Basso and Joan


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Jun 24, 2008
If mum hadn't been eating her lunch, I would have been physically sick. Joan Collins is on and the butcher of Basso, the grossly ugly murdering narcissist has just imploded onto the set, to see "one of his dearest friends", and they ensued to hug each other. I have never had any desire to purchase from her range but, if I did, this would have put a swift stop to that. She has gone down in my estimation dramatically. Thinking about it realistically, however, it is not a surprise in the least that she is friends with him. One of the reasons I admire Ellen de Generes so much, is due to her refusal to be silenced when it comes to giving her opinion on the actions of these cretins, and her devotion to animal welfare. There is absolutely no way she would kowtow to either of them, or their ilk. Ellen appears on QVC US with her dog grooming products. QVC UK would do well to replace the butcher with a compassionate lady like her. But since when has the Q listened to public opinion? I think Ellen would agree with me : if you lie down in dirt, you get dirty.
I would entreat anyone who is anti Basso, but buys from Joan's range, to stop, and reconsider what you regard as being morally acceptable. Hell would freeze over before I could associate with anyone who considered innocent animals as being ours to kill to feed some sick sense of vanity. Obviously, Joan is of the same mindset as him.
Get them both off QVC.
Yes Basso`s trade is despicable
Yes people who wear fur have no morals
Yes we`re all aware some people feel very very strongly about it, quite right too.
BUT he`s bound to have friends from all walks of life who we aren`t even aware of and we might unknowingly patronise buying their goods or liking their careers.
AND we`re all adults so able to decide for ourselves what we do or don`t act on.
I`ve never bought from Basso or Joan Collins. The former because I object to his business, the latter because I don`t fancy her makeup range.
BUT what I really dislike is threads on here constantly preaching, yes preaching and banging big drums at every available opportunity.
We get the message loud and clear and have done for a long time but in our own quiet ways I daresay many of us are changing what we buy, what we use and how we view people but Rome wasn`t built in a day and the World keeps turning and not all of us make a song and dance about our beliefs, we just get on with it.
Now I`m sorry if my post seems rude, it certainly isn`t meant to be but I for one am fedup of logging on here and being treated like a school kid who isn`t aware of right from wrong, is unable to make a decision for myself and doesn`t have the intelligence to fathom what I will or won`t spend my money on.
Whilst one can be disgusted, dismayed and shocked at the practices of others, the trouble with this world is that too many people are judgemental about others, their lifestyle and morals. Whilst some may deplore a designer who uses real fur in his designs, or feel dismayed when QVC offers meats for sale, QVC are giving us a choice, and everyone has a choice to buy or not. Because Ms Collins counts Basso as a bestie does not mean she is a bad person but it means that she is clearly not judging him. Too many people try to change the world and the people in it to their way of thinking. They think they are right and everyone else is wrong. A meat eater, or someone who wears fur does not mean that they are a wicked evil person, but yet some would condemn them thus. All the conflicts in the world are caused by one faction trying to force others to their way of thinking. And the sad thing is you can see it alive and well on this forum and that is food for thought.
I don't like Dennis Basso, I have never bought anything from him, but I wouldn't write someone off because they spoke to him. I haven't watched any of the Joan Collins hours as I am not interested in her cosmetics.
I do like animals and don't agree with animal cruelty, but we have the same sermon every time DB appear on QVC......
I can remember many years ago in the late 70's, early 80's, I bought and wore a burgundy fur jacket without any thought whatsoever, because at that time most people wore them and they were easily accessible, mine came from a well known catalogue, back in the days before shopping telly and tinternet! I actually thought I was the 'dogs taters' wearing it, it was the fashion back then...Dallas, Dynasty, Knots Landing, we all aspired to look like the characters, Joan Collins included.

