Judith Williams The Private WebChat On BTY


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What makes me laugh is the DF seems to think she's so important and powerful and whatever... she's a ****** presenter on a shopping channel! Not even a celebrity, just known to some people who happen to watch that channel. Big woop. I suppose you could call her a z list celebrity at most, wow... And irrespective of fame, is she doing anything amazing? Curing illnesses, campaigning for world peace, making great art... No, she's flogging tat and churning out smutty books that could probably be better written by an empty crisp packet. Don't we all feel the envy...
QVC won't do anything about DF, they never want to upset presenters it's them who come first, or they'd pull them into line about their incessant rudeness talking over guests etc, they also won't do anything because as much as people moan, they'll still shop with them and they know that. Me personally I find QVC too loud, fussy, pretentious, opulent and expensive for me, so I closed my QVC account over two years ago after being a customer for twenty years and I honestly haven't looked back, I buy what I want elsewhere cheaper often with free p&p and let's face it, the money saved is better in my pocket than theirs.
In a nutshell some of these facebook group leaders and their admin seriously need to get over themselves. It`s all about egos, self importance and the price of ****** facecream, makeup, clothes or candles. Hardly important stuff eh ?
Plus some of the women who post on those groups are pathetic too. It took hundreds of years and many women fighting tooth and nail for us to be taken seriously and seen as individuals in our own right and then I see grown women acting all pathetic, apologising for asking questions or posting things and kow towing and it makes my blood boil.
Yesterday one group leader told a woman not to moan cos she`d asked about something, the next thing she actually apologised for asking !
Come onnnnnnnnnnnnnn. They say social media is the way forward, well from what I`ve seen, its taking us backwards.
All those backside kissers on DF`s groups and other groups need to get a grip fgs.

Ok, some social media is/can be good for business. Worst side of this is overload and favouritism, that just pisses people off!!! I like to read reviews and see what's going on but it's not the be all and end all. :mysmilie_378:
QVC won't do anything about DF, they never want to upset presenters it's them who come first, or they'd pull them into line about their incessant rudeness talking over guests etc, they also won't do anything because as much as people moan, they'll still shop with them and they know that. Me personally I find QVC too loud, fussy, pretentious, opulent and expensive for me, so I closed my QVC account over two years ago after being a customer for twenty years and I honestly haven't looked back, I buy what I want elsewhere cheaper often with free p&p and let's face it, the money saved is better in my pocket than theirs.

Not even the endless book promotion seems to be frowned upon. Does amuse me though that when the pictures of the book signing, or whatever it was, was posted, it was the same old faces who seem to hero worship all the Q presenters. Can never understand why, they're only glorified shop assistants when all said and done.
Not even the endless book promotion seems to be frowned upon. Does amuse me though that when the pictures of the book signing, or whatever it was, was posted, it was the same old faces who seem to hero worship all the Q presenters. Can never understand why, they're only glorified shop assistants when all said and done.

Yep, that's what they are, part time shop assistants that's why you'll never see them on Celebirity Big Brother, even they frown on double minus Z listers and that's saying something. I bet the same four followers buy a couple of hundred books each, that would make sense. :mysmilie_17:
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I can't be the only one for whom all of this nonsense is a complete and utter turn-off.

Blatently self-promoting presenters, restricted social interaction for a minority, repetitive TSVs... to say nothing of the exit of nice guests to be replaced by "today I'm selling [insert name here]" mouthpieces, and the increasingly rude style of pretty much all of the presenters.
When I read these posts I know that most (I appreciate not all) of you are as fed up with Q products and presenters as I but then I hear that they have sold 8000 Dyson fans on Q and I then realise that we long standing customers and our opinions don't even feature on Q's radar.

Beauty seems to be what keeps most interested but as I don't have any interest in it I now hardly watch at all.
QVC should keep their fingers crossed that their customers don't discover Elizabeth Grant on IW, where as I'm keeping my fingers crossed that QVC don't poach Elizabeth Grant like they have other items, QVC France sell it, dearer than IW but that won't be a shock.
Elizabeth Grant turns up in TKMaxx. I tried it once nothing special, just like all the other brands out there.

There are different ranges, I use the collagen cleanser and it takes off every scrap of make-up and leaves my skin lovely and soft, no other cleanser has worked as good for me, after I've cleansed I put the Essance of Torricelumn on after and my skin has never been as good, I'm probably so pleased with it because for the price, I wasn't expecting the results to be as good. In the past I was a QVC beauty junkie, I'd bought expensive brands (well aren't they all on QVC) and got no results at all, but since discovering EG, I've had great results. But each to their own, everyone's skin and expectations are different but I'm just so glad I've stumbled on good skin care at great prices, but obviously we're all different and that's just my opinion.

