General ridiculousness thread


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Steve is selling an awful Montine Solid Gold Leaf Watch. He said "I have a feeling my phonelines have gone crazy, how many are there? Oh, three".
How's this for ridiculous? There is no stock on the Bid plus website! There's a few plants on the homepage presumably being shown on the tv throughout the day...but the website has NO STOCK....WHY? Pointless waste of time!

I don't know if they think it's ridiculous Merry, at least it means you have no choice but to call to order.

I'm amazed they haven't tried selling £5 notes for 1p-£1 .... not forgetting to mention those extra charges if mikey is to get it to your door.
I'm amazed they haven't tried selling £5 notes for 1p-£1 .... not forgetting to mention those extra charges if mikey is to get it to your door.

Bingo Balls' ego is so massive that he even has to take credit for the delivery of the items (o'yll ge' it deelivaaard to ya doowar).
Bingo Balls' ego is so massive that he even has to take credit for the delivery of the items (o'yll ge' it deelivaaard to ya doowar).

i wonder if he personally collects the items when they are sub standard. eg: the batteries that can work on anything assuming you want it to work for 5mins at the most.
i wonder if he personally collects the items when they are sub standard. eg: the batteries that can work on anything assuming you want it to work for 5mins at the most.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if he does everything at the company, I wonder if he also answers the ASA complaints too? It would explain the total bullshit arguments for their defence that they come out with.

They read like a Mason script!
I wouldn't be at all surprised if he does everything at the company, I wonder if he also answers the ASA complaints too? It would explain the total bullshit arguments for their defence that they come out with.

They read like a Mason script!

now in keeping with being fair, atleast he doesn't introduce himself like it's wwf or something lol
now in keeping with being fair, atleast he doesn't introduce himself like it's wwf or something lol

Don't give him any ideas Mr Tom, we know how much he likes to lecture us zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :sleepy:
Don't give him any ideas Mr Tom, we know how much he likes to lecture us zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :sleepy:

I'm undecided on which one out of "market stall trader" or "technology expert" is clark kent and which is superman when it comes to money man mason.
I'm undecided on which one out of "market stall trader" or "technology expert" is clark kent and which is superman when it comes to money man mason.

Mike Mason is unique in Telly Shopping. Not only is he likable, knowledgeable and reliable he is also humble.

But by far his best feature is that he would never pretend to be experienced in a certain field when he isn't. That, for me, is what makes him unique.
Mike Mason is unique in Telly Shopping. Not only is he likable, knowledgeable and reliable he is also humble.

But by far his best feature is that he would never pretend to be experienced in a certain field when he isn't. That, for me, is what makes him unique.

haha, i personally feel he is likeable, in terms of entertainment he is top notch, unfortunately the nuances of his presentation means he is very selective in what he deems relevant facts in terms of fit for purpose and true cost.

I don't get why they can't talk about the true cost of a product factoring in the charges, i'm aware that andy hodgeson has done this, but most don't.
haha, i personally feel he is likeable, in terms of entertainment he is top notch, unfortunately the nuances of his presentation means he is very selective in what he deems relevant facts in terms of fit for purpose and true cost.

I don't get why they can't talk about the true cost of a product factoring in the charges, i'm aware that andy hodgeson has done this, but most don't.

Because even the most stupid viewers might think 'hang about, over £10 for four plastic balls to cook eggs in?'.
Because even the most stupid viewers might think 'hang about, over £10 for four plastic balls to cook eggs in?'.

I've noticed that lisa brash gets a free pass on here even though she seems to have gone to the mason school of presenting.
I've noticed that lisa brash gets a free pass on here even though she seems to have gone to the mason school of presenting.

I think the reason she might get let off is many of us cannot bear watching her for long, I know I cant.

Personally I find Lisa, Steve McDonald and Mike Mason the most difficult to watch, all three of them are appalling although I find Lisa the least disagreeable of them.
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i like watching her shows because it comes across like the apprentice task where they go on ideal world etc.

plus i always remember to take a shot anytime she walks off camera in disbelief at a low price.

i find she has a charm that makes it hard to dislike her intensely.
i like watching her shows because it comes across like the apprentice task where they go on ideal world etc.

plus i always remember to take a shot anytime she walks off camera in disbelief at a low price.

i find she has a charm that makes it hard to dislike her intensely.

I don't dislike her in the way I dislike McDonald and Mason, who I find repugnant. I just find her hard to watch and listen to for any length of time.
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