Now I am older and very much wiser and would never dream of buying and wearing such an item, how many on here can hold their hands up and say they actually wore fur when it was all the rage back then...we are far more well informed these days to make choices.
I note that Joanie has not lowered herself to appear with Alison this afternoon, who incidentally must be auditioning for Dr Who as a Dalek's girlfriend! Her dress / sack is the same colour they are at the moment.
I don't watch Q much these days, hardly at all, but Alison, what are you thinking? some type of sex siren? unbelievable!
I totally agree Vienna, Miss Ellie and Kathy. I try my best to buy cruelty free and I am a big animal lover. However, I don't have the luxury of being able to devote my every waking breath to it. This is not the place to preach. We're all aware of your views, and I for one admire them, but it is getting rather tiresome and I think a lot of forumites are being made to feel uneccesarily guilty.
Sadly we live in a world where animals are constantly exploited. Even if we choose to be vegetarians, and not wear fur, and support animal welfare charities, so many aspects of life have an impact on animals. Milk production, drug research, encroachment of territory by an increasing population, deforestation, a warming climate, disease, intensive farming etc. etc. Yes, these things are a result of a booming and hungry population and we should do all we can to preserve species and habitats and lessen animal suffering wherever we can. I admire people who do such things (not stupid acts like releasing mink into the British countryside, but conservation, research and protests where appropriate) but I don't like being preached to either, I like to do my own research and try to shop with a conscience.
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I note that Joanie has not lowered herself to appear with Alison this afternoon, who incidentally must be auditioning for Dr Who as a Dalek's girlfriend! Her dress / sack is the same colour they are at the moment.

I am sure it has more to do with Alison than Joan Collins. I heard Alison say the other day that it is in her contract that she does not have to appear on air with anyone who's products she does not believe in.Maybe this is not Joan but I can't remember if she has done previous shows with her or not.
Yes Basso`s trade is despicable
Yes people who wear fur have no morals
Yes we`re all aware some people feel very very strongly about it, quite right too.
BUT he`s bound to have friends from all walks of life who we aren`t even aware of and we might unknowingly patronise buying their goods or liking their careers.
AND we`re all adults so able to decide for ourselves what we do or don`t act on.
I`ve never bought from Basso or Joan Collins. The former because I object to his business, the latter because I don`t fancy her makeup range.
BUT what I really dislike is threads on here constantly preaching, yes preaching and banging big drums at every available opportunity.
We get the message loud and clear and have done for a long time but in our own quiet ways I daresay many of us are changing what we buy, what we use and how we view people but Rome wasn`t built in a day and the World keeps turning and not all of us make a song and dance about our beliefs, we just get on with it.
Now I`m sorry if my post seems rude, it certainly isn`t meant to be but I for one am fedup of logging on here and being treated like a school kid who isn`t aware of right from wrong, is unable to make a decision for myself and doesn`t have the intelligence to fathom what I will or won`t spend my money on.

A forum is a place for open discussion where, as long as we are not being abusive or doing anything illegal, we are all allowed our opinions. I am expressing mine, and am realistic enough to know that preaching will achieve nothing. The majority of forumites recognise Basso for what he is but I do not feel I have the right to tell anyone how to pend one's hard earned. We all have a conscience and it is this which dictates to us, what is morally and legally right and wrong. Mine does not allow me to view people who trade in fur, and the entire process of murdering the animal, as ethical or compassionate individuals and I, personally, could not align myself to them as a friend. This is my opinion; I have no problem in accepting that others may have diverse views; this is the luxury of living in a democracy. As an example, the majority of my friends are, politically, of a completely adverse leaning to me. I have a very good friend, and both he and I enjoy a bit of political volleying. He knows I won't change my opinion, and I know he won't. We enjoy each other's company, despite our opposing views. I am, essentially, a realist; we all have different opinions. for different reasons, but they are our opinions and, as such, we should be allowed to express them.
I agree it gets very boring when every thread is "Hijacked" with the same things about animal rights, Basso and fur etc , However i personally dont mind when a thread is started specifically started on that subject as everyone has the choice to read that particular thread and contribute or just ignore it.

