Hilarious "epic fail" demo - Mark Stewart!


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Jun 24, 2008
I must apologise as I haven't captured it...hope someone else has, but I was watching mouth agape and couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

17 piece blender set - Now I know it's cr*p through experience, so when Mark started loading the ingredients for hummous into the jug, I thought "YESS! this should be funny, you see even a bona fide magic bullet struggles with this one, you can make decent hummous but it's certainly not a ten second job, as for a cheapo imitation like this - I wouldn't even bother trying! Undettered he said in a few seconds we'll have delicious hummous! He turned the machine on, and it started to blend, but in a matter of seconds it started making this whirring sound whilst the ingredients stayed put.
He left it running whilst talking, trying to ignore the fact this thing wasn't actually doing what it was meant to - I was thinking, Mark, if you don't turn the damn thing off any second it'll start to smoke!! He switched it off (obvs he could smell burning), then suddenly another screen came on with bid's phone number etc, you could still hear mark telling us how to buy it, but you could also hear a lot of hubbub in the background, sounded like someone frantically trying to blend the contents of the blender with a spoon! Eventually they returned and as if by magic the hummous was a bit more blended, still not perfect, you could still see lumps and a thick layer of oil sitting on top. We'll return to that in a bit he said..let's make a smoothie! Now if it can't do that, then there's no hope. He threw strawberries etc in and sure enough it appeared to blend pretty well, he gave it the 10 or 20 seconds required and proudly poured it into a glass, conveniently not noticing the huge lumps of fruit that were still there, and when he sipped it, it was clear that he'd taken in a great big unblended lump.

Back to the hummous, I'll just give it one more blend for luck (ie to trick the viewer into thinking that this hummous was blended in this machine) It made that awful whirring sound, so he quickly removed it from the base and started to pour it out, first out came a trickle of liquid, the hummous looked ok, but there was still a load of olive oil sat on the top.

For some reason they slapped on a VT of Mark demo'ing a different blender (he said it was the same- it wasn't) and obviously this had been properly produced and edited so it looked like a half decent product - Really funny, but actually really naughty of them. I doubt they'll ever live demo that pile of sh*t again lol!
I must apologise as I haven't captured it...hope someone else has, but I was watching mouth agape and couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

17 piece blender set - Now I know it's cr*p through experience, so when Mark started loading the ingredients for hummous into the jug, I thought "YESS! this should be funny, you see even a bona fide magic bullet struggles with this one, you can make decent hummous but it's certainly not a ten second job, as for a cheapo imitation like this - I wouldn't even bother trying! Undettered he said in a few seconds we'll have delicious hummous! He turned the machine on, and it started to blend, but in a matter of seconds it started making this whirring sound whilst the ingredients stayed put.
He left it running whilst talking, trying to ignore the fact this thing wasn't actually doing what it was meant to - I was thinking, Mark, if you don't turn the damn thing off any second it'll start to smoke!! He switched it off (obvs he could smell burning), then suddenly another screen came on with bid's phone number etc, you could still hear mark telling us how to buy it, but you could also hear a lot of hubbub in the background, sounded like someone frantically trying to blend the contents of the blender with a spoon! Eventually they returned and as if by magic the hummous was a bit more blended, still not perfect, you could still see lumps and a thick layer of oil sitting on top. We'll return to that in a bit he said..let's make a smoothie! Now if it can't do that, then there's no hope. He threw strawberries etc in and sure enough it appeared to blend pretty well, he gave it the 10 or 20 seconds required and proudly poured it into a glass, conveniently not noticing the huge lumps of fruit that were still there, and when he sipped it, it was clear that he'd taken in a great big unblended lump.

Back to the hummous, I'll just give it one more blend for luck (ie to trick the viewer into thinking that this hummous was blended in this machine) It made that awful whirring sound, so he quickly removed it from the base and started to pour it out, first out came a trickle of liquid, the hummous looked ok, but there was still a load of olive oil sat on the top.

