Out of office


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Jun 24, 2008
Just watching an “out of office “ clothing clearance - it might use quality fabrics and be well made , but blimey, what a hideous load of old frump. I haven’t seen stuff like this in the shops since the 1970’s - and what’s with all the beige?! Not only that , the garments don’t seem to fit the models properly most of the samples look too tight. When the blonde model Ali looks awful then you know there’s a problem. Out of office? I wouldn’t wear any of these clothes out of the house!!
The prices are silly of course. All I can say is that I hope that this clearance is the last we see of this hideous overpriced dowdy collection. Where did they get the inspiration for the colour palette? The local sewage plant by the looks of it!
See what you mean! Didn’t see this ’live’ thank goodness but makes RL offerings look fashion forward (well almost, in her dreams).Is this another import from our friends across the pond?
I might be wrong but doesn't that Cruella De Vil lookalike person who's presented on mainstream uk tv got something to do with the brand? If she's a fashion stylist and this is the best she can come up with then she needs a career change - I hear Lidl are looking for staff!
I might be wrong but doesn't that Cruella De Vil lookalike person who's presented on mainstream uk tv got something to do with the brand? If she's a fashion stylist and this is the best she can come up with then she needs a career change - I hear Lidl are looking for staff!
I think it’s her brand if I’ve understood a promo that they ran earlier.
But what about if they paid you to wear it, like the models and presenters? :giggle:
Having to wear the most hideous and uncomfortable uniform 3 days a week at work then the answer would be yes - at least I’d be comfortable even if I did look a state ! Of course everybody else would be wearing the same. Outside work - No way!
Having to wear the most hideous and uncomfortable uniform 3 days a week at work then the answer would be yes - at least I’d be comfortable even if I did look a state ! Of course everybody else would be wearing the same. Outside work - No way!
Merry, I used to work at Home Bargains, now that's what you call hideous. Polyester hell. At least it was free I suppose.

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