Just adding the cleanser is two 200ml for £12.99
The Torricelumn is two 90ml for £24.99
Foot cream (camphor) two 100ml for £4.99

I'll I have to check out TKMaxx. :up:
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Have you seen what Debbie posted today?

"Omg what a fabulous week! And tomorrow i get to go see 'chnandler bong' in The End of Longing at The Playhouse in london. (Not in The Art of Living' as I've been telling people! Oops!) Lol. Just had some fab news today too - on three counts. More soon, cant say atm. #vExcited. Have a super weekend all! X

Ps note to self - and remember, 'so what, if you dont have a valentine on valentine's day. Some don't have a mother on mothers day or a father on fathers day. Get over yourself! LOL ' Now when's the next full moon to write a 'man list' hehe x

Ps dont miss my freebie romance ebook on amazon this weekend #rosesAreRed

Pps -anyone continually moaning about qvc guests doing professional marketing by holding webchats on groups i am in get over that too. They can chat where they like and there's not only one place they 'should' be. Do the hard work and make your own happen rather than keep moaning. Some seem to miss the point of it all. Ho hum. Nb facebook glitches DO lose join requests so keep trying rather than assume u r turned down. Pls pass this on as some wont see this as they are banned. Some are banned from groups. Some are banned from qpage who have their own list. It's what admins do. I get sent all kinds of screengrabs so do tell someone moaning to think back on nasty comments rather than declare innocence. :-0
Feel free to copy and share.

Ppps dads army is fab! Harmless fun n a lovely tribute. Hoping to see Trumbo with helen mirren soon!

Loving February!!
Ppppps what's the maximum amount of p's in ps's u can have?!! Lol."

Words fail me!'
All these facebook group leaders are the same. If they`re not spouting claptrap like DF does on her groups, other wannabe trying to act important people are threatening people with their pathetic " watch it guys, I`m not in the mood and I`m going to put my foot down etc etc " rubbish on other groups.
To quote DF " get over yourselves guys !"
Sheesh, give someone a computer or an ipad and suddenly they`re acting God either trying to flog stuff or posting about stuff.
How that woman gets away with talking to Qvc customers like that is beyond me. It's funny how the winners of all the "competitions" on FB are Bty members and admins on other group, one admin from a certain makeup range that appears on Q has won two competitions in the last month or so and appears at every Qvc event .... Funny that.
I'm amazed that someone who writes with such a poor command of punctuation can manage to pen a work of fiction. I doubt the Booker Prize nomination will be forthcoming.
Firstly I do hope someone screen shots this and sends it although part of me feels that she actually comes on here herself to read it.

Good grief the ego of the woman knows no bounds. She is obviously very, very unintelligent as she completely missed the point of the original post! I do feel she needs to get a life and if she was a truly happy and secure person she would not attack others and particularly the QVC customers that keep her in business so to speak.

The only reason I am up at this time of the morning is that I am facing homelessness - not my fault - dodgy landlord and lack of suitable housing etc etc so actually (if truth be told) I am glad that woman posted her comment on facebook as it has given me such a laugh at her ego!

So customer goes to QVC email or by phone. Yes, Debbie told us to do things ourselves. I want to organize some webchats on our little group or even your FB page with brand guests. Email never answered or phone hung up straight away.

She can only do them BECAUSE of the strange power she seems to weld at QVC. As for the but you need to try again to join the Witches of QVC Towers(DF and SH), some of us have standards and 100% not stupid to think you do block people from joining your group. Like back to the 50s boarding house windows, No Dogs, No Blacks and No Irish. Only the right sycophants are allowed in
Sometimes people are allowed in and quietly leave of their own accord. Why are we even discussing DF's post? That's exactly what she wanted. To get her finger-wagging threats "out there" to the "banned" members of shopping telly. We've been here before. For the record, I am not and never have been banned from the BTY group, but I chose to leave and I quietly chose to leave the other QVC make up brand group referred to above. The reasons were because I found the sychophantic tone of those groups "lets all follow the leader" absolutely nauseating. From memory, I dont think any of our regular posters on ST are banned either.
DF -stop using passive-aggressive means and cowardly methods to make your point. You got screen-grabs? Put them where everyone can see them. Put your money where your mouth is. You have something to say? Come on here and say it, have a proper debate. Unless Graham has banned you of course....

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