart garden centre or gifty shops for a lot less and a better selection of design

Also £20 plus p & p for a few bags of popcorn ? are we all made of money ??? I mean, honestly.l
God knows.

I often think I'm QVCs ideal customer. I'm female, in my 50s, time poor (so don't get to the high street often), not a massive internet shopper (doesn't really appeal to me) and have a reasonable disposable income. But even I wouldn't pay £20 for a packet of biscuits lol.
I was going to ask if anyone ACTUALLY bought those Churchill tins of biscuits as seen on Festive Food yesterday. But then, I suppose they do or they wouldn't be presented.

I realise there are the housebound that would be the potential buyers, but really, does anyone else fork out for these ? when you can get then in any smart garden centre or gifty shops for a lot less and a better selection of design

Also £20 plus p & p for a few bags of popcorn ? are we all made of money ??? I mean, honestly.l

I'm hoping even the housebound can use the Internet and get their popcorn and bickies delivered from a supermarket or Amazon, but you're right, the housebound that can't use the Internet are stuck and can only order by phone from QVC, that's were QVC corner the market are can name their price, ripping customers off and boosting their profits at the same time.
Im constantly surprised about some of the crap Q sells that sells out !!

I mean the awful fashion , the tacky gifts and the over priced skin care , i guess there are viewers out there with a lot of money to burn.
Mind you, I often wonder about the quantities involved in the sellout items. 5? 50? We're never told.
Im constantly surprised about some of the crap Q sells that sells out !!

I mean the awful fashion , the tacky gifts and the over priced skin care , i guess there are viewers out there with a lot of money to burn.

Absolutely, all the same people who are mentioned on air, saying they bought this, bought that, have this in almost every colour and going to try this etc!! OMG, there house must be like a jumble sale :mysmilie_12:
Mind you, I often wonder about the quantities involved in the sellout items. 5? 50? We're never told.

Occasionally you get a sense that the numbers are very small.

I think the reason the bargain hunters usually sell out quickly is because they are in much smaller numbers.
Absolutely, all the same people who are mentioned on air, saying they bought this, bought that, have this in almost every colour and going to try this etc!! OMG, there house must be like a jumble sale :mysmilie_12:

I just wonder how they can afford to buy so much. People on the QVC Facebook page mention buying several items in a week which must cost a fortune.
Glittergirl, quite frankly I don't believe all of these so-called buyers even exist. I think it's quite possible they have a stock list of names - "Jill from Birmingham's bought 2" - and so on - and they just pick and mix as required. I wouldn't trust their antics as far as I could throw a presenter. Another favourite is "people are multi-buying". So what? Let them multi-buy, is my response to this. And, as someone else has said on here, how do we know for certain how much stock they have? Funny that the "sell-outs" often re-appear very quickly (especially on IW). OK, on Gems they sometimes show you a monitor screen with a list of buyers' names and locations on it while an auction's going on, but even so my cynical old instincts tell me not to believe everything I see or hear, especially on Q or IW. Talk about Pinochio's nose syndrome, these people are up to every trick in the book to make you panic and think you're missing out on the bargain of the year.

Absolutely, all the same people who are mentioned on air, saying they bought this, bought that, have this in almost every colour and going to try this etc!! OMG, there house must be like a jumble sale :mysmilie_12:
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My reaction to "some people are multi-buying" is "appearing soon on eBay" (or in some cases - "already listed on eBay").

Basically, they want to rush you, or panic you, into impulse buying.

One reason why shops love sales (not the QVC type of sale - one with real reductions). People seem to go into a frenzy if they see lots of others rummaging in a certain area. You only have to look at the ridiculous scenes with the black friday sales. People stop thinking "do I need this?" and start thinking "it must be good if xxxx number of people are getting it", "I don't want to miss out", "look at the REDUCTION". No doubt a lot of it, when they get it home - they think "what on earth got into me?"
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