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A person on Facebook on the QVC page has made a comment about this site. That shopping channel forum as she called us. We are all mean bullies it seems. JR,JF and Catherine are who we pick on and they hope they don't actually read what we write about them. Someone else pointed out that it is very easy to find things written about you online.

I saw this post on FB too Donna and was going to start a thread on it but I decided against it as the last time I dared to call SOME members of that page bullies on a thread I started WW3 broke out with these so-called "Angels".
Aren't we all a kaleidoscope of emotions though HC. We all wear different hats and conduct ourselves differently in different situations. Maybe CH can't psychologically switch off the camera in her face, or can't deal with normality without it. Telling the world and its aunt all and sundry is not my way but for the people who do, well, IMO are insecure and need validation. Not a good emotional place to be in.
Here's another one "If people here think some of the comments are bad and that those making them are bullies, you should go to the shopping telly forums. They're largely made up of these people, who take their pleasure from verbally savaging QVC's presenters and most of the products sold by QVC. Heaven knows why these people even watch the channel, because they obviously hate everything about it with a passion. It's absolutely unbelievable what they post. And woe betide anyone who objects because they're taken to task by the moderators. Someone recently accused the forum members of being bullies and the moderator posted a nasty message accusing that person of causing trouble! The person hasn't been seen since so I assume they've been expelled from the forum. There are odd threads on those forums that are worth reading, but I'm very selective and avoid the viciousness as much as possible. It's much more pleasant here."

Wonder who the person is being talked about??? :tongue::tongue::dull::thinking::hi:
I'm quite sad,they other people think we're/I'm a bully :confused:

I don't come here to be bully or be bullied.I come here,because I like it.I find if fun and informative.I'm sure if you dissect absolutely everything,everyone says,I'm sure you could find an element of nastiness somewhere - but I'm not sure everyone sets out to be or comes here to be deliberately nasty?

I join in a lot of forums and don't feel the "nasty" vibe...
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Aren't we all a kaleidoscope of emotions though HC. We all wear different hats and conduct ourselves differently in different situations. Maybe CH can't psychologically switch off the camera in her face, or can't deal with normality without it. Telling the world and its aunt all and sundry is not my way but for the people who do, well, IMO are insecure and need validation. Not a good emotional place to be in.

I agree. But if this IS the case, then Ms Huntley's friends and family should have jumped in and helped her when "Poogate" first hit the fan (as it were).

Instead we had CH alternatively declare that she won't be bowed and will be who she is no matter what, then cry out for help against the nasty cyber-bullies.

And as well as being happy with calling La Roberts a "false bitch", I'm also surpised that no woman on here was disgusted that CHuntley could apparently be excused anything simply because she was allegedly "do-able" by a man.

Did feminism never happen? Are women really wanting validation from any kind of sexual attention they may receive from men? Do women want their value to be based purely on their sexual appeal to the opposite gender? Not sure that's a particularly healthy message to be spreading about.
Here's another one "If people here think some of the comments are bad and that those making them are bullies, you should go to the shopping telly forums. They're largely made up of these people, who take their pleasure from verbally savaging QVC's presenters and most of the products sold by QVC. Heaven knows why these people even watch the channel, because they obviously hate everything about it with a passion. It's absolutely unbelievable what they post. And woe betide anyone who objects because they're taken to task by the moderators. Someone recently accused the forum members of being bullies and the moderator posted a nasty message accusing that person of causing trouble! The person hasn't been seen since so I assume they've been expelled from the forum. There are odd threads on those forums that are worth reading, but I'm very selective and avoid the viciousness as much as possible. It's much more pleasant here."

Wonder who the person is being talked about??? :tongue::tongue::dull::thinking::hi:

Nice to see these "angels" aren't against being selective in what they report...

The poor "victim" apparently joined this site after hearing about how.. hot conversations could be, and IMO joined this site purely to troll and stir up arguments just so he/she could get some kicks. Hardly the victim of bullying.
I really like Catherine's presenting style. She comes across as a honest person and I find her beautiful and really polished. Like her changes of hair styles. If she is on holiday I hope she is having a good one if she is ill I hope she gets better soon. Please come back nice and relaxed Catherine.
Nobody forces these presenters to be on TV. They know that someone somewhere will have an opinion (good or bad) once they put themselves in the public eye. This should not come as a surprise to them.

