This should make you laugh!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Promised that I wouldn't buy anything more from bid, after the last problems I had, but ended up forgiving them 'cause it mostly wasn't their fault for a change, and now everythings been sorted without any further expense to myself. I decided I'd buy a stepper cause my last one was a stepper that rocked from side to side it was made from metal, really cumbersome and difficult to store, wouldn't fit anywhere! and the amount of times one of us hurt themselves tripping up over it, or having it fall over and bang us on the shins.

Saw a nifty looking stepper made out of plastic on bid, looked lightweight and compact so great! I do try to hide my shopping habit from OH a fair bit, and hope that the stuff arrives when he's out and I'm in! His day off was yesterday, and he told me when I got home that they'd left a card saying a parcel for me had been delivered to our next door neighbour, and sorry I didn't have time to collect it for you.....God I'm glad he didn't! He said why not go and get it now...I duly banged on the neighbour's door only to be greeted by the young lady holding a box so large that you could just about see her feet at the bottom, (I'm not actually joking!) I thought it must be something else...but as I grabbed the box I saw the familar sit up logo on the front, I dragged it into the hallway and*t, then thought perhaps, hopefully.....please may most of it be packaging!!! Was it heck....I opened the box (which was incidentally and very thankfully light!) and no, to my horror this red plastic monstrosity filled the whole box up!!!! It was the size of one of those kid's cozy coupe toy' enormous"! I just stood there in the downstairs hallway thinking wtf am I going to do...he will go BALLISTIC if he sees this! Thankfully he was very busy cooking. I took it out of the packaging and flattened the box and put it behind the bin outside and took this huge obelisk upstairs into our bedroom, there was nowhere to put it, eventually I had to empty my wardrobe put the clothes into drawers and put this blinking thing in and shut the doors... What am I going to do, it'll cost an arm and a leg to send back, but I've got nowere to put it. I thought I'd be able to stick it under the chair in the bedroom....ha, bliddy ha, it's nearly the same size as the chair in the've got to laugh!...but really HELP!!!!

PS. I've had a go on it, and it's really good, but I 'm sure it didn't need to be so flaming big!
Promised that I wouldn't buy anything more from bid, after the last problems I had, but ended up forgiving them 'cause it mostly wasn't their fault for a change, and now everythings been sorted without any further expense to myself. I decided I'd buy a stepper cause my last one was a stepper that rocked from side to side it was made from metal, really cumbersome and difficult to store, wouldn't fit anywhere! and the amount of times one of us hurt themselves tripping up over it, or having it fall over and bang us on the shins.

Saw a nifty looking stepper made out of plastic on bid, looked lightweight and compact so great! I do try to hide my shopping habit from OH a fair bit, and hope that the stuff arrives when he's out and I'm in! His day off was yesterday, and he told me when I got home that they'd left a card saying a parcel for me had been delivered to our next door neighbour, and sorry I didn't have time to collect it for you.....God I'm glad he didn't! He said why not go and get it now...I duly banged on the neighbour's door only to be greeted by the young lady holding a box so large that you could just about see her feet at the bottom, (I'm not actually joking!) I thought it must be something else...but as I grabbed the box I saw the familar sit up logo on the front, I dragged it into the hallway and*t, then thought perhaps, hopefully.....please may most of it be packaging!!! Was it heck....I opened the box (which was incidentally and very thankfully light!) and no, to my horror this red plastic monstrosity filled the whole box up!!!! It was the size of one of those kid's cozy coupe toy' enormous"! I just stood there in the downstairs hallway thinking wtf am I going to do...he will go BALLISTIC if he sees this! Thankfully he was very busy cooking. I took it out of the packaging and flattened the box and put it behind the bin outside and took this huge obelisk upstairs into our bedroom, there was nowhere to put it, eventually I had to empty my wardrobe put the clothes into drawers and put this blinking thing in and shut the doors... What am I going to do, it'll cost an arm and a leg to send back, but I've got nowere to put it. I thought I'd be able to stick it under the chair in the bedroom....ha, bliddy ha, it's nearly the same size as the chair in the've got to laugh!...but really HELP!!!!

PS. I've had a go on it, and it's really good, but I 'm sure it didn't need to be so flaming big!

Oh Merry, Sounds like a step too far :giggle:

How much was it, did you have any credits to use towards it?
It was £29.99 I didn't have any credit. It is on the website with no measurements available calling itself compact for easy storage...if you call a great hunk of plastic that is 2ft long, nearly 2ft wide and a foot tall compact, then I'm a monkey's uncle lol!
You must know Bid TV presenters lie through their effing teeth??? :tongue:
It was £29.99 I didn't have any credit. It is on the website with no measurements available calling itself compact for easy storage...if you call a great hunk of plastic that is 2ft long, nearly 2ft wide and a foot tall compact, then I'm a monkey's uncle lol!

