Julia Roberts - irritation personified!


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Feb 16, 2015
Sorry, have to rant about Julia Roberts' snotty manner and attitude this morning. I've watched a bit of her with the Muk Luk's woman, flogging gloves and scarves, and also popbands for tying back the hair. Today is obviously National Julia Roberts Show Off Her Hair day - if she's said once how thick her own hair is, she's said it half a dozen times, accompanied by tossing back her mane, just to show us how beautiful it is(?). Is this woman on an ego trip or is she not? When plugging the popbands, she claims that without popbands, if you wanted to keep a band on your wrist, in case you want to tie back your hair, all you had was a plain elastic band! One word to Julia: scrunchies? How many years have scrunchies been around? No, Roberts claims that you only have an elastic band (said in a tone of voice that implies wearing a plain elastic band is akin to wearing your knickers outside your coat, having your knickers caught in your skirt or having no knickers at all). She then tells us that when she went for a mammogram, the person (er, try the word 'Nurse', Julia) told her that she would have to tie back her hair, and handed her an elasticated band with - oh the horror of it! - a metal clip on the end of it!!!! She said "I said, no thanks, I'll use my own". She should try watching the playback and seeing how smug and condescending she sounds - awful woman. (Rant over).:mysmilie_10: Sudden thought: perhaps Jill Franks should have been "gifted" the elasticated band with the metal clip - it might make a change from using bulldog clips to hold in some of the Q "fashion".
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I thought the same the other day when Julia was on with one of the new stylists. Can't remember her name,but Julia to my mind came across very domineering as though to say i'm the presenter here not you. Julia kept interrupting the stylists advice with different advice.It was a bit uncomfortable to watch .

She really is very full of herself these days.
She was presenting the Radley show this afternoon and was in full-on mode. Silly faces, the flicking of her hair and the annoying laugh that she has perfected, just ruined the show. Why does 'my producer' not have a word with her, surely her behaviour has not gone unnoticed.
Hah, yes, damn the NHS for not providing her with a top quality hair bobble, those finances really must be put into maintaining a good head of hair.
She is full of her own self importance and her hair always looks stiff and dull to me. She is too old now for the coquettish act she puts on.
Didn't mind her before but recently she'S become annoying! She keeps pulling faces & smirking at the camera :mysmilie_11:
I've always found the intimidating Julia Roberts, aka Mrs QVC, a pain in the arse, her sarcasm and sharp tongue could slice ham.
She really is spectacularly irritating. Also without wishing to be mean her hair is a bit of a state.
Exactly - I think if I'd been the nurse or assistant, she'd have got the metal clip put somewhere she hadn't bargained for! They have enough to put up with, without encountering snotty madams like her, AND they do a proper job, rather than just tossing their hair about and being patronising.:mysmilie_51:

Hah, yes, damn the NHS for not providing her with a top quality hair bobble, those finances really must be put into maintaining a good head of hair.
How come she's suddenly started to wear her glasses? At one time she couldn't remove them quick enough before the camera moved back to her. Don't watch much these days but noticed her with them on a few times whilst flicking over during breaks.
Exactly - I think if I'd been the nurse or assistant, she'd have got the metal clip put somewhere she hadn't bargained for! They have enough to put up with, without encountering snotty madams like her, AND they do a proper job, rather than just tossing their hair about and being patronising.:mysmilie_51:

Indeed, I am a nurse and would shove that bobble where the sun don't shine, or even better stick it on the end of a phosphate enema :mysmilie_17:
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julia thinks shes an academy award winner not a selly telly presenter bless!

So true ,she has a massive ego.

She was wittering about Bake off ,subtly suggesting she could have baked the winning cake possibly better ,but then realised what she was saying and stopped.

I think the ego is getting more blatant as she is getting older.Maybe its the competition she feels the need to do it.
She is a superwoman. She makes great cakes, cooks, gardens, writes books, gives talks, TV career, has great hair, above all modest.......what puzzles me is why someone so fabulous wastes her time selling bits and pieces on the telly to us?
She is a superwoman. She makes great cakes, cooks, gardens, writes books, gives talks, TV career, has great hair, above all modest.......what puzzles me is why someone so fabulous wastes her time selling bits and pieces on the telly to us?
Because she's not qualified for a proper job...
She is on fine form on the Alpha H show, talking over the guests. I scream when she keeps saying Numba.

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