Northern nights try me or cozee home tsv?


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OH complained that it is more difficult to turn over in bed but that is his only quibble. I suppose cotton is more slippery.
The NN Try Me arrived and is fab - even better quality IMHO than the previous sets I've had. Mind you it has been parky in my bit of Lancashire and with everyone waxing lyrical about the Cozee Home I may have to give that a go too!
The NN Try Me arrived and is fab - even better quality IMHO than the previous sets I've had. Mind you it has been parky in my bit of Lancashire and with everyone waxing lyrical about the Cozee Home I may have to give that a go too!

aw, that's brilliant. It's lovely when we order something and it turns out to be as good, or even better, than we expected, isn't it?

I ordered the Cozee Home cream and taupe spotted bed set and I am delighted with it, it is lovely and lush. Quite adventurous for me as I normally buy relatively plain bedding. It makes the white TSV CH set that I bought for the guest room look really boring - safe but boring. :sun:
aw, that's brilliant. It's lovely when we order something and it turns out to be as good, or even better, than we expected, isn't it?

I ordered the Cozee Home cream and taupe spotted bed set and I am delighted with it, it is lovely and lush. Quite adventurous for me as I normally buy relatively plain bedding. It makes the white TSV CH set that I bought for the guest room look really boring - safe but boring. :sun:
Is the spotty taupe cosy homes set as good quality as the TSV?
Is the spotty taupe cosy homes set as good quality as the TSV?

Yes, I can vouch for this one too, it's gorgeous, and my third set of CH. I got the first set which was a "try me" and was lovely and soft but very stretchy and has bobbled in parts, still like it though. My second purchase was the first TSV which is not as stretchy or as soft as the try me set but still lovely and cosy. I think, so far, that this spotty one is my favourite. Not too stretchy and very soft and cuddly, just perfect.

Reading this back it sounds as if I've borrowed a paragraph from Goldilocks hehehe!! :giggle:
Ooooh softer and more cuddly how am I going to resist. I have never managed to wear out a duvet cover, my oldest one is 35 years - just a bit faded now.
Well thank you everyone for your suggestions, I eventually went for the NN try me which I washed last weekend and will put on the bed this weekend, it looks lovely so hopefully will feel and wear equally as good

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