Basso and Joan


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Apart from when AY said Joanie was 5ft 2, Joanie nearly fell off her chair and asked AY how tall she was, AY said 5ft 2 and Joanie said no no i am 5ft 4:mysmilie_19: It made me chuckle.
Joan is on with Alison at the moment and they seem to be getting on OK.

Yes but don't you think she appears a little wary of her, I don't think Joan liked her referring to her being 5ft2!! Whether she is friendly with Mr Basso or not ,she is certainly a much better guest to watch than all the American beauty guests we have, shrieking and all the "girlfriend" clap trap :wink:
She isn't of any mindset Louise, as she has died. People are free to associate with or disassociate from whosoever they please. I don't agreed with Basso's principles but I do find him a fascinating character. He is utterly amusing with that brash manner and growling bear voice that undulates in pitch, rising and falling three octaves within a few syllables!

When did Joan Collins die?
Joan Rivers and Collins are of an era where the wearing of fur was acceptable. Fox tails with the heads on gave me nightmares as a child and relatives coats hanging up fascinatingly disgusting. I remember trying a coat on and felt the blood drain from my body in horror, very weird feeling. Then later as a teenager my friend was thrilled with her coney fur jacket, all the rage! I wear leather shoes so I am a hypocrite. Debates about the meat trade producing by products can go on forever. We all have different thresholds of moral acceptability.
Joan Rivers was only a few years younger than my grandmother, who died at age 83 a few years ago. My grandmother wore fur, and bought me a fur coat when I was at primary school which I loathed and was the subject of regular arguments with my mum who made me wear it to church every so often. Apparently it was my own fault that she bought it because when I was only 5 ( therefore too young to know any better) I used to stroke my grandma's coat and once asked her to buy me one. As a teenager I remember having arguments with her because I didn't believe that animals should be killed for their fur. I eventually got my way and the awful coat was chucked out.

But yes, it was a generational thing, and my grandmother, Joan Rivers and maybe Joan Collins too were part of an era where an expensive fur coat was a sign of affluence, wealth and success.

I am glad that people have started to complain about the frequent posts on this subject as I did on a recent thread. I agree with all of the above, glad I'm not the only one fed up with it even though I do have some sympathy with the views expressed.
Before this thread is closed down, too, can I say I am SICK AND TIRED of being lectured to by animal rights campaigners, however subtly. I have my own views and will keep them that way.

if you:
don't buy fur
don't take prescription drugs
don't eat meat, fish or seafood
don't support horse-racing or horse-riding
deplore the fact that our ancestors broke in and used animals to plough the land and pull their wagons
don't keep or support the caging of animals in any form, whether in a cage or enclosed by a fence of a few acres where you are also depriving that animal of freedom outside your boundaries
don't use animal fat

then and only then would I say you are sticking to your principles. But then we enter the realm of cruelty to another living form, the vegetable ..... or yet another living form, the bacterium ... it goes on.

So please - LEAVE IT OUT.
Before this thread is closed down, too, can I say I am SICK AND TIRED of being lectured to by animal rights campaigners, however subtly. I have my own views and will keep them that way.

if you:
don't buy fur
don't take prescription drugs
don't eat meat, fish or seafood
don't support horse-racing or horse-riding
deplore the fact that our ancestors broke in and used animals to plough the land and pull their wagons
don't keep or support the caging of animals in any form, whether in a cage or enclosed by a fence of a few acres where you are also depriving that animal of freedom outside your boundaries
don't use animal fat

then and only then would I say you are sticking to your principles. But then we enter the realm of cruelty to another living form, the vegetable ..... or yet another living form, the bacterium ... it goes on.

So please - LEAVE IT OUT.

Peoples views in this kind of thing are their own & should remain so & they have no right to try & force their views onto others. There is a lot in the list above I have always endorsed & lived by until one day I was forced into a situation whereby take prescription drugs or die. My blood pressure was so high I had a stroke & the only way it can be controlled is by taking drugs. No amount of healthy diet, exercise, lifestyle etc will ever get my BP back to a safe limit because this is a genetic thing with me.
If mum hadn't been eating her lunch, I would have been physically sick. Joan Collins is on and the butcher of Basso, the grossly ugly murdering narcissist has just imploded onto the set, to see "one of his dearest friends", and they ensued to hug each other. I have never had any desire to purchase from her range but, if I did, this would have put a swift stop to that. She has gone down in my estimation dramatically. Thinking about it realistically, however, it is not a surprise in the least that she is friends with him. One of the reasons I admire Ellen de Generes so much, is due to her refusal to be silenced when it comes to giving her opinion on the actions of these cretins, and her devotion to animal welfare. There is absolutely no way she would kowtow to either of them, or their ilk. Ellen appears on QVC US with her dog grooming products. QVC UK would do well to replace the butcher with a compassionate lady like her. But since when has the Q listened to public opinion? I think Ellen would agree with me : if you lie down in dirt, you get dirty.
I would entreat anyone who is anti Basso, but buys from Joan's range, to stop, and reconsider what you regard as being morally acceptable. Hell would freeze over before I could associate with anyone who considered innocent animals as being ours to kill to feed some sick sense of vanity. Obviously, Joan is of the same mindset as him.
Get them both off QVC.

