Seriously Mason ...


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Why don't you care about Bid's policies if you care about comments made about Mike Mason why don't you care about the things they say to make people buy, is it right to frighten old ladies into buying fire blankets, is it right to tell everyone Tanzanite is so rare it will be worth a fortune in years to come. You have no morals yourself Stephanie "I don't give a stuff about Bid's policies" what if every company felt like that? and as for "get back where we belong" it is you who has come onto here not us going onto your forum.
I fail to understand why you people watch Bid TV if you dislike it so much?! Do you not have better things to do with your life than watch something/someone on tv you dislike so much??
Like I said before I couldn't give a stuff about bid's policies....I came on here to comment on the rude comments made by PJ who is obviously one of life's sad nasty characters. As regards the rest of your comments you lot are no better than him. Get off your high horses and get back down where you all belong!

Goodbye have proven yourself to be a hypocritical odious individual who gets off on trolling forums projecting your vicious bile!

May I suggest you seek some cognitive behaviour therapy?
Going back to Mike, yesterday he said the cheapo house alarm system he said "it is your insurance" riiight so is I get one and my house gets ransacked the alarm company will replace my stuff? That's how insurance works right?

Steve and PJ...don't waste your cannot win with individuals like these - ultimately they will simply bring you down to their level!
Stumpybloke I hope I could never come down as low as your level....if you advocate rudeness and insulting people's family then you have already shown what a "lovely" individual you are!
Night after night Mike goes on about his lady/goddess and he often mentions his son. If he didn't I wouldn't have dreamt of mentioning them. PJ

"One day your kid will be old enough to see the liar his dad is."

Not only did you mention him, you thought you'd be smart and try and make Mike look like the bad guy infront of his son. You KNOW Mike loves his son to bits, and it's the last thing he'd want him to think.
Stumpybloke I hope I could never come down as low as your level....if you advocate rudeness and insulting people's family then you have already shown what a "lovely" individual you are!

Oh Stephanie, how about you read a few posts above and you will see I said it is unacceptable to bring family members into the equation!!!! (post 28)

I look forward to your apology!
You'll wait until hell freezes over before you get an apology from me stumpy bloke... fair enough I didn't read your previous comment.Can I ask why you watch bid and presenters whom you don't like? Don't you have other things that you could spend time doing??
"One day your kid will be old enough to see the liar his dad is."

Not only did you mention him, you thought you'd be smart and try and make Mike look like the bad guy infront of his son. You KNOW Mike loves his son to bits, and it's the last thing he'd want him to think.

You misread what I said, I know I mentioned him. I meant I would not have mentioned him if Mike didn't.

Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Tonight Mike called the ingot watch a solid gold watch, well the tiny ingot maybe solid but the watch is gold plate, not that you would know fom Mike.

You'll wait until hell freezes over before you get an apology from me stumpy bloke... fair enough I didn't read your previous comment.Can I ask why you watch bid and presenters whom you don't like? Don't you have other things that you could spend time doing??

I never watch them...haven't done for years! I hate them with a passion!

You really need to chill and get help, and I mean that most sincerely! The viciousness that you exude and project is palpable.
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Stumpybloke if you haven't watched the channels and haven;t done for years then why do you feel the need to come on here and comment. As regards you're comment that I need to chill, I am perfectly calm thank you for your concern and I certainly don't need any help....but I think perhaps you do ;)
We are all allowed our opinions, some support sit-up (not many) and others will not. Nowadays I am one of the non supporters.There are many negative posts about sit-up and it's presentes and for good reason in my opinion. Many of the tactics used by presenters would embarass the majority of street market place barrow boys. The false claims and exagerations of the quality and performance of produts they sell is not only very often laughable but at times downright fraudulent. I mean the starting price of some of the pieces of tat they put up for sale bears no resemblance to the real value. Then follows the sheer look of shocked surprise on the faces of the presenters when the price falls to somewhere near a decent price is something to behold! I know most people will soon see through the lies told by most presenters and steer well clear of parting with any money, but new viewers can be taken in.

