Lulu on Radio 2


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Jul 8, 2008
If you missed it put on listen again on today's Steve Wright show from about 4.30
Lulu is on spouting all her beauty advice, inc the fact that she's had Botox etc.
I heard it!! Did you get the impression that she was blagging big time? She didn't give any proper anwers, and contradicted herself quite a few times. She knows nothing about skincare, like she claims to have studied, she just has clever marketing people. Sorry, but these people wind me up. Shut up and grow old gracefully - YOU ARE NOT 16 ANYMORE!! :cheeky:

PS she came over as really brazen too, no attempt to make herself sound lovely and charming and knowledgable - just sounded like someone who didn't have a clue talk really loudly to give the impression she did!! :hi:
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I heard it!! Did you get the impression that she was blagging big time? She didn't give any proper anwers, and contradicted herself quite a few times. She knows nothing about skincare, like she claims to have studied, she just has clever marketing people. Sorry, but these people wind me up. Shut up and grow old gracefully - YOU ARE NOT 16 ANYMORE!! :cheeky:

PS she came over as really brazen too, no attempt to make herself sound lovely and charming and knowledgable - just sounded like someone who didn't have a clue talk really loudly to give the impression she did!! :hi:

She was the same on This Morning with Ruth and Eammonn last week - came over as someone (in the words of the Henry's Cat theme tune) 'who knows everything about nothing, and not too much about that...' :wink: and she looked ropey when she was on with Debbie Flint this aft, really knackered and her eyes were looking really baggy and guess is she'll be off for another dose of Bertie Botox before long:sun:
There is something really unattractive about Lulu, she stirkes me as shallow, vain, mercenery, she needs to remember that you cannot have botox for your soul. I can't stand the insiduous message that it is a crime for women to age, and that slapping Lulu's products on your face will be a "get of jail free" card when it obvious that she has had fillers etc.
When Lulu was talking about some hair products she was saying that she 'worked with the very best chemists - the same ones that work for John Freida'. So is her hair stuff just another range in the JF hair care line, but just with another name?
Also had to smile when she was raving on about some of her face oil, saying that having youthful looking skin comes from that bloom, glow and colour that young skin has, you can't get from slapping on greasy creams or having 'your skin pulled back tightly over your skull so that your face doesn't move' - laugh I nearly fell off my chair! Still if you've got 'good genes' like wot she has, then you wouldn't need any work or potions would you?
I heard it!! Did you get the impression that she was blagging big time? She didn't give any proper anwers, and contradicted herself quite a few times. She knows nothing about skincare, like she claims to have studied, she just has clever marketing people. Sorry, but these people wind me up. Shut up and grow old gracefully - YOU ARE NOT 16 ANYMORE!! :cheeky:

PS she came over as really brazen too, no attempt to make herself sound lovely and charming and knowledgable - just sounded like someone who didn't have a clue talk really loudly to give the impression she did!! :hi:

I certainly did think she was blagging-shamelessly!!

I heard her yesterday, laughed about the tight skin and face not moving any more !!!!

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