The All New Perimenopause Thread


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Jun 24, 2008
I've got a selfish interest in starting off a new perimenopause thread as I'm pretty sure I'm on that path, 3 months short of my 50th birthday. So I'm hoping anyone going through this will post lots of info about their symptoms and anything which has made life easier.

I'm going to start a separate Menopause thread since there's still confusion about which is which, (it used to drive my biologist Mum mad that even health professionals confuse the terms). If having 2 threads isn't working I'd be happy for the mods to merge them. So here's the difference, but please correct me if I'm wrong:

The Menopause = The end of the Menarch, someone whose last period was over 12 months ago and will never have another. It's not a "journey" since it continues 'til death but more of a status reached.

The Perimenopause is what I'd describe as "The Change" in that it's a transition from Menarch to Menopause. It's this which is of most immediate interest to me but I'm also keen to read a menopause thread so I know more about what's in store in the future.

So here goes:

I bought a BioCheck Menopause test kit a couple of years ago, it's pee-stick test just like a pregnancy test and the first one I did back then was negative. Starting to notice other symptoms I did the other test today and got a definite positive. It tests for FSH which the pituitary gland ramps up as the body's levels of Oestrogen levels drop to stimulate ovulation. If anyone wants to use a similar test they retail for about £10-12 from chemists.

I'd love to hear everyone's experiences and tips.

Thank you

Jude xx
I'm in the peri now and isn't it fun!! I took a test a few months ago and it was positive. My periods changed from being as regular as clockwork to very erratic ~ the last one was about 4 months ago so I may never have another. I find it all incredibly sad and depressing. I know many women are relieved never to have another period and find it liberating, but not me. A list of symptoms ~ I'm noticing that it's harder to maintain my weight, I'm getting the classic hot flushes (not badly and I don't perspire, but they're annoying) I get a racing heart and palpitations, dry and irritated eyes, I feel quite 'down' not depression, but definitely not as cheery as I am usually, I'm more anxious, I've noticed more facial hair (EEEK!), my joints have all of a sudden started to creak, my hair isn't quite as abundant as it was. Luckily it's quite thick, but it's thinner than it was and also drier. I'm sure there's more but one of my symptoms is memory loss so I'll get back to you! Oh, I can't think of one positive to this whole thing so it would be good to hear from others who can come up with something good about it (if there is, which I doubt). xx

I've just thought of another symptom ~ irritability!! I get so cross about stupid things and I can't seem to be rational about it. In fact sometimes I think I'm losing the plot xx
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I'm menopausal then as my last period was at least five years ago - I wasn't at all sad about that PP! But the other things, irritability, flushes, palpitations, anxiety, feeling down (I've been like that all day today, haven't done a sodding thing except watch Q and post on the forum!), weight - oh don't talk about that!, facial hair..well I was on about that on a thread the other day and have tried my first shave (don't laugh!) - it's nice to know one's not alone however, we can try and console each other!
I'll miss having periods; I was chuffed when they started (same day as my best friend spookily enough) and they've always been a clockwork 27 day cycle with a short luteal phase (yep mum was a biology teacher!). I've had lots of miscarriages and two lovely kids and when I fell pregnant at 40 I was over the moon knowing it was probably my last chance for another baby. An accidental pregnancy caused by a missing mirena - check those threads ladies! When I miscarried at 18 weeks I was devastated and faced the usual well-meaning "It's for the best" comments but I knew I'd never have another chance and felt as though I'd reached the end of my fertile years then.
It'll be difficult to spot certain symptoms, having a long history of depression and the side effects of my meds make me a bit slow and forgetful mentally, give me dry eyes and mouth.

I had a blood test a few months ago which showed v low calcium levels in my blood which is worrying as the body takes calcium shortfall from your teeth and bones so I'll mention it to my dentist next week and my GP the week after.

Jude xx
You see that sounds so depressing, 5+ years of any symptoms without relief is ridiculous when you think about it! I don't know when my mum hit the "change" mainly because she was a scarily unstable woman for as long as I can remember, also my sister didn't notice hers as she was a functioning alcoholic and then suffered multiple organ crisis for the latter half of her 40s and 50s and can't remember when her periods stopped (she was 60 this year and has been sober for nearly 2 years).

Jude xx
Do they have vitamin D as well as calcium? I'll have a look next time I do a big shop.

J xx
Calin+ - calcium + Vit D for strong bones it says on the pot - sorry Jude it says 100% vit D, rich in calcium, got it wrong!
Don't know whether to post here or on other thread but feel free to move/merge/ignore this!

I was 60 earlier this year and started experiencing all of the symptoms mentioned above at 50 and am happy to share what I have learned during that time. To combat hot flushes avoid obviously spicy and peppery foods and the not so obvious things like watercress and rocket, wear natural fibres (layers of clothing are best) and invest in a Chillow (available from Amazon) - once activated this cooling pad can be slipped under your pillowcase at night and it provides welcome relief.

My German female GP told me that almost everyone in this country is deficient in Vitamin D because of our weather but rather than take supplements she advised me to spend at least 30 mins outdoors each day in daylight - preferably sunshine - and walk, walk, walk. I have RA and sometimes cannot put one foot in front of the other but most of the time I try to follow her advice because the release of endorphins when you exercise is mood lifting. The mood swings do stop by the way!

