Telephone orders


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Bea Frugal

Registered Shopper
Feb 1, 2010
Why are qvc making such a meal of Covid and being short staffed? I prefer to order by phone and speak to someone. It’s practically impossible to do that now. I don’t see why the phone operators can’t work from home and I fear that, having got everyone used to other ways of ordering, the staff who have been mothballed will find they’re no longer needed. ☹️
I order online now but the people in Liverpool have always been a delight to deal with and they never seemed to mind if you called after wine o clock and talked pure p*sh 😁😁 Hope no one loses their job but I suspect they will.

I always used Qcut, simple no farting around waiting for someone to answer.

QVC US a few years back moved quite a lot of the CS staff to work from home. As I read their forum pages and it was mentioned a lot as there is certain information they cannot access from home computers. QVC has to supply the telephone line to a home worker they cannot just use their own home phone line it seems.
They let a lot of call centre staff go a few years back, no doubt more will be let go again now but I agree yes, it’s simple to take orders from home but they’re not going to pay some one to do something that a website, app or automated ordering will do for free, after all this is QVC we’re talking about were the Q, the V and certainly not the C exists anymore.
QVC started in the US in 1986, coming over here seven years later & even though the 2008 financial crisis was bad the company has never been tested during a recession, things may now change. Before becoming a teacher I worked for the Dept of Employment & the recession of the 1980s was truly awful; those who think nothing of spending thousands on beauty products, 'designer' bags etc may have to face the stark reality of being unemployed & unable to stretch their money to pay for essentials. If there is a dip in orders I expect the Q will increase the number of Easy Pay offers, maybe making it available on everything, which won't help customers, just plunge them further into debt.
The stigma of being in debt no longer exists which is what kept many on the straight and narrow, now people just move from credit card to credit card when it gets too much then either get mum and dad to bale them out or do a runner.

i agree that Q will just offer everything on more and more easy pay and increase the prices to cover the cost really just like the catalogue of old.

I’ve only phoned CS with problems, to order I used Qcut, then the website but I buy so little now if they all shut down it would make no difference,

i really need to try on every item of clothing or footwear so I didn’t buy much on line anyway and other things I’ve sort of lost interest in.
Remote shopping has been booming although possibly not so much for the overpriced q offerings. They still seem to be shifting plenty though and are a juggernaut of a company so I truly hope they are looking after all their staff. I still think it’s ridiculous that you can’t speak to an operator. Not a good look.
I’ve had cause to ring QVC three times, since lockdown, regarding the T&M compost fiasco. I did manage to speak to someone and, thankfully, the longest wait for the phone to be answered was 20 minutes. The other times it was under 10 minutes.

If I do order anything, it’s either online or by QCut. I only ring their “award winning” call centre 🙄 if there’s a problem.
Think many companies will take the opportunity to cut staff and those left to work from home including Q.
I used to hate working from home. I liked the office buzz, met hubby at work as well as lifelong friends. Staring at a screen in isolation doesn’t appeal.
The stigma of being in debt no longer exists which is what kept many on the straight and narrow, now people just move from credit card to credit card when it gets too much then either get mum and dad to bale them out or do a runner.

i agree that Q will just offer everything on more and more easy pay and increase the prices to cover the cost really just like the catalogue of old.

I’ve only phoned CS with problems, to order I used Qcut, then the website but I buy so little now if they all shut down it would make no difference,

i really need to try on every item of clothing or footwear so I didn’t buy much on line anyway and other things I’ve sort of lost interest in.

Yes, it is quite easy to go bankrupt it seems to pay a few hundred pounds and wait a few years and then you just move on without a problem. A friend's next-door neighbour ran his own plumbing business, got into trouble made sure the house etc was in his wife's name. Then went bankrupt owing ££££, just opened another business using his father's name as the company director.
Yes, it is quite easy to go bankrupt it seems to pay a few hundred pounds and wait a few years and then you just move on without a problem. A friend's next-door neighbour ran his own plumbing business, got into trouble made sure the house etc was in his wife's name. Then went bankrupt owing ££££, just opened another business using his father's name as the company director.
Sadly, that's how they do it. And the victims who were owed the money rarely get it back.

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