If Catherine is not able to do her job without bringing her private life into it, then she should move into a more suitable low key career for her own sake.

There are people out there with a lot to cope with and they still do their jobs and do their crying when they get home.

I hope Catherine gets better, I wish her well.

As for Julia - I am sure she is not without her fair share of troubles but she is professional enought to keep it private. It was not nice to read the B.. comment.
well i think she has looked stunning since she broke up with Steve. I am not actually a fan of her but...I do think that shopping telly is not just about a list of products but about drama which helps sell products, and personal details do add a bit of drama and intimacy etc. She is really good at her job and prefer her to the new presenters
Actually I think she's over 40, so it could be the onset of menopause if there IS a problem (and before anyone shouts its too early for that, I was "done and dusted" by age 42 !!) and why is such a big thing made about being a 'single mother' ? A lot (I'm not saying all) of single mothers have a better time of it and can be infinitely better off than cohabiting couples !
Most of the presenters bring their private lives into discussion, to greater or lesser extents. Isn't that the whole point of the presenters' blogs feature, to which presumably the presenters are 'encouraged' to divulge personal stuff so that we can feel like we 'know' them? The blogs aren't all positive and fun...look at Ali K's account of her cancer treatment. I'm not sure it's totally left-field therefore for Catherine to mention that she's been emotionally fragile recently, although I suspect she's the only one of the presenters who'd ever be so self-revealing on air. In professional business presentations, I'd never say anything about my own problems unless I needed a doctor right there and then...but QVC is designed to bring the presenter into your home as a trusted friend. A friend might well say she's been a bit down lately, mightn't she?
HC my post wasn't referring to sexual allure or lack of.

LM: I didn't say that it was.

I was referring to a previous poster who'd written that, in effect, it doesn't matter how many "faults" Catherine had, because he'd quite like to give her one.

And nobody reacted to that.
Actually I think she's over 40, so it could be the onset of menopause if there IS a problem (and before anyone shouts its too early for that, I was "done and dusted" by age 42 !!) and why is such a big thing made about being a 'single mother' ? A lot (I'm not saying all) of single mothers have a better time of it and can be infinitely better off than cohabiting couples !

I think Catherine is only 39. She tweeted a few weeks ago that she had just attended the funeral of a close, friend she was back on air the next day. It must have been hard for her to act on bubbly and jolly when she was grieving for her friend. Maybe things became too much for her and she's just taking some time out. I wish her well.
Its I've already said we all get harsh blows to deal with and whilst I can sympathise with her, at the end of the day if she didnt tweet and gush on air about her personal life no one would be any the wiser and therefore comments as in this thread wouldnt be posted ....she can't have it both ways, people who live in glass houses etc
I think Catherine is only 39. She tweeted a few weeks ago that she had just attended the funeral of a close, friend she was back on air the next day. It must have been hard for her to act on bubbly and jolly when she was grieving for her friend. Maybe things became too much for her and she's just taking some time out. I wish her well.

As someone who's managed staff I see it like this: if someone has an experience that leaves them feeling physically or mentally unable to work, then they don't go to work; after all, what are they going to achieve, and they run the risk of making things worse for themselves in the long run. They ring in sick and see their GP, and we make plans for their return to work.

If that person feels that they CAN work, and can remain professional and objective then that is their decision and should be respected. But I would expect that person to tell me (as their manager) if things are getting too much, and if what they thought would be bearable has turned out to be anything but. As a (hopefully) supportive manager I would therefore discuss with that person whether further leave would be appropriate and take it from there. If this continues I would hope that the staff member sees their GP.

I wouldn't be impressed if that person then tweeted all over the place how they HAD to work when they couldn't cope, and how much worse they now feel. If anything, I'd feel like I'd been kicked in the teeth.
Catherine's back in a couple of days according to the website - let's hope she is refreshed and well :talking:
Hi Donna
I only started the thread as I thought she was unwell - she recently had 2 weeks off to move house, a few Fridays back she tweeted about a show she was looking forward to doing later that day, yet another presenter did it. She was then scheduled for the following week and as each day approached she was removed from the website quide. The week after she was again scheduled and then subsequently removed. So holiday would seem unlikely, unwell or feeling down likely. No bad feelings as fb may imply, just a concern thats all.

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