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We switch over if he's on. The consist looking at the monitor he does all the time another niggle.
He is actually the only presenter I can not watch. He comes across as incredibly insincere to my and his "I have one of these ", "use one of these," have bought one of these" ect really get on my nerves and I just wonder how many items of something he can possible own, He must have 5 vacum cleaner!
I also agree with the OP who mentioned that he does not always seem to do his homework on some products. He really annoys me if he presents a show I want to watch
I like him. He also seems quite liked by the guests and presenters too. He seems to be the type that if you met him out somewhere he would be really friendly.
He is actually the only presenter I can not watch. He comes across as incredibly insincere to my and his "I have one of these ", "use one of these," have bought one of these" ect really get on my nerves and I just wonder how many items of something he can possible own, He must have 5 vacum cleaner! I also agree with the OP who mentioned that he does not always seem to do his homework on some products. He really annoys me if he presents a show I want to watch

I don't dislike him but I do find him difficult to watch sometimes due to the "I have one of these" references, plus the references to his poor sister. Oh, and the arm waving and insane grinning get a bit tiresome too. I do think he genuinely likes his job and wants to make his bosses happy. I don't think he's got a big ego like some we could mention. He did certainly go down in my opinion a couple of months ago when he was being snotty with someone on Facebook for daring to suggest that there were too many Northern Nights TSV's.
I don't see him that much cos he seems to do hours that i'm not interested in ie Nothern Nights and so on. But i did see him on an easiyo show the other day and he was pleasant enough, enthusiastic etc (BTW what is the name of the easiyo demo woman - she gets on my nerves!)
I cannot stand Craig and my opinon of the prima-donna will never change. It was my friend Karin who he threw a hissy fit at just because she felt there were too many Northern Sh!tes TSV's.

I find his ignorance of "Cashmeresoft" not surprising in the least , I remember him doing the Bargain Hunter one night and he was pronouncing "Creole Earrings" "Crayole Earrings" plus his pronounciation of the word Lilac as Lilack very annoying too.

I am very glad lots of other people are now seeing through the grinning idiot's Happy-Chappie facade.
I cannot stand Craig and my opinon of the prima-donna will never change. It was my friend Karin who he threw a hissy fit at just because she felt there were too many Northern Sh!tes TSV's.

I find his ignorance of "Cashmeresoft" not surprising in the least , I remember him doing the Bargain Hunter one night and he was pronouncing "Creole Earrings" "Crayole Earrings" plus his pronounciation of the word Lilac as Lilack very annoying too.

I am very glad lots of other people are now seeing through the grinning idiot's Happy-Chappie facade.

Funny you should say that. As I read this thread the word "diva" popped into my mind - I bet he's a right PITA backstage. Also, I know he's from Bristol but he appears to have lived away from there for years - so why do I find his accent so strong ? Methinks he's putting it on a bit.
When he first started on QVC I didn't mind him, and felt a certain sense of solidarity being a Westcountry lass myself, but the more I watch him, the less I like him. The whole Facebook hissy fit definitely lowered him in my estimation.

Also, I know he's from Bristol but he appears to have lived away from there for years - so why do I find his accent so strong ? Methinks he's putting it on a bit.

I saw a little bit of him presenting either earlier today or yesterday, and it did strike me that his accent has become stronger than it was at the beginning of his QVC career - which would lead me to believe that he is putting it on a bit.
I'm sure he is a perfectly nice person, but I really don't like his presenting style :down: The OTT behaviour and daft antics, plus some of the silly things he comes out with, all give the impression to me that he's a bit of a twerp :talking:
I hate the way he so often bursts into song and starts dancing about - maybe he should do us a favour and go try out for a musical.

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