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I ended up bingeing on Movies 24, unknown actors in the boy meets girl films in small town America awash with cookies and hot chocolate - eggnog is the raciest they get to alcohol, everyone oos and aaaaahs at the christmas tree lighting, and the chaste kiss comes with the credits. I long ago gave up on 'Christmas Special' programmes, and seeing idiot slebs dressed up pathetically as elves or father christmas, and I did everything to avoid seeing Holly Willoughby on the screen.

Yes I used to watch these films, a guilty secret but so unchallenging on the mind, must seek them out again.I Love discovering more obscure channels at Christmas not the Christmas specials which are usually a great let down.Watched ‘My Fair Lady’ &’ Oklahoma’ great sing a longs and have stood the test of time!
Ooops, I just found the clip; Mr Cheeseball 1961 was reading out reviews & a customer commented that she'd been whinging about prices -
'I’ve recently been whinging about Kim & co items being too expensive. But this dress, yes dress, is cheap as chips & gorgeous'.
I still think he's a creep!
I think TV has become 99% crap with a smidgen of a gem here and there. It seems to cater to the lowest common denominator, all I can say is thank heavens for books and music.
I love those made for tv style movies, total schmaltz :RpS_wub:

Isn't it funny when you think you're the only one who watches something, then you find loads of others secretly do the same !!! Brilliant !

(LATI - I've said for years that tele progs are made purely for the red top readers, lots of pictures and very little substance)
My two favourite Christmas films are It’s a Wonderful life and Die Hard, we like lots of others but these are my two faves. We have Sky and Prime but when the Christmas season is over I love those glossy American made for tv films on channel 5 about three in the afternoon, you know the ones were there’s an obsessed character who has it in for the married man, woman or both.
My two favourite Christmas films are It’s a Wonderful life and Die Hard, we like lots of others but these are my two faves. We have Sky and Prime but when the Christmas season is over I love those glossy American made for tv films on channel 5 about three in the afternoon, you know the ones were there’s an obsessed character who has it in for the married man, woman or both.

I quite often watch the films on channel 5 in the afternoon during the year. I have also been watching their Christmas films and enjoyed most of them immensely, but then, of course, everyone lives in a huge house with possibly a ski lodge to boot.
My two favourite Christmas films are It’s a Wonderful life and Die Hard, we like lots of others but these are my two faves. We have Sky and Prime but when the Christmas season is over I love those glossy American made for tv films on channel 5 about three in the afternoon, you know the ones were there’s an obsessed character who has it in for the married man, woman or both.

There is an ongoing debate is Die Hard is actually a Christmas film? All I know is anytime anyone hears Let It Snow they go Die Hard!

Princess Bride, yes it pops up all year but usually Xmas holidays and I have to watch.

"My name is Indigo Montoya you killed my father! Prepare to die!"
There is an ongoing debate is Die Hard is actually a Christmas film? All I know is anytime anyone hears Let It Snow they go Die Hard!

Princess Bride, yes it pops up all year but usually Xmas holidays and I have to watch.

"My name is Indigo Montoya you killed my father! Prepare to die!"

Wash your mouth out Donna! of course Die Hard is a Christmas film! They’re having a Christmas party, they’ve got Christmas decorations, Christmas song at the end and a bunch of German thieves. :confu9sed::RpS_laugh:
I have a new favourite xmas film. It was made in 2008 but I only saw it for the first time this year. Henry Winkler (Fonzie) is in it, and its hilarious..... The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.


I know that one: uber thin woman (seen as police officer in other films), ugly kid, large American home with gorgeous decorations & a good looking 'hero'. Having always loved Fonzie I watched it first time just for Henry W then got hooked.
Die Hard is a classic. I've seen it soooo many times & still shout at him to put on his shoes. As for the wonderful Alan Rickman, was there ever a better baddy?
LATI - dont know if the attachment will work, but I was given Fred Astaire this Christmas - life size !!!!!

fred astaire 2.jpg
Aw bless yer ! the truth is looking like that was purely for the photo - I mean, how can you stand beside HIM in your jammies and no make up ????? you just wouldn't !:biggrin:
That is fab! Whilst I know Gene Kelly was an excellent dancer he just didn’t do anything for me whereas Fred had that extra something which never fails to hit the spot.

Same here LATI, GK was a very athletic dancer whereas FA just makes you want to be his partner although Ginger’s feet bled as he was a perfectionist.

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