Dont like Basso and wouldn't ever wear Fur, but its not for me to Judge what others do.
I caught a couple of Basso's runway shows for New York Fashion Week and have to say there was nothing on view that was anything like the DB faux fur and raincoats QVC range; but I didn't see any fur either so it may have been edited for a UK audience.

The problem I have with the bashing Basso threads is that it precludes those on this forum who might want to discuss buying one of his coats from Q. If anyone sticks their head above the parapet to ask about the mundane - sizing, quality etc they'd likely face a repeat lecture about the fur trade. I can understand those who choose not to watch or buy, and accept those who want to campaign against the fur trade, animal testing etc but, on here, it seems to limit the shopping part of the discussion and acts as a form of censorship.
I have never purchased from the ranges you've mentioned either, just don't fancy them. As for Basso's coats etc., I thought these were faux and therefore not real.

I'd never purchase anything made from animals or tested on a nimals. I just discovered recently as I did some internet homework, the number of big name companies these days who are still testing on animals is amazing. I've written letters to some of them because I believe that's how we stop it eventually.

What gives us the right to think we are better than animals anyway, how dare we treat animals the same some people do - it's disgusting.

I came upstairs and typed five letters this afternoon to famous companies, told them I threw out everything I had of theirs and in future will not be buying again - even makes I thought were ok and that I liked. My love of animals outweighs it.

QVC is in danger of losing my custom and over the 20 years I've spent a lot., I think they need to take a long hard look at what they feature.

My respects to Ellen DeGeneres and Cathy Kangas for their hard work.
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I am sure it has more to do with Alison than Joan Collins. I heard Alison say the other day that it is in her contract that she does not have to appear on air with anyone who's products she does not believe in.Maybe this is not Joan but I can't remember if she has done previous shows with her or not.

AY's always said this and for many years she never appeared with Liz Earle and only grudgingly presented Cleanse & Polish during her "In the Salon" hours as a budget alternative to Decleor or whatever. The obvious conclusion was always drawn on here until she finally did start to appear with our Liz.

Joan wasn't on with Ali but her minion Peter was on with this item (there's a video too if anyone missed that bacofoil dress): Maybe Joan was worried that squinting in the glow from AY's dress would add to her crow's feet? :mysmilie_1:
If mum hadn't been eating her lunch, I would have been physically sick. Joan Collins is on and the butcher of Basso, the grossly ugly murdering narcissist has just imploded onto the set, to see "one of his dearest friends", and they ensued to hug each other. I have never had any desire to purchase from her range but, if I did, this would have put a swift stop to that. She has gone down in my estimation dramatically. Thinking about it realistically, however, it is not a surprise in the least that she is friends with him. One of the reasons I admire Ellen de Generes so much, is due to her refusal to be silenced when it comes to giving her opinion on the actions of these cretins, and her devotion to animal welfare. There is absolutely no way she would kowtow to either of them, or their ilk. Ellen appears on QVC US with her dog grooming products. QVC UK would do well to replace the butcher with a compassionate lady like her. But since when has the Q listened to public opinion? I think Ellen would agree with me : if you lie down in dirt, you get dirty.
I would entreat anyone who is anti Basso, but buys from Joan's range, to stop, and reconsider what you regard as being morally acceptable. Hell would freeze over before I could associate with anyone who considered innocent animals as being ours to kill to feed some sick sense of vanity. Obviously, Joan is of the same mindset as him.
Get them both off QVC.

She isn't of any mindset Louise, as she has died. People are free to associate with or disassociate from whosoever they please. I don't agreed with Basso's principles but I do find him a fascinating character. He is utterly amusing with that brash manner and growling bear voice that undulates in pitch, rising and falling three octaves within a few syllables!
She isn't of any mindset Louise, as she has died. People are free to associate with or disassociate from whosoever they please. I don't agreed with Basso's principles but I do find him a fascinating character. He is utterly amusing with that brash manner and growling bear voice that undulates in pitch, rising and falling three octaves within a few syllables!

I think your getting Joan Collins mixed up with the Late Joan Rivers :S

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