Ruth Langsford's Visitors


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I donā€™t think we would ever have heard of Ruth Langsford if she hadnā€™t married Eamonn Holmes because he was at the height of his career when she came along he was a household name. He was nice but I can imagine that he now suffers a lot with his illnesses and poor health and the fact that heā€™s been dumped by his wife now that sheā€™s a QVC Queen! God, there are some pretty dreadful people on QVC.
Dreadful for anyone who's in pain all the time. He might have been expecting TLC from her, but didn't get it.

Actually IMO 2 of the most dreadful people that Q had on was Basso šŸ˜”and Michelle Mone.šŸ¤¬
And the Spellman's. (The really weird couple who sold self-help books.) They didn't last long.
Dreadful for anyone who's in pain all the time. He might have been expecting TLC from her, but didn't get it.
Been living with chronic pain for 2 decades and itā€™s hideous and relentless and hard to carry on sometimes, although Iā€™m lucky that mine has been fairly (relatively!) well controlled in the last couple years.

Iā€™m so sorry for anyone who is battling constant pain.

However, you (one!) has no idea what goes on inside someone elseā€™s relationship or life, especially if getting information from tabloids and unnamed ā€œsourcesā€ etc, so wouldnā€™t like to comment on that!

I think they were on day time telly for a while, ā€˜helpingā€™ viewers with phobias and suchlike.
Yes I saw a clip of them on This Morning via Gogglebox (only way I would ever encounter This Morning!) and it was truly cringe-worthy.

Iā€™m trying to recall the details and their ā€œtreatmentā€ but do remember it was unintentionally comical!
For years, all Eamon did was bitch and complain about Belfast.

All his work is in England, so travelling back and forth if he is in ill health a no.
I've never heard him bitch and complain about Belfast, where are you getting that from? He only ever speaks highly of our wee country!
I've never heard him bitch and complain about Belfast, where are you getting that from? He only ever speaks highly of our wee country!
He did interviews in the local papers Belfast Telegraph and The Newsletter being the big two. Saying he did not like having to come over to Belfast as the place was dirty, homeless people etc. Oh, and the amount of chewing gum on the streets. So basically the same as any large English city, which he never complained about.
They were really creepy, gave me the heebie jeebies. If I remember correctly they were flogging some kind of self help book which got very bad reviews. I believe the least offensive name they were called was charlatans. Donā€™t think they ever came back
And the Spellman's. (The really weird couple who sold self-help books.) They didn't last low
I donā€™t think we would ever have heard of Ruth Langsford if she hadnā€™t married Eamonn Holmes because he was at the height of his career when she came along he was a household name. He was nice but I can imagine that he now suffers a lot with his illnesses and poor health and the fact that heā€™s been dumped by his wife now that sheā€™s a QVC Queen! God, there are some pretty dreadful people on QVC.
at least she good for wearing her wedged sandals so I can be squashed onto them for good
He did interviews in the local papers Belfast Telegraph and The Newsletter being the big two. Saying he did not like having to come over to Belfast as the place was dirty, homeless people etc. Oh, and the amount of chewing gum on the streets. So basically the same as any large English city, which he never complained about.
The Telegraph maybe, but I can't see him speaking to that other thing!!!!
at least she good for wearing her wedged sandals so I can be squashed onto them for good
Gosh yes, there are a lot of dubious characters posing as presenters mostly. They are just not pulling it off, now and again thereā€™s a slip and the the true character of the individual is revealed. Thereā€™s the odd one and of course I am speaking of Charlie Brook who as we long term viewers know, is completely odd and extremely vain. Heā€™s so determined to be noticed that he doesnā€™t even try and cover up his pathetic behaviour as he attempts to destroy his guest co presenter who soon becomes tongue tied and slightly petrified as they try to continue presenting their items while he ridicules and insults them pretending itā€™s a joke. Heā€™s totally deranged!
Gosh yes, there are a lot of dubious characters posing as presenters mostly. They are just not pulling it off, now and again thereā€™s a slip and the the true character of the individual is revealed. Thereā€™s the odd one and of course I am speaking of Charlie Brook who as we long term viewers know, is completely odd and extremely vain. Heā€™s so determined to be noticed that he doesnā€™t even try and cover up his pathetic behaviour as he attempts to destroy his guest co presenter who soon becomes tongue tied and slightly petrified as they try to continue presenting their items while he ridicules and insults them pretending itā€™s a joke. Heā€™s totally deranged!
Definitely - I hope he is wearing underpants now whilst on air, as he used to be proud to say he didnā€™t wear them, then present shows with his hand in his trouser pockets - pervert šŸ˜³
Anyone who chooses to sell stuff to a television audience of thousands instead of to customers face-to-face has to have a degree of, at best, self-belief. The problem arises when they start believing their own hype and think nobody else can see through it.
Definitely - I hope he is wearing underpants now whilst on air, as he used to be proud to say he didnā€™t wear them, then present shows with his hand in his trouser pockets - pervert šŸ˜³
What is it they sayā€¦..?
ā€œMan with hand in pocket, feel cocky all dayā€ ?

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