Stupid giggling


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I really don't mind the presenters having a bit of fun and a laugh but the combination of Hannah Clemmow and Charlie Brook is, for me, quite unbearable. Not least because I have no idea what they are laughing at or why Hannah is so beside herself. maybe they should get a room.
Charlie Brook just loves the sound of his own voice, why I do not know, it would be a good idea if he were to watch himself on play back so he can see what we have to put up with. He’s a complete twit. Having said he should watch himself on air, realising his self obsessed vanity he probably watches himself back to back at home on his days off. He loves himself so much though, he would only see what he wants to see anyway.

Jackie Joseph (bags etc.) doesn't put up with nonsense from some of them either. Jill Franks was hiding behind her curtain of hair and giggling like a kid over a word used for a bit of a purse/bag, and Jackie said "that's the you just need to get over it and let's move on!"
Well I like Jackie Joseph, she’s not ‘one of them’ . She is a strong woman and a true professional presenter and she’s actually far to good for QVC. Jackie, if QVC ever ask you to work for them please say no, you’re far too good to work with that clapped out load of third rate wannabes.
Charlie picks his victims carefully—young, slightly nervous, eager to please—he’s struck gold!
Right. He wouldn't give his nonsense to the likes of H. Berman or B. di Lisi, although he did sarcastically question di Lisi's claim that he felt 'humbled' to be at QVC after having been to Buckingham Palace and met William!
I just looked on Q to see who she is, but I can no longer find the presenters biogs
Hannah Clemmow used to be on Gemporia several moons ago, and then she went to Rocks & Co. before (temporarily) disappearing from our screens, to the relief of thousands I'd think. Couldn't stand her - she talked to the viewers like they were delinquent 5 year olds - she came from the 'listen all of you, because I'M talking' school of presenting and was totally boring with it.
He tried the same thing with Evie on a Sketchers show until she pulled him up and said “what is wrong with you.”. It’s about time more people asked the same question.

I think I might have seen that. I don't pay much attention at times as it's just background 'company' when I'm on my own.

However, in the last week I've seen a rather stern BA stop the nonsense with a sharp comment twice. I think one presenter might have been Awphelia.

I like a good laugh as much as the next person but when it comes to buying stuff with hard-earned pennies (that are completely wasted when it comes to crap presentations), give me a no-nonsense BA over an up-their-own-arse presenter any day.

Well done, Evie.
Charlie Brook just loves the sound of his own voice, why I do not know, it would be a good idea if he were to watch himself on play back so he can see what we have to put up with. He’s a complete twit. Having said he should watch himself on air, realising his self obsessed vanity he probably watches himself back to back at home on his days off. He loves himself so much though, he would only see what he wants to see anyway.
From sound of it he hasn't changed his style in years. I gave up watching anything he was presenting, I found him really irritating and very smug, at times so up himself but also cringing towards guests so that it was embarrassing. At one point he used to present jewellery, and you'd wait in vain for him to tell you things like carat weights, metal weights, length/width of necklace/bracelet or colour grade/clarity. Watching him when there was any food being promoted was also something to behold.
I’ve noticed that Jill is folding up with uncontrollable laughter more and more just lately. She finds something that isn’t remotely funny ‘absolutely hilarious ‘ and just won’t let it go, and will dissolve into fits , unable to speak, often during a show.
Charlie picks his victims carefully—young, slightly nervous, eager to please—he’s struck gold!

It is called Sociopathic Personality Disorder (SPD for short). In particular to Charlie he may well have High Functioing SPD. It would need a more in-depth analysis and assessment to confirm it, but he has a number of hallmarks for this..

I have thought it for a quite a long time 😕
Jackie Joseph (bags etc.) doesn't put up with nonsense from some of them either. Jill Franks was hiding behind her curtain of hair and giggling like a kid over a word used for a bit of a purse/bag, and Jackie said "that's the you just need to get over it and let's move on!"

Good for her
Right. He wouldn't give his nonsense to the likes of H. Berman or B. di Lisi, although he did sarcastically question di Lisi's claim that he felt 'humbled' to be at QVC after having been to Buckingham Palace and met William!
You are so right about Charlie Brook picking his victims, he’s a nasty piece of work. A sign of a very inadequate man.

I noticed them, too. Very The Master (Buffy The Vampire Slayer series) claws.

How on earth do people wipe their bums with nails like this? I'm happy to ask the internet but I've never been brave enough to ask my friend who has stupidly (IMHO) long nails.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I have often asked myself this question!!!

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