I agree with you, totally!
Well I will put my head above the parapet and admit I have a Dennis Basso mac hanging in my wardrobe. I've never worn it,it's around three years old. I never wore it because it looks rubbish on me and for this reason I would probably not go for his designs again.
Well I will put my head above the parapet and admit I have a Dennis Basso mac hanging in my wardrobe. I've never worn it,it's around three years old. I never wore it because it looks rubbish on me and for this reason I would probably not go for his designs again.

I will join you in that parapet as I also have a DB lightweight mac hanging in my wardrobe - I did wear it until I lost weight but now keep it in case I have to wear a mac in summer over a work suit. I also order other items but they did not fit and were returned. Furs are no longer worn by normal people just so called celebs and if you are sticking half a ton of drugs up your nose then are you likely to worry about anything other than yourself.

As Lilian says I think there are very few people who would let themselves/family get sick and not use drugs because of animal testing so where do you draw the line? Either you want your cake and to eat it or you have extreme principles and die without them.

I would say the majority of people would not be cruel, would do the best they can in their own way not make things worse than they need be but are realistic enough to know that they have to live in the real world.

Personally I feel over population is a bigger problem for the planet.
None of us should be guilt tripped into explaining why we do or don`t buy certain products. We don`t have to justify anything to anybody. It`s between a person and their conscience and nobody else and it isn`t a competition who can live a certain kind of lifestyle and who can`t.
I`d never dream of lambasting someone who was vegan or an animal rights activist but yet they are totally intolerant of anybody with a different view point, suddenly you`re " hated" or despised and your life is nothing but cruel and wrong.
Education has come a long way since I was a child many moons ago. Back then people wore fur if they could afford it, they didn`t know or care if their cosmetics were animal tested and your average working class family were struggling so hard to feed and clothe themselves they`d eat anything dead and on a plate because it was either that or go hungry. We`ve come a long way and will continue to do so but it takes time, patience, education and small steps one in front of another, not being beaten over the head nor lectured at every available opportunity.
This is a shopping forum and yes we discuss a diversity of subjects and everybody is entitled to air their views but in a manner which is acceptable and on threads which are applicable. It isn`t an opportunity to hijack every thread and turn it into something it isn`t.
There are many online forums, (some even supporting the fur trade) so there is a time and a place for everything and to suit all political and personal ideologies and if I felt such a strong need to convert others to my views then that`s where I`d be. Anyway that`s my last word on the subject, I`m boring myself let alone others and unlike some folks I know when it`s time to shut up.
Personally I feel over population is a bigger problem for the planet.

I totally agree. You only have to look at the poor children starving in Africa to realise this. Oh and the countless number of people in this country having kids for the sake of it, or so they don't have to work...

I have a DB faux jacket and I love it! I know I shouldn't support him, but MY jacket is faux and it keeps me warm! I do other things to support anti-animal cruelty, give monthly to local animal rescue charities and regularly help out at the local Cats Protection. So in a miniscule way, I do my bit to help animals and I wish I could do more to support the abolishment of animal testing.
I would like to write an article for the Express on Dennis Basso. I'd love to see the other side to the glamour. I wonder what really goes on in those factories? It can't be very nice.
I read once that he gasses the animals to avoid them suffering - like he's actually doing them a favour.

I wonder if Dennis Basso sold nothing but faux furs and had never done anything real, how differently people would think of him?

He is certainly a very amusing character. Me and a friend of mind always joke about his voice and mannerisms!
I didn't know anything about Basso until I started reading this site.There is an article on the net,Daily Mail I think,about him being one of the designers who made wearing fur acceptable again for celebs.For many years it was not acceptable and if I remember rightly, many of the designers and supermodels in the 80's and 90's were vehemently anti fur.
The last time Joan was on with AY she made a comment about Joanie once being a beautiful woman. Poor Joanie was astounded, spluttered, but recovered quite graciously while AY back-pedalled like mad. Made me snort my tea!

Maybe Joanie wasn't fussed being on with AY.

I noticed AY was doing her version of glamour, dressed very un-fetchingly in a shiny sweet-wrapper that matched her usual overdose of Shimmer Brick yesterday. Or was she? I had to put my glasses on as there was a distinct lack of glare, but a glaringly obvious red lipstick. She said she was wearing JC make-up and seemed to be a little less, how shall I put it? Harsh? Maybe Peter (think that was his name) made her up. She did look better/normal/un-bruised/less Data-like!
I think Joan could out bitch AY any day of the week. I get the feeling JC just tolerates Miss Ali. I would love to see what happens when the cameras stop rolling, I bet Joan flounces out of the studio without a backward glance or thanks to Alison.
The 5ft2 comment was a classic moment and Joans face was a picture :mysmilie_17:

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