Angelina's fan club


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It's quite nice to look at, it just infuriates me how they claim its so rare yet all it is is diffused yellow Labradorite.

If you Google Andesine, you'll see some of the controversy about it and details of lawsuits over it.
Thanks - I'll have a look. I can't complain, at least i didn't pay much for it.
Angeline is on again. My goodness, talk about aggressive selling. Does no one in the company think the same as we do. She's insulting people by saying "this is for the connoisseur buyer and yes many of you can't stretch to this price" The final price was £399 not thousands.
She must think she's special being married into the family and can say anything. She really is a horrid condescending human being.
Angeline is on again. My goodness, talk about aggressive selling. Does no one in the company think the same as we do. She's insulting people by saying "this is for the connoisseur buyer and yes many of you can't stretch to this price" The final price was £399 not thousands.
She must think she's special being married into the family and can say anything. She really is a horrid condescending human being.
It says it all when Angeline is one of the better presenters on the channel too.

It sums up just how bad the rest are...............
I saw Toby standing in on the 11-3 shift and caught a bit of his Pandai Court collection. He was calm, natural, informative and kept the shouting to a minimum. Much more pleasant to watch, although I might have a bit of bias because I do think Cherry & his ProLife venture is a "good thing" (not surprising that one of their products is the highest selling SKU on Gemporia) and he has some genuine hinterland in the gemstone world.
I saw Toby standing in on the 11-3 shift and caught a bit of his Pandai Court collection. He was calm, natural, informative and kept the shouting to a minimum. Much more pleasant to watch, although I might have a bit of bias because I do think Cherry & his ProLife venture is a "good thing" (not surprising that one of their products is the highest selling SKU on Gemporia) and he has some genuine hinterland in the gemstone world.

Yeah I quite like Toby, and out of the 'three amigos', he's the closest they can get to being a 'gem expert'.

They seem to be desperate for presenters this week. As you say, Toby filled in - and they had Millie in this morning too.

I have to say, Ellis could learn a thing or two from Millie. Millie is calm, professional, informative and doesn't need to rant and rave, shriek or come out with misleading information.

They could do with taking Millie back full time and showing the door to Jess or Lindsey instead.
Yeah I quite like Toby, and out of the 'three amigos', he's the closest they can get to being a 'gem expert'.

They seem to be desperate for presenters this week. As you say, Toby filled in - and they had Millie in this morning too.

I have to say, Ellis could learn a thing or two from Millie. Millie is calm, professional, informative and doesn't need to rant and rave, shriek or come out with misleading information.

They could do with taking Millie back full time and showing the door to Jess or Lindsey instead.
What about Angeline, Ellie they really need to go. In fact apart from Jeff they should all be shown the door. I can no longer watch any of them!!
What about Angeline, Ellie they really need to go. In fact apart from Jeff they should all be shown the door. I can no longer watch any of them!!

I agree - but there are far worse than Angeline that I'd get rid of first.

Jess would be first to go, then Lindsey Carr, then Hattie. Ellis would probably be next in line because she's turned into one of the worst for misleading claims.

I would have said that new one too (Josie), but shes way out of her depth and should never have got the job anyway.
Yeah I quite like Toby, and out of the 'three amigos', he's the closest they can get to being a 'gem expert'.

They seem to be desperate for presenters this week. As you say, Toby filled in - and they had Millie in this morning too.

I have to say, Ellis could learn a thing or two from Millie. Millie is calm, professional, informative and doesn't need to rant and rave, shriek or come out with misleading information.

They could do with taking Millie back full time and showing the door to Jess or Lindsey instead.
Does Millie still refer to a rare gemstone as a rarity stone?
I agree - but there are far worse than Angeline that I'd get rid of first.

Jess would be first to go, then Lindsey Carr, then Hattie. Ellis would probably be next in line because she's turned into one of the worst for misleading claims.

I would have said that new one too (Josie), but shes way out of her depth and should never have got the job anyway.
They'd have to take away Lindsey's helium balloon before they show her the door - her 'squeaking' is so bad that when she came on the box recently, our cat took one very puzzled look at the telly and ran to the kitchen door, demanding to be let out in the garden. The wisdom of animals.

Personally, I agree that all of them should go, including the 'experts', with the exception of Jim, Toby and Jeff, perhaps. Ellis, Hattie and Angeline have egos the size of Australia, and the rest seem to simply squeak/shout and waffle nonsense. If they brought in some presenters who were not egomaniacs, were knowledgeable about what they're selling and gave you the facts rather than bullshit they might just survive as a shopping telly channel (assuming they also brought us some decent products, too).
Does anyone remember when her fans used to send in chocolates, buns, biscuits etc to her? She was always showing them on air and name checking and thanking the fans who did this.
Does anyone remember when her fans used to send in chocolates, buns, biscuits etc to her? She was always showing them on air and name checking and thanking the fans who did this.
Oh gawd, I remember the presents coming in - where they used to reel off who'd sent them! I particularly remember Angeline and Lynn mentioning gifts they'd received, especially if there was a new baby. And the birthday cards sent! I used to find it all completely yuk - like a one-way friendship, IMO. The exception to this was Alex, formerly on Gem Collector, where some time ago he mentioned a charity auction he was running (think it might have been for cancer research, but I may be wrong) and if anyone wanted to send in anything to be auctioned. If I remember rightly, it was very successful, it all seemed very well organised and he gave a full report on how much had been raised.
If they brought in some presenters who were not egomaniacs, were knowledgeable about what they're selling and gave you the facts rather than bullshit they might just survive as a shopping telly channel.

They had those years ago - and they've all gone.

