Design bugbears


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Jun 24, 2008
I recently needed to replace the batteries in our weighing scales and when I went to remove the battery compartment found that it had a clip off back but this was also reinforced by a microscopic screw, one that only one of those microscopic screwdrivers that come in a Christmas cracker would have any chance of removing. Luckily I have a set in the drawer, but I couldn't get any purchase on the screw so it wouldn't come out. OH said that'll we'll have to buy a new set of scales. I managed to get if off literally by savaging it open with a knife, thankfully though the back was damaged the clip still held it in place, so why put a stupid little screw in? I've experienced this stupidity in the past!
Whilst we're on the subject of badly thought out design, another bugbear is the fridge jug. I wanted one to keep my cartons of orange juice fresher for longer, and thought they'd be easier to pour from too as I only buy the cheapest stuff as I use it to make smoothies more than anything, not only that I thought it would be nice to make a batch of smoothies to keep in the jug. I bought a couple of slimline glass fridge jugs for the purpose, they have half handles so they don't take up extra space inside the fridge door. They have a lid with a gap that you line up so you can pour without taking the lid off, great stuff until I saw that when you turn the gap away from the spout, there's still a gap, so it isn't airtight, so pretty pointless. Surely they could've incorporated some kind of notch which meant that it closed properly!!!!
The Tupperware style ones are airtight but most of them have huge handles at the side with makes them take up too much room in the fridge door, This is so unnecessary when a cut off handle that sits higher than fridge door shelf would solve that problem completely!
Finally, for now, what's the blinking point of a wallet without a compartment for change? Yes, we all know fellas tend to throw their loose change onto a plate or into a jar, but when they've got the change in hand why should anyone have to put it in their pocket, sometimes people need a coin. I had the devil's own work trying to find oh a decent new wallet with a zip compartment. Rant over for now!!!!
I recently needed to replace the batteries in our weighing scales and when I went to remove the battery compartment found that it had a clip off back but this was also reinforced by a microscopic screw, one that only one of those microscopic screwdrivers that come in a Christmas cracker would have any chance of removing. Luckily I have a set in the drawer, but I couldn't get any purchase on the screw so it wouldn't come out. OH said that'll we'll have to buy a new set of scales. I managed to get if off literally by savaging it open with a knife, thankfully though the back was damaged the clip still held it in place, so why put a stupid little screw in? I've experienced this stupidity in the past!
Whilst we're on the subject of badly thought out design, another bugbear is the fridge jug. I wanted one to keep my cartons of orange juice fresher for longer, and thought they'd be easier to pour from too as I only buy the cheapest stuff as I use it to make smoothies more than anything, not only that I thought it would be nice to make a batch of smoothies to keep in the jug. I bought a couple of slimline glass fridge jugs for the purpose, they have half handles so they don't take up extra space inside the fridge door. They have a lid with a gap that you line up so you can pour without taking the lid off, great stuff until I saw that when you turn the gap away from the spout, there's still a gap, so it isn't airtight, so pretty pointless. Surely they could've incorporated some kind of notch which meant that it closed properly!!!!
The Tupperware style ones are airtight but most of them have huge handles at the side with makes them take up too much room in the fridge door, This is so unnecessary when a cut off handle that sits higher than fridge door shelf would solve that problem completely!
Finally, for now, what's the blinking point of a wallet without a compartment for change? Yes, we all know fellas tend to throw their loose change onto a plate or into a jar, but when they've got the change in hand why should anyone have to put it in their pocket, sometimes people need a coin. I had the devil's own work trying to find oh a decent new wallet with a zip compartment. Rant over for now!!!!
Those tiny screws are very annoying, but are put there to protect the batteries from children.

If a child swallows a disk battery, such as a CR2032, it will undoubtedly kill him unless he gets an emergency operation quickly.

It is nothing to do with choking on the battery, but instead, as soon as it gets wet in the stomach the electricity burns through the stomach lining.

From the NHS website - - -

The swallowing of button batteries needs to be treated as a medical emergency. Removal of the battery alone may be insufficient action to prevent further damage as symptoms can manifest up to 28 days later. Patients need expert input, and careful monitoring and follow-up. One further incident described the death of a child from late complications after they had been treated and sent home.

Ingestion of button batteries can cause serious harm and death. Severe tissue damage results from a build up of sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) as a result of the electrical current discharged from the battery, and not, as commonly supposed, from leakage from the battery. The sodium hydroxide causes tissue burns, often in the oesophagus, which can then cause fistulisation into major blood vessels, resulting in catastrophic haemorrhage. Even apparently discharged (‘flat’) batteries can still have this effect, and button batteries pushed into ears or nostrils can also cause serious injuries.
****** hell I didn't know that, but to be fair I'm pretty sure that not all things that use that kind of battery are protected by that safety screw! But surely they could make the screw a bit larger so it can be opened with a regular screwdriver. I know when you've got small kids you need eyes in the back of your head, but I don't think many will be using a screwdriver to remove the screw to a battery compartment!
****** hell I didn't know that, but to be fair I'm pretty sure that not all things that use that kind of battery are protected by that safety screw! But surely they could make the screw a bit larger so it can be opened with a regular screwdriver. I know when you've got small kids you need eyes in the back of your head, but I don't think many will be using a screwdriver to remove the screw to a battery compartment!
We've a set of jewellery screwdrivers that come in handy.
The screw keeps coming out of my specs and luckily oh can screw it back in cos I can't see it even with my glasses on🤭😂 Took them into Specsavers and they have really given them a good tighten.
The screws are sooo tiny.
Regarding the wallets, I'd have agreed with you merryone up until about 3 years ago but not now because I just don't use cash anymore. I pay for everything with my phone and I love the fact that I don't get home after a night out with about £20.00 of loose change in my pocket weighing me down.
I've lock and lock boxes, that drive me mad. I've a couple that are easy to line up and close, but most of them take many attempts to get the lid on and the side bits to lock. Then, they are really hard to open and I end up using a knife to get under the side lock. Grrr........
I've lock and lock boxes, that drive me mad. I've a couple that are easy to line up and close, but most of them take many attempts to get the lid on and the side bits to lock. Then, they are really hard to open and I end up using a knife to get under the side lock. Grrr........
I've not had that sort of trouble, but what bugs me about them is that they harp on about them being dishwasher safe and stain resistant and after a while they start looking pretty manky but what bugs me most is when the seal falls out and however hard you try you can never get it back in again!

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