I wonder which acting school the presenters go to


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Susie Wusie

Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Yesterday afternoon they had a 14 ct gold 20" chain for sale, they sold 4 when suddenly one of them said OMG it's 14 ct not 9 ct , the price we've got is for 9ct, can we stop the sale? They then quoted the most ridiculous price for 14 ct per gram, they said w will allow the 4 we 've sold but we will stop the remainder for sale and put it through at the right price . They were both having a meltdown and then he said no OK will carry on at this price, even so it didn't sell out but the price they were quoting for 14 ct gold per gram was absolutely ridiculous and the look of horror on their faces and the acting skills were really bad so I think they all need to be retrained on how to act. They must think we are all stupid and believe the rubnish they spout out
There are courses for folks that want to be presenters, i saw somewhere Carys Speake on Ideal World mentioning she had done a course with these folks, https://presenteracademy.com/about/, although i'm pretty sure they (Presenters Academy) wouldn't advocate the deceitful behaviour presenters and guests on some shopping TV channels exhibits, that comes from the management/folks running the shows.

Yesterday afternoon they had a 14 ct gold 20" chain for sale, they sold 4 when suddenly one of them said OMG it's 14 ct not 9 ct , the price we've got is for 9ct, can we stop the sale? They then quoted the most ridiculous price for 14 ct per gram, they said w will allow the 4 we 've sold but we will stop the remainder for sale and put it through at the right price . They were both having a meltdown and then he said no OK will carry on at this price, even so it didn't sell out but the price they were quoting for 14 ct gold per gram was absolutely ridiculous and the look of horror on their faces and the acting skills were really bad so I think they all need to be retrained on how to act. They must think we are all stupid and believe the rubnish they spout out

Actually many viewers must also take the blame for this situation, instead of falling for such tactics and not buying, for some strange reason they allow themselves to be treated like mugs and be conned by a bunch of shysters, continue buying and then send in emails and revues idolising and stating how funny, entertaining and great these presenters are, they're our on screen friends.
Laugh is, if those same viewers came across a sales person in a shop exhibiting similar behaviour to the likes of Mason, Petr Simon et al, they'd tell them to FO, but being on screen seems to give these presenters a sort of celebrity status with many viewers and allows them to get away with their awful deceitful behaviour.

Oh and what makes matters worse and allows the channels to continue with these sales tactics, is that both ASA and OFCOM have been negligent in keeping these shopping channels compliant with the various codes they are suppossed to abide by.
The likes of TJC operate on the same model: they will tell you that the way they operate guarantees you the very best prices. So all's well, yes?

Nope. Despite shouting about deliberately going cheaper than everywhere else due to their massive buying power and going straight to source or whatever, presenters on both channels come out with a whole slew of tricks to get viewers spending their cash.

There's the shocked "This is far too low! I am seriously angered by this price!" notably used by Mark Gould as he glares down the camera like Joan Crawford on bootleg steroids.

And there's the "I have argued for this very special price on this item, just for this show, because I want to do the best for my viewers". Memorably used on one occasion by Chloe Marshall when flogging a loungewear suit, only for Andy to sell it a few hours later at the very same price, but he said that was due to a lull on the phones 😁

The various on screen pricing "mistakes" that have occurred over the last five years or so should have bankrupted both companies by now, or at least have seen people lose their jobs. Yet the companies still lurch on, with (mostly) the same people still in place.

Personally, if a company has to lie or employ obvious subterfuges to try and get me to spend money with them, then I would think twice about trusting them. Especially with potentially expensive things like jewellery.

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