Sony PRS300 5" eBook Reader Screen Protector, & Soft Cover Super Bargain Price


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Does anyone have one of these? Are they any good? Also, is this a good price?
I do not have one of these and have only just started looking at ebook readers. Part of me says, Why? just read a book! But I have discovered that the Sony PRS300 is the pocket version of the PRS600 and does less things. Get OK reviews, but apparently the winner in the ebook market at the moment is the Kindle, which has a gloabal version available from Amazon. My suspicion is that QVC is selling these at a good price because they either didn't sell when they first introduced them or the PRS 300 version has been updated and this is the old one. I think I read that the original PRS 300 was not wifi capable and a few other bits, so might be wise to make sure what version they are selling.
This is available from WH Smiths for £139. You may get the extras and free P&P and easypay which make up for the difference but it does mean it may not be a big bargain if you are thinking of getting one.
I've ordered the silver one as I've been after one for ages but had to wait till the prices started to come down, mERRY cHRISTMAS TO ME!. I'm hoping it'll cut down on my luggage weight when I go on holiday - I seem to to take about 8-10 books & they weigh a ton. This looks to do all I want it to - I'm useless with techy things & it looks pretty straight forward to operate. It was the easy payments / no P&P that swung it for me in the end.
Big Thank You to SUPERCOOLWILLOW:mysmilie_249:-I'd have missed this if you hadn't given the head's up :)
I was getting tempted by this, as the price seemed a good one and the reviews encouraging. The price really hinges on the cost of the books you download. They seem to come from Google, EReader and Sony Ebooks, and prices vary from $10-25ish, which comes to £7-18 approx. There are some free downloads, but they seem to be classic books, most likely people have them in their libraries already. So, is it really worth it?
The prs300 is new out I have the 500 and they are great I buy most of my books from the states more choice and better bargains check out they have a good forum lots of help and freebies posted
I Love my ebook . I got the free disc with ?100 books on it. Mainly old classics but I love them . If you like books old enough to be out of copyright the ?sp Gutenburg Project ?? website enables free downloads . I have several memory cards loaded with different books , so I can different types of books on holiday , and I find it easier to use MC rather than load to the internal memory . I can recomend the illuminated cover as well . Amazon have some great deals , ps I also recommend a mains charger
The kindle has had a lot of critisism about it's screen/ backlighting whilst lot of people prefer the screen on the sony.I only know as I have a friend living in the states and these are very popular out there and regularly discussed on an american forum I frequent too. If I was buying I would get the sony,not the kindle,and this isn't a bad deal,considering you can return it-I am not really sure whether I would like this as much as a regular book so would appreciate the chance to try and return it not happy.
I might fancy one of these e-readers, (Santa, please note) but I have no idea which one to go for. With the technology being so new, I would really like some recommendations from users.
(I like the look of the 'Cool-er', because, most importantly, it comes in pretty colours, and you can store extra books on an SD card). Not sure it would be the best bet long term though - it's the Betamax/VHS dilemma all over again, - and guess who went for the 'superior technology' of the Betamax? :mysmilie_81:
Any advice, anyone?
I have the sony 500 had it for just over a year now it takes SD card think its great would not be without it
The Kindle only takes Amazon format books as far as I know, the Sony is a bit broader but there is no standard ebook format yet that all manufacturers agree on.
I've not yet taken the leap to buy one but when I do I'll look for volume of content, and design of the reader. This Sony looks gorge!
OK, Santa's on the case ;)
The Sony looks nice. (And there's a pink option ...)
Is it easy to buy contemporary novels though? I seem to be reading that classics are readily available, but not much choice in contemporary stuff. I mainly like to read recent releases & bestsellers. Would this be a problem?
So many different options, reviews and forums, it's a minefield out there..
OK, Santa's on the case ;)
The Sony looks nice. (And there's a pink option ...)
Is it easy to buy contemporary novels though? I seem to be reading that classics are readily available, but not much choice in contemporary stuff. I mainly like to read recent releases & bestsellers. Would this be a problem?
So many different options, reviews and forums, it's a minefield out there..

YOu can get modern and new releases from the internet via download , Im ,a, mean and dont want to spend on them and
b, love the classiscs I can get free.:mysmilie_696:
Thanks brenny :)
Do you have this Sony one or another type?

Ive got the Sony , Think its the 500 I paid £220 ish for it so the QVC deal is a great offer . Especially as youve got the 30 day mbg incase you dont share my love of this product
Bought a Sony pocket reader last Sat from WH Smiths for my birthday. I paid £139. it also came with a soft cover. It's great, now l'm not a techie but l managed to get it and my computer together & download the library and add two books from WH Smiths website.

Will experiment with other sites at a later date.

It's really light and page turning is easy. Very happy and l would recommend anyone to buy it.


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