The calibre of presenters they take on now seems to be the likes of Claire Cummins and Josie Soden. Rent-a-gob presenters with little to no knowledge, no TV presenting skill, but have the ability to waffle, read names from a screen and shout "WOW, I can't believe what we can do this for today" with a faux shocked face, multiple times per sales pitch. That seems to be all that is required to be a Gems TV presenter these days.

I don't know what the job qualifications / requirements are when Gemporia advertise job vacancies for a presenters role - but I wouldn't imagine it's anything more than requiring a big gob and a pulse.

Does anyone remember when her fans used to send in chocolates, buns, biscuits etc to her? She was always showing them on air and name checking and thanking the fans who did this.


Probably Mirabelle and Christine then.
but I wouldn't imagine it's anything more than requiring a big gob and a pulse.
It's like show and tell. 'This is amethyst and this is what a geode looks like'. (opens mouth a la Jess: the teeth are the crystals).


Probably Mirabelle and Christine then.
I don't watch that often to see all the free gifts they get / got (if they still get), but I recall Emily having a barrage of gifts from one customer, that she opened through the show, as opposed to in one go. Most were fox related.
I don't watch that often to see all the free gifts they get / got (if they still get), but I recall Emily having a barrage of gifts from one customer, that she opened through the show, as opposed to in one go. Most were fox related.

Alex used to get a fair amount too.

I could kind of understand it to a degree on Gem Collector of old because it was a bit more personalised - but not Gems TV where they're mass selling to thousands of viewers at fast pace.
I could kind of understand it to a degree on Gem Collector of old because it was a bit more personalised - but not Gems TV where they're mass selling to thousands of viewers at fast pace.
I suppose it's like finding the head honcho of Tesco (or wherever) and sending them a mince pie you bought from a local branch of their store for Christmas. Why would you do that? ;)
I don't watch that often to see all the free gifts they get / got (if they still get), but I recall Emily having a barrage of gifts from one customer, that she opened through the show, as opposed to in one go. Most were fox related.
Yes, old cynic me used to wonder exactly where those 'presents' came from. (Cynical? Moi?)

Alex used to get a fair amount too.

I could kind of understand it to a degree on Gem Collector of old because it was a bit more personalised - but not Gems TV where they're mass selling to thousands of viewers at fast pace.
I could understand it with Alex, because for one thing I'd think he had quite a large fan base in the States as well as the UK, (I think he used to visit the States quite a bit) and he used to talk on-air to US viewers he'd met on his travels. He also used to mention on air about charity quizzes at his local pub and (as I've mentioned elsewhere) he did organise an event in aid of charity a year or two ago, where viewers could send in items to be auctioned - all done very professionally so all credit to him, and he reported back afterwards.

And although I wasn't his greatest fan in the latter part of his time with Gemporia, he knew his stuff and could convey information well - unlike the shriekers and gabblers brigade.
I could understand it with Alex, because for one thing I'd think he had quite a large fan base in the States as well as the UK, (I think he used to visit the States quite a bit) and he used to talk on-air to US viewers he'd met on his travels. He also used to mention on air about charity quizzes at his local pub and (as I've mentioned elsewhere) he did organise an event in aid of charity a year or two ago, where viewers could send in items to be auctioned - all done very professionally so all credit to him, and he reported back afterwards.

And although I wasn't his greatest fan in the latter part of his time with Gemporia, he knew his stuff and could convey information well - unlike the shriekers and gabblers brigade.

I did like Alex - he had his own unique way of presenting that was different from the norm on the Gemporia channels. He was also quite informative.

The only things that I used to find irritating was the repetition of the same old jokes for years on end, his 'trying it on' with a high price before trying to make out that he's "not stopping there" once he realised that nobody was biting at his 'trying it on' price, plus some of his stories used to go on a bit and I got the impression they were a bit far fetched or 'dramatised' to keep people paying attention.

Alex pretty much built Gem Collector up to what it was - and it ultimately peaked under him too. Its gone rapidly downhill - and I suspect Alex could see what was coming, hence why he left.

There's no way that Alex would have been happy flogging strands, tealights and tacky carved Hippocrocopigs on Gem Collector - plus he always said that he liked presenting on GC because it didn't have a producer/director in his ear constantly and he was in control of everything. GC now has a producer/director and someone managing the cameras - so that may have also played a part in Alex's decision to go.

He's an intelligent chap too - he probably saw the money issues that Gemporia was having and wondered how safe his job was long term - so he went before it was too late. He might have also been able to take voluntary redundancy too, because he left around the time that they were making cuts - so that may have also tempted him, and gone towards funding his new antiques business.

Alex WAS Gem Collector. He had his irritations, but him and Nick were by far the best to ever present on Gem Collector.

Emily is by far the worst. Typical Gemporia rent-a-gob presenter.
Just now I saw Angeline sell a heart shaped csarite in 1.7 grams of 9 ct gold. She said that because it was such a rare treasure they could put more gold in the band which was why it was SO heavy lol. She did go on a bit about the weight of the gold but in my opinion there ought to have been at least two grams in the band for stability on the finger. It sold at £199.
Just now I saw Angeline sell a heart shaped csarite in 1.7 grams of 9 ct gold. She said that because it was such a rare treasure they could put more gold in the band which was why it was SO heavy lol. She did go on a bit about the weight of the gold but in my opinion there ought to have been at least two grams in the band for stability on the finger. It sold at £199.
And to think that the on-screen gram weight is an average across the manufactured sizes for the item code, I'd hate to be a L/M size! Not illegal of course but this type of selling technique ("shystering" as TMWNN describes it) borders on true gaslighting.

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