Lola Rose OTOs


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Jun 24, 2008
Lola Rose Baby Charm Necklace
One Time Only Price £21.48
QVC Price £26.00
Item Number 336740
Availability In stock
UK P&P £2.95
Adorn your neckline with this chic Lola Rose charm necklace. It comes in a choice of two pendant designs: a amazonite butterfly pendant (11mm x 16mm) or a sandstone heart pendant (12mm x 17mm). It features a silk cord which is meant to break after time - once it breaks the story is that the wish you made will come true. The necklace measures about 40cm (16") in length and fastens with a bolt ring clasp.
Well think i have seen it all now a necklace that is guaranteed to break and fall off you lol and yes shouting text above the tears of laughter
I've bought the bluestone one but in view of the comments about it will fall off the piece of string, I shall be putting it onto a chain once it arrives! Who wants to pay over £20 for something they are guaranteed to lose?
I love Lola Rose jewellery but I dont like the fact that the cord will
get dirty. I can just imagine make up and stale perfume sticking to
the cord. For the prices asked I would want something better and
stronger than bloomin' cord!
A caller came through this morning and said her necklace broke. It
broke because she wore it everyday and wore the cord down. Apparently
you can send it back to Lola Rose and get it fixed.
I have never understood these necklaces were they break and a wish comes true......why would anyone want to spend money on something that eventually break? Chances are the stone will be lost so what is the point?!

I have never understood these necklaces were they break and a wish comes true......why would anyone want to spend money on something that eventually break? Chances are the stone will be lost so what is the point?!

It's a sales gimmick to persuade the unwary to buy her overpriced goods. If you do lose the stone, I suppose she would expect you to buy another and, of course, be entitled to another wish! What a load of rubbish! I cannot believe anyone would fall for it, but apparently they do!

I have never understood these necklaces were they break and a wish comes true......why would anyone want to spend money on something that eventually break? Chances are the stone will be lost so what is the point?!

Im the same way, it seems ridiculous

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