Advice on buying a television


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Aug 23, 2008
My lovely old fashioned Sony television has finally given up the ghost. I can hear programmes, but all I can see is a strip of light across the middle.

There was a TSV some time ago which was an HD ready one with an integrated DVD player. There are three on the site at the moment.

Does anyone have any advice? I'd like built-in freeview, so I can get rid of my cable. Don't want to spend too much money or go for something absolutely enormous; the Sony is 24 inches and seemed huge when we got it -- about fifteen years ago! But it's square, of course.

I might just go out to the shops (shock, horror!) rather than buying from QVC, but theirs are a good indication.

One more question, are these new televisions very heavy? Will I be able to carry the box.

Oh dear.
What's your budget?

Also bear in mind that the new range of flat screens,whilst having much bigger screens don't feel half as large when in your room compared to the old style tv's.

If I was you I would look at getting a 32" screen,not too big yet a decent enough size,you will also find a good range to choose from as it is a standard size.

If you buy from somewhere like John Lewis you also get a free 5 year guarantee,here is a link to their 32" range click here

If you go for another Sony for example you will get one from there for £449 with freeview built in,but have a look and compare the different models.If it was me I would probably go for the Panasonic at £599,my aunt has a Panasonic and the picture is superb,they also get very good reviews from WhatHiFi magazine is also free with John Lewis so you do not need to worry about carrying it anywhere!

Hope this helps :1:
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What's your budget?

It does, Sweetpea, thank you very much. I was thinking about 32" would be about right.

I'll have a look at the link.

I want to spend as little as possible! But £500 at the most.

I'm a bit upset really. It's been quite temperamental for a while, but it's a shock for it just to go like that. Although I'm actually listening to the news as I type, and not missing the pictures too much!
p.s. I was thinking about carrying it because if I have to wait for delivery, given that I'm at work next week, I shall be without television for about a week.

I do have a little portable but it isn't tuned, or whatever the word is, and of course, I've lost the instructions!
I have been having a look on amazon.....the Sony tv mentioned above is available from them for £394.99,you could select express delivery to guarantee it coming on Saturday which would then make the total £403.98.

Of course this does not come with the 5 year warranty but that is something you could sort at a later date with Sony themselves if you so wish.

Here is a link click have a look at the reviews also,it's rated 5 stars by those on Amazon so really well worth looking at.

Well within in your budget,Satis
p.p.s. If you're still there Sweetpea or anyone, what about this one? I think this is the same as the TSV
To be honest I do not rate Grundig.......I used to work in electrical retailing and like to keep up still with what is on offer.For a TV I would always look to get a decent brand such as Sony,Panasonic,Toshiba and the range of Samsung panels is also quite highly rated.These brands tend to use better quality components in their products,hence why your current TV has lasted for so long.
For a TV I would always look to get a decent brand such as Sony,Panasonic,Toshiba and the range of Samsung panels is also quite highly rated.These brands tend to use better quality components in their products,hence why your current TV has lasted for so long.
That's good advice. The Sony has been amazing, it's been subjected to pretty rough treatment and the quality is -- was until this morning -- amazing.

I like Toshiba, might have a look at some of theirs.

Thank you!
Grundig is just a name nowadays they just get some chinese company to stick there badge on things and import them.
Grundig is just a name nowadays they just get some chinese company to stick there badge on things and import them.
That's a shame. For years I had a Yachtboy radio and they were absolutely the best. I was upset when they stopped making them.
I too am in the market for a new tv and had a look in the Sony shop last weekend - they had some very expensive (but nice) ones in there. I have priced them up elsewhere and Amazon was nearly £100 cheaper and you can have free delivery and it would still only be a couple of days. Also if you want to put it on the wall they do a great combined deal with a bracket (this is what we want to do).

My son bought himself one recently for his room to play his x-box on - he bought a samsung 32" and it was not too heavy as they are so slim nowadays. You should have no trouble with the weight issue.

I think qvc is great to watch for electronics as you can see them demonstrated and know what you need to look out for and should be able to do with it - then go to the shops or elsewhere on line as you can usually get a better deal.

Hi there,

I got a Samsung 32" flat tv a couple of years ago and it looks the biz and works really well! I bought from and it was very cheap to deliver. They also have reviews on that website as well. From ordering online to delivery to Dublin was 5 working days!! not bad really! But I would really really recommend Samsung!
until you get your now tv, you could watch tv live, free and legally here:

not all the channels are on there at the moment, but hopefully it will be something that will help you avoid buying in haste, I hope!

I tried the link but if you are with tiscali it won't work - it says my ISP tiscali is not or does not support tv catch up. So no joy there.
Hi there,

I got a Samsung 32" flat tv a couple of years ago and it looks the biz and works really well! I bought from and it was very cheap to deliver. They also have reviews on that website as well. From ordering online to delivery to Dublin was 5 working days!! not bad really! But I would really really recommend Samsung!

Beware Pixmania are based in France and you may need to ship back under warranty which will cost a fortune, also they are usually EU spec insted of UK spec.
until you get your now tv, you could watch tv live, free and legally here:
not all the channels are on there at the moment, but hopefully it will be something that will help you avoid buying in haste, I hope!

Thank you, that's VERY useful.

Meanwhile, I plugged in the little portable television which was in my late aunt's effects. There's something wrong with the cable to the television aerial -- there's something wrong with everything in this house -- but I thought it might work without it. No go. Then I plugged the scart plug from the cable box into it, and magic! All the Virgin channels, admitedly very, very tiny, but they're there. At the moment, I've got the little one in front of the big one which looks most odd. But as you say, it gives me a breathing space, so I don't have to go out in a panic tomorrow. I can shop around and then send for something.

It's making me a bit happier, because my aunt would be so pleased -- I nearly threw it away as well.
I've had a Sony TV for years (a widescreen, but not flat or HD) and love it.

My laptop is also Sony, and that has a great screen too.

We had a friend who was a TV repair man, and he reckoned only Bang and Olufson was better (and at 5 times the price you would hope so!). His opinion - Sony are the top 'high street' brand.

I would be boring and get the same again if you have been as happy as we have with it. If you don't want to do ginormous, Sony still do a huge range of screen sizes and you could easily get a nice LCD TV in the 20 inch plus range.
I would be boring and get the same again if you have been as happy as we have with it. If you don't want to do ginormous, Sony still do a huge range of screen sizes and you could easily get a nice LCD TV in the 20 inch plus range.

Yes, the repair man who came out some time ago said he reckoned those bit Sonys were the best. This one kept going long after its sell-by-date.

I doubt very much if they still make them -- a huge tube at the back and speakers either side like elephant's ears.

Something between 24" and 36" or thereabouts will do me, but I really do want the integral DVD and Freeview. I'd go bigger and better, but I can't afford it at the moment.
This site is quite good. I went to a newly opened store at the weekend and was quite impressed by the amount of TVs they had there. If you order online and then go and fetch it from a store I believe that there is a 10% reduction on the price, although it depends if you have a store near you. They do deliver nationwide though.

The link's probably not a lot of use, but at least it may give you some idea with regards to price comparisons. To me, they seemed quite reasonably priced when I saw them in the store and they do have bargains.

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