Stay positive and embrace this new chapter of your life - it's going to happen anyway. Sorry if that sounds patronising - it wasn't meant to....
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Another symptom is brittle nails. I always had great really strong nails now they're flaky and peeling. I'm sure my skin is more wrinkly too. I look in the mirror and wonder why I bother as it's all down hill from now and what's the point?
I'm so sorry to hear you suffered a miscarriage Jude. That must have been devastating ((HUGS)) xx
I have to say I'm fairly stoical about it but all advice gratefully received. My main reason for doing the pee test again was just a kind of weary tiredness, a lot like those early week of pregnancy and I had at my last smear the nurse said i had a slight prolapse. I've had this at smear tests and other exams since my 20s so didn't think anything of it, I didn't have a prolapse then, but "angle" isn't quite the norm. Thinking that this might be more the age for that kind of structural stuff to happen I'm going to get it checked out.

I'm off to read about hormones...I'll be back when I get bored!

Jude xx
Another symptom is brittle nails. I always had great really strong nails now they're flaky and peeling. I'm sure my skin is more wrinkly too. I look in the mirror and wonder why I bother as it's all down hill from now and what's the point?
I'm so sorry to hear you suffered a miscarriage Jude. That must have been devastating ((HUGS)) xx

PP you sound on a real downer here and I'm sure we can all sympathise with that - I'm not wrinkly so much but I'm starting to sag now and getting jowls - wow, ain't life a bummer! There's a lot of point still tho, don't get to feeling that there isn't! At least now we can all come on here and have a moan and swap symptoms for starters and you don't feel alone with your problems!
I have to say I'm fairly stoical about it but all advice gratefully received. My main reason for doing the pee test again was just a kind of weary tiredness, a lot like those early week of pregnancy and I had at my last smear the nurse said i had a slight prolapse. I've had this at smear tests and other exams since my 20s so didn't think anything of it, I didn't have a prolapse then, but "angle" isn't quite the norm. Thinking that this might be more the age for that kind of structural stuff to happen I'm going to get it checked out.

I'm off to read about hormones...I'll be back when I get bored!

Jude xx

Sorry from me too Jude about your miscarriage - that must have been a really dreadful time for you.

Weary tiredness rings a real bell with me - I'm just (hopefully) getting over a cold but it's been two weeks and I feel worn out I really do - never get an uninterrupted night's sleep etc etc - I spent most of last Saturday in bed and mostly sleeping, but even so, I still feel like a husk!

Hope you find that your "slight prolapse" isn't too bad - don't we women go thru it one way or another, men don't have to forget their dignity like we do!
It's not like me at all Carol. I've always been an upbeat person, but I haven't felt like myself at all since all this started. It's most peculiar and totally unwelcome. I want the old me with my periods and odd TOTM spots back! I can't believe I'm turning into an old lady! I don't even feel fully grown up some days!!!
It can be quite a big shock I think..we know it's coming, but when it arrives it can really knock you out of's not just the end of periods and the hot flushes but loads of other horrid little buggery symptoms that come with it! You mentioned nails and I forgot to say that tho I've never had nice nails in my life, it used to be peeling and tearing that was the problem, now, no matter how much cuticle oil and other stuff I get thru, my nails are brittle and they snap right low down at the side where they're still joined to my skin, and yesterday I discovered a chunk knocked out of one much-prized free edge - so from what you say, maybe that's down to the dreaded menopause too - oh bliss & joy!
Don`t know if this fits in here or the other thread. I was 33 when I had a hysterectomy ( not by choice ! ) and my youngest son was just 6 months old at the time. The surgeon left me my ovaries and told me I would still have the same symptoms as every other woman when I began the menopause ( other than the irregular periods ) and he was right. I was 42 when the symptoms began to appear but by then I`d already had almost 10 years period free so I`d already got my head around the fact my fertile years were well and truly over. I took the symptoms in my stride and looked upon it as just another turn in the circle of life. Yep hot flushes, mood swings, dry skin, weight gain and other symptoms are no fun but neither are morning sickness, period cramps, puberty and teenage acne, its all part and parcel of being female.
I found a daily multi vitamin with minerals and iron in them, an evening primrose capsule and lots of walking have helped over the years, maybe its all psychological but to me they`ve certainly helped. Now I`m not far off 60 and have never felt as well in my life but still get the hot flushes from time to time.
That's a good way to look at it vienna and I know I should view it that way, but I'm struggling with it. The problem is like Jude I enjoyed having periods, I had the odd cramp and period headache but nothing to put me up nor down really. I remember so clearly the day I started them and it felt so exciting being a woman! Now I feel like a washed up old husk with nothing to look forward to except more wrinkles and looking worse by the day. Couple that with the peri symptoms and it all feels pretty bleak. However I shall try my utmost to view it as just another of life's stages. It's all in the mind as they say! (apart from the symptoms that most definitely aren't!)
What I found the most liberating part of the menopause is that you don't have to compete with the rest of the world - I've always worn denim since I bought my first paid of Levis from Petticoat Lane in the 1960's and will continue to do so whatever others think. I have days when I feel down (without any apparent reason), I would like a weigh a little less but hey I am still alive. I take Vitamin D in a spray form, Royal Jelly and a multi-vitamin. I have grown my hair to the longest it has ever been since I was a toddler and if anyone doesn't approve so what. In other words I just don't care about what others think - it's taken a long time to achieve this.
I'm 50 in a couple of weeks and have been having heavier periods for a while plus they last longer. Anyway, fed up of this, feeling knackered and needing a sleep most afternoons when not at work I started taking Femarelle a couple of months ago. Difference so far is amazing. Haven't had the monthly hormonal migraines from hell and more importantly I don't feel knackered nearly all the time. Fingers crossed it continues to work. Have also started taking glucoamine and cod liver oil although it's early days for that.

Oh, and I've recently started playing golf and I love it.:happy: Having proper lessons once a fortnght, practicing at least three times a week. Lucky enough to have a DH who I can go and play nine holes with and we're even booked in at a 5 star hotel playing two rounds of golf for my birthday.

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