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Can't stand the sidekick in George Gently although he gets more likeable as the series goes in. I suppose most young men were like him then.

Did you happen to see White Heat - a BBC series shown roughly a year ago about a disparate group of students sharing a house in London in the 70s? That actor played a very different character and was the most likeable of them all. It was excellent - one of those dramas that the Beeb does best.
I love the Peter Robinson books too Dis, but for me Stephen Tomkinson just isn't Banks and that spoils it somewhat..you tend to "cast" them when you read them don't you!

I like George Gently (and sidekick!) and Vera..we've had some good detective series. I've started reading Tess Gerritsen now..bit gory but very good - then I discovered she's the creator of Rizzoli & Isles but I don't really like that series. And we've never ever got into Wycliffe!
I love the Peter Robinson books too Dis, but for me Stephen Tomkinson just isn't Banks and that spoils it somewhat..you tend to "cast" them when you read them don't you!

I like George Gently (and sidekick!) and Vera..we've had some good detective series. I've started reading Tess Gerritsen now..bit gory but very good - then I discovered she's the creator of Rizzoli & Isles but I don't really like that series. And we've never ever got into Wycliffe!

I didn't watch Stephen Tomlinson as Banks for that reason either - just not how I imagined. And as for Inspector Lynley! - it couldn't be clearer in the books that he is blond haired not dark and swarthy like Nathaniel Parker.

Ever read Deborah Crombie or Kate Ellis? - they are a good read too. They're all a bit formulaic if you read them as I do one after another each time I discover a new author (back catalogue from Amazon for 1p each) but excellent alternatives.
I didn't watch Stephen Tomlinson as Banks for that reason either - just not how I imagined. And as for Inspector Lynley! - it couldn't be clearer in the books that he is blond haired not dark and swarthy like Nathaniel Parker.

Ever read Deborah Crombie or Kate Ellis? - they are a good read too. They're all a bit formulaic if you read them as I do one after another each time I discover a new author (back catalogue from Amazon for 1p each) but excellent alternatives.

I've only read a few Inspector Lynley's - sometimes find Elizabeth George a bit heavy-going..and haven't watched many on tv either.

I've not long finished my first Deborah Crombie - "No Mark Upon Her" I think it was called, enjoyed it, so shall be looking for more of hers and Kate Ellis, well I've read all of those I think...Wes for me is definitely a young Sidney Poitier! It's unfortunate that we can read much faster than they can write isn't it! Ever tried a Carola Dunn? Detective stories set in the 20s/30s and featuring Daisy Dalrymple - have quite enjoyed those too!
Kate Ellis, well I've read all of those I think...Wes for me is definitely a young Sidney Poitier!

Absolutely! I've got the new one "The Shadow Collector" waiting for me..... Sounds like we've got similar taste in detective novels.

I developed a liking for Elizabeth George and other American novelists when we lived in the States - particularly Richard Russo and Carl Hiaasen.
Absolutely! I've got the new one "The Shadow Collector" waiting for me..... Sounds like we've got similar taste in detective novels.

I developed a liking for Elizabeth George and other American novelists when we lived in the States - particularly Richard Russo and Carl Hiaasen.

I've got The Blood Pit to tackle next - most of mine come from Oxfam and the like so not in any particular order! Haven't heard of the other two you mention here.

Have you tried John Harvey..the Resnick novels are good, and they did a series filmed here in Nottm as that's where they're set, so it was good spotting all the locations!

Quintin Jardine and Ian Rankin's Rebus series are also good reads if you've not tried them.
I've got The Blood Pit to tackle next - most of mine come from Oxfam and the like so not in any particular order! Haven't heard of the other two you mention here.

Have you tried John Harvey..the Resnick novels are good, and they did a series filmed here in Nottm as that's where they're set, so it was good spotting all the locations!

Quintin Jardine and Ian Rankin's Rebus series are also good reads if you've not tried them.

Thanks, never read any of those but will add them to my ever increasing list of "get round to". I swap books with a colleague so I've got them stacked up to the ceiling!

Other favourites in the detective genre: Ann Granger's Mitchell and Markby books - a bit old fashioned but quite quaint. Or Kate Atkinson's Edinburgh based detective - his name escapes me - anything but quaint! Her books were televised recently in a very odd way - they mixed all the novels up and I didn't know how you'd make sense of it if you hadn't read them first but OH disagreed!

Perhaps we should move to the books thread......
Rebus rules. So glad Ian Rankin brought him back. There are some good foreign detectives - try Colin Cotteril who is a South East Asian Alexander McCall smith with his coroner and Michele Giuttari's Michele Ferrara. Both excellent.
I did try an Alexander McCall Smith one time but not heard of the others. Anyone tried Elly Griffiths..? Hers are good too.
Foyles War!
There, I remembered. Been bugging me all day.
Like him too.

I am impressed that you can all remember the authors. I'm hopeless & it's worse now that I've got Kindle - can't look at the cover.
I have found that by pressing the back button on my kindle you do get the front page. Don't know why when you first open a new book it doesn't default to the front cover.
Foyles War!
There, I remembered. Been bugging me all day.
Like him too.

I am impressed that you can all remember the authors. I'm hopeless & it's worse now that I've got Kindle - can't look at the cover.

yes that was one of my list of repeats that we sit thru for lack of entertainment on the terrestrial channels...love it! Michael Kitchen was quite dishy when he was young, lovely curly hair, I always liked lads with curly hair!
Not as dishy as Trev......

Ah Yes - Eddie Shoestring as he was in another life, got my young heart going.

I think theses days I'm more Foyle than Boyd lol. All that shouting .....

Glad to read that Foyle is set for another series. Thank you Flying Pigs.

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