Oh dear!. I think it's fair of me to say that some of Sit Up's Product Descriptions can sometimes be less than 100% accurate :giggle:
Promised that I wouldn't buy anything more from bid, after the last problems I had, but ended up forgiving them 'cause it mostly wasn't their fault for a change, and now everythings been sorted without any further expense to myself. I decided I'd buy a stepper cause my last one was a stepper that rocked from side to side it was made from metal, really cumbersome and difficult to store, wouldn't fit anywhere! and the amount of times one of us hurt themselves tripping up over it, or having it fall over and bang us on the shins.

Saw a nifty looking stepper made out of plastic on bid, looked lightweight and compact so great! I do try to hide my shopping habit from OH a fair bit, and hope that the stuff arrives when he's out and I'm in! His day off was yesterday, and he told me when I got home that they'd left a card saying a parcel for me had been delivered to our next door neighbour, and sorry I didn't have time to collect it for you.....God I'm glad he didn't! He said why not go and get it now...I duly banged on the neighbour's door only to be greeted by the young lady holding a box so large that you could just about see her feet at the bottom, (I'm not actually joking!) I thought it must be something else...but as I grabbed the box I saw the familar sit up logo on the front, I dragged it into the hallway and*t, then thought perhaps, hopefully.....please may most of it be packaging!!! Was it heck....I opened the box (which was incidentally and very thankfully light!) and no, to my horror this red plastic monstrosity filled the whole box up!!!! It was the size of one of those kid's cozy coupe toy' enormous"! I just stood there in the downstairs hallway thinking wtf am I going to do...he will go BALLISTIC if he sees this! Thankfully he was very busy cooking. I took it out of the packaging and flattened the box and put it behind the bin outside and took this huge obelisk upstairs into our bedroom, there was nowhere to put it, eventually I had to empty my wardrobe put the clothes into drawers and put this blinking thing in and shut the doors... What am I going to do, it'll cost an arm and a leg to send back, but I've got nowere to put it. I thought I'd be able to stick it under the chair in the bedroom....ha, bliddy ha, it's nearly the same size as the chair in the've got to laugh!...but really HELP!!!!

PS. I've had a go on it, and it's really good, but I 'm sure it didn't need to be so flaming big!

We bought a slow cooker off them a couple of years ago. When it turned up it was so big we could have used it to set up a catering business. Then it packed up the second time we used it.
You could always tell hubby a neighbour/friend/relative offered it to you because they couldn't get on with at all. Or that you won it in a raffle? When I was younger and I bought a new dress or skirt etc and wore it for the first time, when my husband asked 'Is that new?' I got all snitty and said 'This? New! Its been in the wardrdrobe for months. You never notice what I'm wearing' and he always backed off. Can't see that working with a stepper though.

I do stepping at my keep fit class, but I use the stairs at home, one of those hydraulic stepping machines would kill me. Its enough for an amateur like me.
You could always tell hubby a neighbour/friend/relative offered it to you because they couldn't get on with at all. Or that you won it in a raffle? When I was younger and I bought a new dress or skirt etc and wore it for the first time, when my husband asked 'Is that new?' I got all snitty and said 'This? New! Its been in the wardrdrobe for months. You never notice what I'm wearing' and he always backed off. Can't see that working with a stepper though.

I do stepping at my keep fit class, but I use the stairs at home, one of those hydraulic stepping machines would kill me. Its enough for an amateur like me.

I've tried every trick in the book and it usually works, I have to say....I picked this up in a boot sale, charity shop, found it dumped beside a skip, I sometimes even get a "well done". This on the other hand would get me in the doghouse how ever I tell him I came to have it. You can hear him....WHY did you bring that great big, hideous lump of plastic into our house? You know we're trying to get rid of junk, you can go and throw it back in the skip you found it in!!! I can't just do that, I paid good money for that. I suppose I could get them to come and collect it on a day he was working and get my money back, can't think what else to do really lol!
I suppose I could have them on the false description. I mean it clearly says it's compact, and the website doesn't give any dimensions for you to go on. I could keep it in the attic, but I'd probably end up doing myself a mischief bringing it up and down. There's no way I'm prepared to lose all my wardrobe space!
Oh dear merry, I can empathise with you having done a similar thing myself.
Ebay, buyer collects? Or you could deliver locally if you drive.
Put up a notice at your local gym/leisure centre?
A friend that could look after it for you for a while?
I know exactly how you're feeling xxxx
Thanks! I've seen some big stepper machines in my time, but this is so big it's ridiculous...I'll take a piccie when I get a chance and show you all!

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