Prize for overpricing


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Silver Fox

Registered Shopper
Mar 14, 2010
Just sat through the Michelle Hope hour, don't know why as it is so not my taste, but that is not the point. These garments ( & there have been quite a few posts re overpriced items) must surely be a runner for the Oscar?
waxing lyrical about a few cheap sequins / 'quality gem trims' Kaftans that are too short with cheap edge finishes-----& Debbie no-one could claim that a bit of tape stitched into a shoulder seam is an unusual attention to detail!

With these prices you would at least think MH could afford a trip to a decent hairdresser or is the 'straw look' on trend? Think Debbie has gone a bit into overdrive on the tinting too.

I am sure most of you are much to savvy to be taken in by this!!!

& one last point can Sharron of the glitter decollete stop mincing about?

Bye! SF
I've said it before Michele should have written a book called 'How To Charge Like Wounded Rhino For A Whisp of Chiffon'. It's dreadful stuff, but she obviously needs to charge as much as she does so she can keep taking photos and riding her horse in the fields...:wink:
I absolutely loathe Michelle Hope :angry: Yes her clothes are nasty and overpriced, but I could let her off with that as it's no better/worse than most of the clothing ranges on QVC IMO, but I just can't stand her smug, false, patronising attitude - and that spiel about her horses, dogs, photography etc just makes me want to :puke:
Bitchy I know............but a close up of Michelle's hands old is she?:mysmilie_845:

About 103 I reckon, she's knocked a few years off her face with botox/facelifts but the rest of her is like a horrid wrinkled old twig - and her neck is all crepey too. And as for her hair....:eek:

Sorry I am being very bitchy but I really do not like this woman - can you tell???! :cheeky::giggle:
The superannuated Barbie is on again now with Jilly-selling-very-very-quickly-indeed :hi: It looks like a lot of market-stall tat to me, but I suppose someone must like it - certainly keeps her in frosted pink lippy and nail varnish :clapping:
she looks as if she is left over from the "swinging 60's" when I saw her and Jilly with their locks a flowing I wanted Edward Scissorhands to run on to the set............
The superannuated Barbie is on again now with Jilly-selling-very-very-quickly-indeed hi: It looks like a lot of market-stall tat to me, but I suppose someone must like it - certainly keeps her in frosted pink lippy and nail varnish :clapping:

haha - very good (indeed !)
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Since the "riding my horse in the field" promo I can't watch any more. I can't stand her.............. I had to turn off "very very quickly.............indeed"
Scouser said:
Since the "riding my horse in the field" promo I can't watch any more. I can't stand her.............. I had to turn off "very very quickly.............indeed"
Lol Indeed can I add to this her tales about her Father who was in the clothing business etc..who was he Michelle? Yves San Laurent.
I cannot bear Michelle Hopeless. Whoever buys her stuff should be shot - they are responsible for funding a lifestyle of ropey hair extensions and face lifts. She reminds me of one of the heroines in a Martina Cole novel. A former doxy made good. Her 'posh' yet 'softly spoken' voice is affected beyond belief.
She is as much a fashion designer as Colleen Rooney is a journalist, Jordan a savvy business woman/role model and Kerry Katona a great mum.
Who funds Michelle? Who knows? But I do know it is some insane QVCers who buy the rubbish.
OOO you are awful!!! but SOOOOOO true!

I will bet a polyester caftan that while the 'lovely'!!!! MH is riding her horses etc etc some poor s** will be sorting out the 'production' of these monstrosities she calls fashion.
Bitchy I know............but a close up of Michelle's hands old is she?:mysmilie_845:

I noticed this too. I'm not surprised she keeps that ridiculous long hair style, it covers her turkey neck and decolletage. Looks as if she's had a lot of facial work done too,
she could give Tova a run for her money, they look about the same age.:clapping:
I noticed this too. I'm not surprised she keeps that ridiculous long hair style, it covers her turkey neck and decolletage. Looks as if she's had a lot of facial work done too,
she could give Tova a run for her money, they look about the same age.:clapping:

Tove looks better by miles!!!!!
A few years ago, I thought it would be a good idea to invest in a couple of Michele Hope's about sweaty!
merryone said:
A few years ago, I thought it would be a good idea to invest in a couple of Michele Hope's about sweaty!
I once bought one of her tops and was in a bar, I had to go home early I felt ill from all the sweat and heat from the top!

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