For some reason they slapped on a VT of Mark demo'ing a different blender (he said it was the same- it wasn't) and obviously this had been properly produced and edited so it looked like a half decent product - Really funny, but actually really naughty of them. I doubt they'll ever live demo that pile of sh*t again lol!

Oh I didn't see it Merry but I can well believe it. I recall a certain forever grey suited BOD doing a demo of this Magic Bullet ripoff. He was delighted with a so called 'salsa' he made (he always seems quite proud of himself when he actually does something other than wave his hands around like a loon, such as making popcorn. Bless). BOD'S's salsa looked like (and apologies for the analolgy) afterbirth.

But I fancy that both of these poor demonstrations of the blender pale into insignificance when compared to Bingo Expert Birkett's disaster with the stand mixer. It was a catastrophe.
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I must apologise as I haven't captured it...hope someone else has, but I was watching mouth agape and couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

17 piece blender set - Now I know it's cr*p through experience, so when Mark started loading the ingredients for hummous into the jug, I thought "YESS! this should be funny, you see even a bona fide magic bullet struggles with this one, you can make decent hummous but it's certainly not a ten second job, as for a cheapo imitation like this - I wouldn't even bother trying! Undettered he said in a few seconds we'll have delicious hummous! He turned the machine on, and it started to blend, but in a matter of seconds it started making this whirring sound whilst the ingredients stayed put.
He left it running whilst talking, trying to ignore the fact this thing wasn't actually doing what it was meant to - I was thinking, Mark, if you don't turn the damn thing off any second it'll start to smoke!! He switched it off (obvs he could smell burning), then suddenly another screen came on with bid's phone number etc, you could still hear mark telling us how to buy it, but you could also hear a lot of hubbub in the background, sounded like someone frantically trying to blend the contents of the blender with a spoon! Eventually they returned and as if by magic the hummous was a bit more blended, still not perfect, you could still see lumps and a thick layer of oil sitting on top. We'll return to that in a bit he said..let's make a smoothie! Now if it can't do that, then there's no hope. He threw strawberries etc in and sure enough it appeared to blend pretty well, he gave it the 10 or 20 seconds required and proudly poured it into a glass, conveniently not noticing the huge lumps of fruit that were still there, and when he sipped it, it was clear that he'd taken in a great big unblended lump.

Back to the hummous, I'll just give it one more blend for luck (ie to trick the viewer into thinking that this hummous was blended in this machine) It made that awful whirring sound, so he quickly removed it from the base and started to pour it out, first out came a trickle of liquid, the hummous looked ok, but there was still a load of olive oil sat on the top.

For some reason they slapped on a VT of Mark demo'ing a different blender (he said it was the same- it wasn't) and obviously this had been properly produced and edited so it looked like a half decent product - Really funny, but actually really naughty of them. I doubt they'll ever live demo that pile of sh*t again lol!

I would think far more of them if they said well that went wrong, we rush things live on TV but you can take your time etc. They really don't think much of their viewers and customers ...

I would think far more of them if they said well that went wrong, we rush things live on TV but you can take your time etc. They really don't think much of their viewers and customers ...


Exactly what I was thinking - I almost wish he'd just yanked it out of the socket and thrown across the room, and said don't worry your's should hopefully work better than that - money back guarantee. Instead just carrying on as if nothing had happened. Don't get me wrong, I realise they need to be professional, but this demo was so obviously beyond redemption, and needed some honesty, even a bit of laughter!
They still sold a load though - There's going to be a lot of disappointed people! That was the actual machine that I had to pretend weighed more than 3 kilos to get it collected, otherwise it would have cost me nearly £12 to get it back for my refund!
Even the Gordon Ramsay multi blender sold on sainsbury's website isn't nowhere near as good as the magic bullet so I can't begin to imagine how crap this one must be. I can vouch for the Magic Bullet though, fantastic product which I use daily.
Oh I didn't see it Merry but I can well believe it. I recall a certain forever grey suited BOD doing a demo of this Magic Bullet ripoff. He was delighted with a so called 'salsa' he made (he always seems quite proud of himself when he actually does something other than wave his hands around like a loon, such as making popcorn. Bless). BOD'S's salsa looked like (and apologies for the analolgy) afterbirth.

