Storage bags question


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I had a quick wander around the shops in my break yesterday and came across a pack of two large packmate branded storage bags in a charity shop for £3, they didn't look as though they'd be used so I bought them. I can now understand why they were put in, as they were bliddy useless. I wonder whether the person who donated them bought a couple of packs and decided they weren't fit for purpose therefore got rid. Now these didn't require a vacuum cleaner or pump. It just said fill the bag, don't over stuff it, zip up the zipper then put the bag on a flat surface and expel all the air. Now I'd have thought that you'd expel the air before you zipped it up, but nevertheless I followed the instructions and that air was going nowhere! I unzipped it flattened it as best I could rezipped but it was just as bad. In the end I just pushed the bag with the hoodies inside under the bed, it was like squashing a large pillow under the bed - Well at least they're not in the way now and they're protected from dust and dirt. The other bag is still in the box, and I'm not sure what use I'll find for it. I'm tempted to chuck it but you never know. I'm so glad that I didn't waste any more than £3 and at least a charity has benefitted - but yes, my quest is well and truly over!
We always leave about an inch at the end,roll up and the fasten the last inch then flatten out the bag.

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