OMG Julia is flashing her legs now!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

she looks o.k its her body type but she is out of breath. and is not dancing mind you i cannot swim 50 leagnths and julia can
Sorry BB but she has no natural rhythm and actually looks awkward, I can't believe she was ever a dancer. :dull: AD is much better imho, probably because she's not so preoccupied with herself and what she looks like and just enjoys it for fun.
She just stood there with her hand on her head screaming!! I'm in no way a hater, but she cracks me up sometimes!
Me too! I love watching Julia like no other presenter. I can even watch her doing THE most boring product. Quite simply she has charisma.
Hope you are fully recovered now and are in full working order so to speak!

Well yeah. Till the next time eh? Me and the receptionist down the clinic are on first name terms. She's started booking me in on the off chance that I've had a "good weekend" if you get my meaning *wink*. She has a cuppa waiting and everything. I take a packet of biscuits, it perks up the waiting room no end.
Well yeah. Till the next time eh? Me and the receptionist down the clinic are on first name terms. She's started booking me in on the off chance that I've had a "good weekend" if you get my meaning *wink*. She has a cuppa waiting and everything. I take a packet of biscuits, it perks up the waiting room no end.

Ginger nuts?
charisma? Did she get a personality transplant?

Only flicked over for a few minutes to see Zumba. Found her awkward and clumsy, which would have been fine if she didnt look annoyed at being awkward and clumsy.
Sorry BB but she has no natural rhythm and actually looks awkward, I can't believe she was ever a dancer. :dull: AD is much better imho, probably because she's not so preoccupied with herself and what she looks like and just enjoys it for fun.

Spot on PPC.....not pleasing on the eye at all with her lack of rhythm, she was far too busy flirting and hair-flicking to concentrate on the movements and steps!
Didn't see it, but I remember being underwhelmed by her efforts when she was jigging about in the background on some Eurovision performance from yonks ago. :hi: Goodness knows how she made a living out of it - am guessing she was high-kicking in the chorus line when she was working the cruise ships - we all know she can get her legs wide apart from the pilates shows :cheeky: She's still my favourite, tho'!
I'd say good on her for having a go at Zumba,even though she wasn't very good, and didn't seem to have much "hip action" going on....however the trousers she wore were just awful and looked quite disgusting in my opinion.
They emphasised all the bits that only her nearest and dearest should see.I think if she watches that footage back she might have a rethink for the next Zumba session!!!
I'd say good on her for having a go at Zumba,even though she wasn't very good, and didn't seem to have much "hip action" going on....however the trousers she wore were just awful and looked quite disgusting in my opinion.
They emphasised all the bits that only her nearest and dearest should see.I think if she watches that footage back she might have a rethink for the next Zumba session!!!

Yes, I thought I saw evidence of camel toe, but I wasn't quite sure!
I'd say good on her for having a go at Zumba,even though she wasn't very good, and didn't seem to have much "hip action" going on....however the trousers she wore were just awful and looked quite disgusting in my opinion.
They emphasised all the bits that only her nearest and dearest should see.I think if she watches that footage back she might have a rethink for the next Zumba session!!!

she flaunts those bits quite happily in every pilates show.