New presenting style: wrestling the guest!


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Mar 21, 2015
Just watched part of the presentation for the Vibrapower belt with Peter Simon and Tim Britton. Peter ended the hour wrestling with Tim. Funny - but hardly professional.

I do wish they would put actual clips of Tim demonstrating exercises for the various fitness items he guest for instead of the min-clips of generic waffle... the fact he shows you exercises you can do while using the equipment you are buying or have bought from IW is excellent.
I'm still recovering from the sight of Pope Pete in those Lycra shorts, and the very (un)interesting waffle about his spare tyre (round his stomach, I hasten to add, not on his bicycle). Gave me one heck of a 2-minute laugh before I was forced to switch over, to preserve my sanity and so as not to regurgitate my meal, so I missed the wrestling bout (sadly).

Just watched part of the presentation for the Vibrapower belt with Peter Simon and Tim Britton. Peter ended the hour wrestling with Tim. Funny - but hardly professional.

I do wish they would put actual clips of Tim demonstrating exercises for the various fitness items he guest for instead of the min-clips of generic waffle... the fact he shows you exercises you can do while using the equipment you are buying or have bought from IW is excellent.
He wrestled with him?? I know he's always trying to touch him at every opportunity, so it's advanced to this then. I suppose it's all rehearsed and Tim doesn't mind all this flirting/groping??
I wouldn't mind groping Trainer Tim myself... But then I'm not a supposedly professional presenter. I'm also not old enough to be his father. Poor Tim.

Some of us still remember Pope Pious Peter touching up poor old Chef Jack on Bid TV at every possible opportunity. Presumably the latter is now gibbering away in a sanatorium somewhere.
Well done to Tim I say, I don't condone violence in anyway, shape or form but if PP came at me like that, I'm afraid I'd have to turn round and knock him spark out.
At least when Pete was on with the extending ladders man, it was only the innuendos the guy had to watch out for....Pete was obviously quite restrained on that occasion. But some advice to the ladder man: be very afraid....

Well done to Tim I say, I don't condone violence in anyway, shape or form but if PP came at me like that, I'm afraid I'd have to turn round and knock him spark out.
At least when Pete was on with the extending ladders man, it was only the innuendos the guy had to watch out for....Pete was obviously quite restrained on that occasion. But some advice to the ladder man: be very afraid....

If the ladder man "accidentally" drops the ladder on Pope Pete's head, we will know that he reads this forum!
Yuk! I can picture PP, the dirty old perv, carrying those ladders round with him, of a night then the PP will stand for "Peeping Pete" or "Pervy Pete".........both equally fitting.
He wrestled with him?? I know he's always trying to touch him at every opportunity, so it's advanced to this then. I suppose it's all rehearsed and Tim doesn't mind all this flirting/groping??

Who knows what happens off camera. Given that Tim trains boxers in his other business, I'd be very careful getting too handsy with him, in Peter's shoes.
I felt deeply sorry for the poor ladders bloke, he was trying valiantly to keep Pope P. on track, but fighting a losing battle. There was only one professional person presenting that evening - and it sure wasn't Pope P. The guy must have had the patience of a saint, how he didn't deck him one I don't know, he was being so annoying and the smutty innuendoes were just so unfunny.

If the ladder man "accidentally" drops the ladder on Pope Pete's head, we will know that he reads this forum!
Yes, when I watched this hour it was well before the watershed, too. Every time the bloke turned away from him and put one foot on the ladder the smirking started, followed by a "funny? comment". It just goes to show how little control they exert over him - you'd think they'd emphasise restraint before the watershed time, if not afterwards.

Yuk! I can picture PP, the dirty old perv, carrying those ladders round with him, of a night then the PP will stand for "Peeping Pete" or "Pervy Pete".........both equally fitting.
****** hell. The descriptions in this thread make Pope Pete sound like a right "Uncle Ernie" - i don't mean the Premium Bonds guy either...:thinking:
Yes, when I watched this hour it was well before the watershed, too. Every time the bloke turned away from him and put one foot on the ladder the smirking started, followed by a "funny? comment". It just goes to show how little control they exert over him - you'd think they'd emphasise restraint before the watershed time, if not afterwards.

He likes the ladder guy, you can tell can't you? If I were him, I'd shut PP in that bliddy white wardrobe and carry on without him.
Is the ladder guy that Charlie from Bid who nearly had his knackers squished when he fell through the platform? Why can't IW get some proper beefcake presenters? I demand some decent eye-candy :p
Isn't Peter Simon hilarious. He is selling pocket watches and claimed that all the young celebs have them hanging out of their pockets and that "Justin Bender" has one. He then corrected it to "Beiber". Laugh, I nearly did...
Greg, When I stopped laughing my head off at your comment, I had a think; I'm not sure whether the guy's name was Charlie, but may be wrong and it is him (I will say he didn't seem to be walking as though in pain, so maybe it wasn't the same guy that you mention as having fallen victim to the Curse of IW, ie squeezed parts). I have to be honest and say that I was so gobsmacked by the Pope's "routine" and trying to get my jaw off the floor - all I registered is that the bloke was youngish, I'd say 30's, nice-looking, quite tall and wearing ordinary casual gear, not the overalls and checked shirt combo 'uniform' that most of the DIY people wear on selly telly. He was very calm in manner - in direct contrast to the manic personality with him, who was dancing around as though attending a Voodoo ceremony - and the guy was regularly climbing up and down the ladder (a good demo. of how it worked and how secure it was, but I tend to think this might have been an attempt to put a little distance between himself and PP - I cannot for the life of me think why!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

Is the ladder guy that Charlie from Bid who nearly had his knackers squished when he fell through the platform? Why can't IW get some proper beefcake presenters? I demand some decent eye-candy :p
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Is the ladder guy that Charlie from Bid who nearly had his knackers squished when he fell through the platform? Why can't IW get some proper beefcake presenters? I demand some decent eye-candy :p

Yeah, non of them are a ten are they, minus ten perhaps.
Isn't Peter Simon hilarious. He is selling pocket watches and claimed that all the young celebs have them hanging out of their pockets and that "Justin Bender" has one. He then corrected it to "Beiber". Laugh, I nearly did...

He's a fool isn't he? When he was born the doctor slapped his mother.
Oh Muttley, I did have a giggle at your post. Didn't catch this on the box, not seen any of it as was on the phone a lot - do you think this was a Freudian slip on his part? You can't take him anywhere, can you (well, perhaps to the IW Home for Retired & Totally Manic Presenters, but that's about it). His so-called "humour" is so peculiar, he probably thought it was the height of wit. You should have heard him the other day trying to pronounce "ergonomically" - he only got as far as "ergon" (which he said about 3 times in a row, followed by a pause and then switched to saying the chair was "wonderful").

Isn't Peter Simon hilarious. He is selling pocket watches and claimed that all the young celebs have them hanging out of their pockets and that "Justin Bender" has one. He then corrected it to "Beiber". Laugh, I nearly did...
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