Strictly 2012 5th/6th Oct Shows


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Jun 24, 2008
Colin baby why did I doubt you? Knew you would be a man who could shake his hips. :smirk: Okay, he was dire in the very first show.:whew:

None of them on Friday were total stinkers. Victoria fell to pieces and cried, but Brendan seemed up beat. Echoes of Lulu last year, but who knows?
The new girl Karen, I knew Craig would go nuts over the lifts. I thought, "Oh a lift there, bet they get pulled!"

Denise got her got her dig in about people saying she was professional trained.

Roll on today, should be interesting.
Welcome back SCD! Loved it, looking forward to tonight's - poor Victoria..I can't imagine just how nervous they must be going out for that first dance, but yes, well done Colin! Hoping Louis will also prove he can shake those hips! Denise looked ok to me (tho I don't care for her) but Craig on form again telling her her footwork was bad - I did read that he'd been warned on no account must be mention Lisa Riley's size, and also that she's a good dancer..

But, sorry, I can't take to Darcey!
I'm not enjoying Darcey's critiques at the moment, too many yah, definitely, yah's for me and that will drive me crackers if she keeps it up. Colin Salmon looks quite promising and the fact that he's my idea of eye candy certainly helps. I felt sorry for Vicky but hope that her less than auspicious beginning was mainly due to Brendan's over ambitious routine. Denise Van Outen was good, as I expected, but I just can't take to her and unfortunately she'll probably be there until the end. Nicky Byrne looks as though he'll go far and seems a really nice guy. Looking forward to tonight, but I'll have to Sky+ it because I'll have to fast forward Brucie, his gaffs are just becoming too embarrassing to watch.
I hadn't noticed Darcey's over use of 'yah' until you pointed it out Mam and now I I'm finding it really annoying too
Oooh, I am so glad SCD is back (sad or what?)

I thought Kimberley was really good as well as Lisa, who was brill. I hope we are not going to be subjected to Victoria crying every time she makes a cock up, or she will get on everyone's nerves. Also thought that Craig was an ignorant git towards Nicky and his partner (new girl) last night. Yes, the lift was against the rules but it was her first night too. Also why were they awarded less points than Victoria and Brendan, who were terrible? It will give us all plenty to talk about anyway - Darcy has already caused a kerfuffle on other forums with her ya and ok after every sentance.
Lisa was wonderful - I fully expect to see her snatch the lead role in Hairspray.

I can't take my eyes off Bruno's new face - aargh!

I liked Darcey, she's far and away more intelligent than her dreadful predecessor and she can string a few words together without making me want to throw things at the telly.

I'm with you, Mam, when it comes to Brucie.

I also loathe Tess Daley doing that 'look at my tonsils' expression of apparent delight whenever he makes one of his jokes. You just know they've all heard the same lines a zillion times in rehearsal and the forced attempts to 'fall around with helpless laughter' are excruciating.
Going to be a very strong year yah, with all these celebs being of quite a high standard yah. Quite surprised at the number of potential winners, yah and yah, Lisa was a surprise but I'd like to see how she does the ballroom. Darcey yah, does come over quite well though yah, needs a bit of coaching in dialogue. Someone will have pointed it out, yah, and should correct it next time round.

My week 1 for potential finalist is Louis Smith. Probably the only male who could pull off a Rhumba without being awful.
By the way I mean with Lisa she would be this year's Lulu, couldn't dance a few steps then partner did the rest.

Sid wasn't bad at all, think he was more surprised by the good comments and was expecting to be slaughtered.

On other sites they went on about the height of Victoria's heels etc. But they are the same as everyone else's!!!!!!! The same ones she was wearing in training. Simple fact, she forgot her steps got confused and made a mess of the routine. If the heels are too high just ask for a pair a little lower, I'm sure she is not under pain of death to wear that height. I remember in other years judges telling the celebs you might be better with a lower heel, Michele Williams was one.
I did miss parts of the second show, Lisa's dance.......doh! But thought it was on the whole better than Friday night. Quite impressed by Louis Smith, I think he has the moves! Several good ones to watch out for......:clapping:

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