Claudia's neice (:


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Dont know whether Georgie is really who she says she is but what would make me think she is at least a 14 year old if nothing else is the use of her ':L' smiley thingys. I had to ask my 16 year old nephew what they all meant a couple of weeks ago on Facebook as I didnt understand them and nor did any of the adults I asked, but then I am relatively new to Facebook.

As for grammar and spelling. Sometimes this forum is so fast moving that if you dont get your bit in quickly, whatever you meant to say becomes irrelevant or has been said already and for me at least, this leads to typos. I have often not bothered to post something because I thought I had taken too long to spell and sense check something that I thought it was no longer worth posting!

Bet Lynch (a copy of the real one :mysmilie_12:)
If the poster is Claudia's neice, then she is the daughter of her brother or sister.. Now, it is no secret that Claudia is quite well to do & went to private school, etc (so her siblings probably did too).. It would follow that their children would most probably all be educated privately.. Some on here (me included) am suspicious that the poster Georgie is Claudia's neice.. Yes, I am referring to the very bad grammar & spelling for a 14 year old.. This is my opinion, anyone can come on here & say they are related to certain people.. But I can say that im not totally convinced that Georgie is who she says she is.. If its proved differently, then whoo hoo :mysmilie_696:

This means absolutely nothing,Claudia is as thick as two short planks! Well to do and private school,don't immediately add up to Einstein,so it follows that her kin won't necessarily be the sharpest tools in the box,may I remind you George Bush went to Yale.

Anyway, I still maintain that this IS Claudia's kin and she probably won't be posting here again,not because of what has been written by other posters,but because Auntie got wind and put the kibosh on it.
This means absolutely nothing,Claudia is as thick as two short planks! Well to do and private school,don't immediately add up to Einstein,so it follows that her kin won't necessarily be the sharpest tools in the box,may I remind you George Bush went to Yale.

Anyway, I still maintain that this IS Claudia's kin and she probably won't be posting here again,not because of what has been written by other posters,but because Auntie got wind and put the kibosh on it.

Im not saying that all people are Einsteins if they are well to do or go to private school.. But just commenting on the posts that were made by a 14 year old.. You agree that the poster is genuine, then fine, but I don't agree.. You say that Claudia has probably put the kibosh on Georgie posting again, how do you know that for certain, unless you know Claudia personally? Its equally as probable that the poster could be sitting in her bedroom, laughing at all the mischief she has caused.. It still doesn't make her Claudia's niece..
Im not saying that all people are Einsteins if they are well to do or go to private school.. But just commenting on the posts that were made by a 14 year old.. You agree that the poster is genuine, then fine, but I don't agree.. You say that Claudia has probably put the kibosh on Georgie posting again, how do you know that for certain, unless you know Claudia personally? Its equally as probable that the poster could be sitting in her bedroom, laughing at all the mischief she has caused.. It still doesn't make her Claudia's niece..

No,but you implied that because Claudia went to private school,that it follows all of her spawn and other rellies should be rocket scientists and not make those egregious errors,when posting.

I know nothing for certain,I only have the luxury of knowing ME in that fashion.

I,intuit that the poster is genuine,I deduce that poster is genuine,I believe that poster is genuine.I'm not asking anyone else to subscribe to this.

What I do know is,that not much,if anything, gets past my BS radar.
No,but you implied that because Claudia went to private school,that it follows all of her spawn and other rellies should be rocket scientists and not make those egregious errors,when posting.

I know nothing for certain,I only have the luxury of knowing ME in that fashion.

I,intuit that the poster is genuine,I deduce that poster is genuine,I believe that poster is genuine.I'm not asking anyone else to subscribe to this.

What I do know is,that not much,if anything, gets past my BS radar.

I implied that is was likely that if parents were privately educated, then any children may well be too, but not be rocket scientists, just a better standard of education for a 14 year old.. If indeed Georgie has been privately educated, then id want a refund.. No one knows for sure what the answer is, i've just made an educated guess.. I could be wrong.. You could be wrong.. And then, she would have got past your BS radar!
BFG, for someone who is "outta here" you certainly have much to say.
I meant I'm outta here in responding to Claudia's niece,because A-there's no point and B-it wouldn't be fair.

And yes,I always have much to say(this is news,how?),but don't always say it.

I implied that is was likely that if parents were privately educated, then any children may well be too, but not be rocket scientists, just a better standard of education for a 14 year old.. If indeed Georgie has been privately educated, then id want a refund.. No one knows for sure what the answer is, i've just made an educated guess.. I could be wrong.. You could be wrong.. And then, she would have got past your BS radar!

I could be wrong,but I'm not.Like I said I'm not asking or neither do I care if anyone else subscribes to what I believe and I have the right,just as you do,to say what I think.

No argument there.

Now I really am outta here,it's SuperBowl Sunday here,which is a mega,mega,big deal,kick off in half an hour, 6.30pm and I am obliged to take part in the drunken festivities.

C,ya :)
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Now I really am outta here,it's SuperBowl Sunday here,which is a mega,mega,big deal,kick off in half an hour, 6.30pm and I am obliged to take part in the drunken festivities.

C,ya :)
Understandable. Have a nice plate of chips with your bevvy.
i wouldnt dream of correcting an adult poster's spelling or grammar because lets face it, the horse has bolted. but if a 14 year old child comes on to the boards and cant correctly spell the word "niece" then i think their parents should be making sure that the child spends their time on schoolwork and not on doing their hair with GHD stylers and discussing family members on a public forum. call me old fashioned!

also, its equally likely to be that its someone taking the piss, as it is to be a genuine 14 year old so both points of view are valid.

Excellent comments. :mysmilie_82::mysmilie_82:I agree 100%.
Definatley not offended by the 'eats like a pig' pigs are lovely and the way they eat is quite funny

Quite right! I think that "eats like a human" would be a real insult!
Pigs are adorable and it is really difficult to handle a knife and fork when you have trotters.

Quite right! I think that "eats like a human" would be a real insult!

OMG this thread has been funny. Whoever started this thread, good luck to them. They opened up a real can of worms!
It has revealed so much about us interesting anonymous forumees!
Oh,Georgie didn't come back then?

Colour me shocked!!!:mysmilie_304:
Why sound shocked BFT?? Some people don't come back.....but others do......:mysmilie_348:
OMG this thread has been funny. Whoever started this thread, good luck to them. They opened up a real can of worms!
It has revealed so much about us interesting anonymous forumees!

I don't suppose we would be allowed a guessing game on here ... the thread has thrown up one or two surprises. :mysmilie_61: