Packaging/delivery woes


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Apr 5, 2013
Yet again I have fallen foul to expensive items being damaged by lack of appropriate packaging. I ordered the Lulu Guinness Amelia TSV in black and raspberry (at the time) and the raspberry arrived with a big scratch on the front. Recently, I ordered two Eva's. The stone had black marks on the frame where it looked like the leather had worn away. Actually, the more I think about it I think this has less to do with packaging and more to do with poor quality. The red arrived with a scratch on the front and the same trouble on the frame.

I have bought many bags direct from LG and they come beautifully packaged, in a box. In fact, previous LG bags from Q always used to come in a box. Why have they resorted to flimsy bags now? They fully acknowledge the value of the items as they wouldn't send a returns label due to the high value, instead arranging a collection. There are many, many comments about bad packaging and damaged bags on the reviews - why won't they listen?

I also recently ordered a few items with Debenhams. I ordered at 10.30 on a Saturday night. I had an email first thing Sunday morning to say that one of my items had already been despatched. From then until Monday night I had regular updates on the status and eventually an email saying everything had been sent out, arriving Wednesday morning. Free postage too.

I seriously cannot get my head around a) why Q don't give a toss about their packaging (they are guilty of over-packaging too, shame they can't do this with £300+ bags!) b) can't get their items out within 24 hours like MOST (even small) companies do as a matter of course these days and c) charge so much for their inadequate delivery!!

I asked for a replacement red Eva and was told they can take 14 days to arrange this. WHY?!!! What imbeciles do they have working for them or archaic computer systems that cause this unacceptable service?!

I don't know why I bother, I really don't. Hubby has ordered me the raspberry Amelia as my xmas present as I loved it so much and was so disappointed. This is their absolute last chance! If it was available on LG site I would be straight there. I am even considering closing my account so I can't be tempted.....

Anyone else feel totally disillusioned with them these days?
I'm sorry you've had so many problems. I ordered something yesterday which is my first order for eight months. Used to buy from Q all the time but became very disillusioned with the new hard-sell presentation and general change in operational techniques. Combined with seeing people saying they were laying off staff etc. I lost confidence in them. Yesterday's purchase is still "in process" - disappointing in itself when Amazon etc. would have despatched it by now. Will reserve full judgement until I see how long it takes, how it's packaged etc.
Couldn't agree more. I've been waiting over a week now for items I've purchased. I've paid premium rate P&P too with QVC, the sort where you'd expect 24 or 48 hour service. As I can't shop normally due to poor health, I rely a lot now on internet shopping and find that ebay sellers and every other online company I shop with, without exception, are cheaper and faster than QVC and most offer free P&P and free returns in a lot of cases. Many are now offering the £1.49 Collect+ service, which even Ideal World manage now. But it's not only the ordering - EVERYTHING is slow with QVC. If they send you a letter, it takes over a week; refunds take almost a week to process; collections can take 5 days - no one else is as bad as that! How long are they going to be able to get away with it before they're forced to change due to falling sales? I have no confidence in them anymore and rarely buy now. Debenhams offer a better service, in every way, and their products arrive in nice, full, retail packaging, which is great if you want to give it as a gift. QVC keep on about buying for gifting but how can you do that when the item arrives without a retail box, wrapped in a bit of plastic bag and thrown in a box, which usually arrives crushed?
I rarely buy from them now.I just cant be doing with them unless something is an absolute bargain or I really really want something and cant get it elsewhere.And even on those 2 reasons,I still then have to be 200% sure I want it and wont send it back as I just cant be doing with them.
I would be disgusted if a £300 handbag was delivered in a flimsy plastic postal bag, completely unacceptable.
Ellaaa, I ordered a Morphy Richards garment steamer recently from QVC and it arrived after a week by Hermes delivery, but without any packaging whatsoever, just a see through plastic delivery address label stuck on the box with pictures of the steamer all over it. Even the Hermes driver was astounded at the stupidity of it. Good job he was honest wasn't it ? I'm getting more fed up with Q's deliveries of late and always look elsewhere before I place an order.
I find Q so very inconsistent with their packaging and delivery times, with me they seem to be very good or terrible, i have had problems with Debenhams as well, and swore after my last experience with them I would never order anything online from them, they took an age to get one item for me and managed to lose the second item, their staff weren't that helpful either, and this was meant to be their click and collect service!
As Q have a LG Tsv coming up in December, I hope I don't like it as I don't fancy ordering it for it only to arrive scratched! :sad:
Ellaaa, I ordered a Morphy Richards garment steamer recently from QVC and it arrived after a week by Hermes delivery, but without any packaging whatsoever, just a see through plastic delivery address label stuck on the box with pictures of the steamer all over it. Even the Hermes driver was astounded at the stupidity of it. Good job he was honest wasn't it ? I'm getting more fed up with Q's deliveries of late and always look elsewhere before I place an order.

Gosh that's awful! What if it was a present for someone! I would complain about that.
I recently ordered the T and S TSV dress. It arrived screwed up in a small plastic bag, shoved inside the blue QVC. plastic bag. In total the whole lot cost 75 pounds. The quality was aweful so I sent it back, cost me 2-60p in postage. When I received my refund it was for 59 pounds. I assume the extra was for the p&p - over 10 quid for x2 plastic bags??? I don't think I'll be ordering again. They will say it's cos they use Hermes to deliver, well so does my catalogue and they only charge 2 - 4 pound max AND the stuff comes next day plus they collect any returns FOC. Have become very disallustioned withQ recently. TSV's are not vfm and it's just all hard sell of cheap mass produced tat. Said T and S dress was manufactored in China same as Emu boots. I wish this was made clear in the presentations. Sorry, rant over:)
I fully sympathise with all of the above. I'm sure Lulu Guinness herself would be interested to learn how her luxury bags are being packaged and sent. I'd take a photo of any inadequately packaged premium brand parcel as and when received and send it to her or to any other premium brand that sells through a third party in all good faith. They also have a reputation to uphold.
There was a time when they sent out a small items of make up in large cardboard boxes, with the contents wrapped in bubble wrap. Completely OTT!! Now it seems, from the first post, that they've decided to be more conscious of the size of the packaging and have opted to send expensive items in plastic bags. Wunderbar ............ not!!

Isn't it about time the left hand knew what the right had was doing and they got it right? Expensive items/fragile items in suitable packaging .............. smaller items like make up in jiffy bags or the correctly sized boxes? Or is that too much to hope for?
I have always found QVC to be hit and miss with packaging, either over packed or under packed.
I have always found QVC to be hit and miss with packaging, either over packed or under packed.

I think I agree regarding overpacking although on the up side I have never received any damaged items. I always receive my goods on time too (but sometimes JUST on time!) except once. Many years ago a ring seemingly never arrived at all and to their credit they sent a replacement without too much fuss and then about a month later the original package arrived!
Oh and to top it all......I ordered a ring that never arrived, called, they sent out a disclaimer letter (arrived today). I happen to check my account and it is showing as returned!!! Ring now sold out in my size. Last straw for me I'm afraid, totally shocking!

I wait with baited breath for my latest LG bag. It WILL be the last purchase I make with them.

I complained to LG last time as the raspberry had gone onto waitlist and they couldn't send me a replacement. They just said that I had to take it up with QVC. Personally, if my items were being sent out in substandard packaging and getting damaged I would tear QVC to shreds! Maybe she just gets paid, regardless of how many returns there are. But then there is still her reputation to think about.

Anyho, another customer bites the dust!