But I fancy that both of these poor demonstrations of the blender pale into insignificance when compared to Bingo Expert Birkett's disaster with the stand mixer. It was a catastrophe.

Oh he was cock a hoop yesterday evening Wirral, so was I actually, I got to see the microwave eggers in action!

He got Yolisa to start boiling a pan of, probably ice cold, water. She was going to boil an egg. They had a dozen between them and while she was keeping her eye on her one, he was flitting back and forth to the microwave with the other eleven. Of course hers had only just started when he'd fnished all his eleven.

They didn't look bad actually, much better than I anticipated. Some were hardish and some were soft. Once he'd finished all eleven hard/soft mixed lot, it made me feel a bit bilious. But he was overjoyed, ecstatic, even though he forgot to prick a couple and they popped in the microwave.

Lovin your work Bod :tongue:
anything other than the magic bullet would not make a humus in that way

what a silly thing to even attempt with that set
I've seen an equally bad presentation by "Chef" Wayne when he was also trying to make hummous in a standmixer. He turned it on to blend, it made a whirring sound, then a choking sound. He preceded to bash the mixture over and over again while it continued to whirr and choke in the background. He then turned in to the camera and it was all still solid. Hillarious!

There was also one when he was demo-ing the multi-cooker thing, he put 8 sauaguses in - burnt them all - they were completely black, cut it open and showed the camera and it was completely raw!

Just buy it at 'ome!
In any sane retail business, demonstration failures like this would be enough for the producers and buyers to think, "No. This product is ****. We need to aim to find higher quality products..."

But with Bid? No. They still peddle this crap and as an extra slap on the face to their customers, they add a ludicrous £7.99 P&P charge and premium rate phone numbers.

Bid TV Network are not a professional trustworthy retail business. They are deceptive shitesters who are happy to rip off their unsuspecting customers with crap, shoddy merchandise using high p&p and dodgy retail practices as their business model. In any other retail sector or trade these people would be considered cowboys yet, they can continue to do this on the telly.

It's about time that these television shopping networks were better policed and regulated and harsher fines if they are ripping off the general public.
That sounds hilarious, but also really naughty if they showed a VT of a DIFFERENT blender :cheeky:
Oh he was cock a hoop yesterday evening Wirral, so was I actually, I got to see the microwave eggers in action!

He got Yolisa to start boiling a pan of, probably ice cold, water. She was going to boil an egg. They had a dozen between them and while she was keeping her eye on her one, he was flitting back and forth to the microwave with the other eleven. Of course hers had only just started when he'd fnished all his eleven.

They didn't look bad actually, much better than I anticipated. Some were hardish and some were soft. Once he'd finished all eleven hard/soft mixed lot, it made me feel a bit bilious. But he was overjoyed, ecstatic, even though he forgot to prick a couple and they popped in the microwave.

Lovin your work Bod :tongue:

BOD gets very excited when he demonstrates an item. He was positively brimming with pride when he 'discovered' that the exotic product 'cracked black pepper' serves as a delicious condiment to popcorn.

I feel he could do worse than to pitch his discovery to Dragons Den. He needs to be wary of the manic waving hands though, that could be interpreted as nervousness by Duncan.
That sounds hilarious, but also really naughty if they showed a VT of a DIFFERENT blender :cheeky:

It was funny, I so wish you could have seen it. The blender in the VT was the same "type" of blender but a different manufacturer, to be fair, it was probably just as sh*t, but with a professionally made VT ,they could obviously edit out the dodgy bits! I don't get it.... I've got a proper Magic bullet, and as Mike Mason would say, it's "an amazing bit of kit!" but even that has its limitations...and having made a VT using a knock off version surely they must realise that a live demo is going to go wrong big time, they'd have been better whipping up a couple of eggs..but to try and blend hummous, they were asking for it!!!

If anyone captured it...please whack it on here pronto!

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