So I think this forum can be a wake up call to any potential customers of these channels. On the odd occasion, there can be something that is of decent value, but these are becoming fewer and fewer and I feel that these are just a kind of ground bait to get you sucked (suckered) in! So buyers beware. Do your homework before you buy from these channels. 99% of the time you can buy much cheaper elsewhere.
I totally agree with the above post. The tactics that this shopping network uses to sell their goods are somewhat dodgy to see the least.

It is sad to see the vulnerable and people without access to the internet get ripped off by not only the low value of the products but also the extortionate p&p charges for each product is disgusting.
The presenters do not have any say it what they sell, p&p etc...
Well that's not what Mikey Mason would have us believe. How many times has he come on screen and said that he has been down to the warehouse and said that he wanted such and such items for his viewers? How the warehouse people have said no, but Mikey said yes I want that, he's got into an argument with them and then he is selling it? Surely Mikey is telling the truth here? I don't believe in the slightest that the presenters have any say over what is sold on these channels, but 'honest wideboy' Mikey M wouldn't lie would he?

I can't believe people come on here and defend Sit Ups selling practices, from the constant failure to mention p&p, claiming items only cost as little as 1 pence (again neglecting to mention the additional charges), scaring people into buying items such as fire blankets and home security systems, the encouraging of customers to multi-buy yet again not mentioning that they get hit with multi p&p, selling items of the back of charities such as Marie Curie (when the donation made by Sit Up is miniscule), selling all sorts of tat and memorabilia of the back of things like the Titanic anniversary, Michael Jackson's death and the Jubilee. Presenters such as Nicola George flat out lying about prices from other stores/companies when trying to sell her products (I've posted about this in the past), presenters such as Sally Jaxx absolutely loving every item she sells (again used this example before, but those Panda Onesys were her favourite ever, that was of course until they stopped selling them, and they started to sell these ones with hearts on for Valentine's Day and that was of course her favourite), Tanzanite which is 'so rare' that bid have been selling it daily for six months at least and 'so rare' that the length of time left before it is extinct it actually increasing! I could go on and on, but some people are so blind that they can't see the forest for the trees.

By the way, I was flicking through the channels last night before I went to bed and it was the dream team of Mikey and The Spiv on respective channels. Mikey was selling a hoover for £80 and imploring people to buy it, then sell it on at a profit! Whilst the Spiv was up to his usual tricks of clipboard in hand, claiming that they are scheduled to lose an awful lot of money on this item (they always seem to be losing money when he's on!), claiming that they are cutting their losses as they want the stock gone, and he doesn't care as it's not coming out of his pockets! Same old BS as ever from McDonald. With the decent presenters having now quit (Cindy, Charlie, Mike) and others rarely used (Alex, Charlotte) the sooner these lot are put out of their misery the better.
I always have to laugh when presenters say they have just been in the warehouse. Don't they broadcast from London, and isn't the warehouse now in Tamworth Staffordshire? Just more BS!!!
selling items of the back of charities such as Marie Curie

Oh yes, I forgot about this one. This is probably the worst aspect of this retail business. They say they are raising money for a charity like Marie Curie or The Royal British Legion but in fact they only give 30-50 pence per item (sometimes the item itself is selling for £9.99+) to the actual charity. This is shameless exploitation of the charities involved to peddle their goods. It's not acceptable or justified, in my opinion. Any business who is willing to adopt tactics like this is despicable and the main reason why I don't trust this company at all.
I totally agree there Greg. That can be very bad, and they shouldn't be able to do that, and a lot of things they do I feel are wrong, however, one thing I don't agree with, is that family members of presenters, should not be brought in to anything, in any shape or form.
First of all a big thumbs up to Mike last night. He retracted (almost like the cable ;-)) his previous comment about the Hoover having a retractable cord as amazing. He said something like he now <s>read this thread</s> realised vacuum cleaners have had them for ages.

The bad (which is very bad) he went on two bizarre very personal rants. One about an ex tenant who forgot to tell them they changed the alarm code 'thanks for the great checkout guys provided by a ridiculous letting agent. We don't use them anymore, wallies'. It was later he talked about when his wives car got scratched and it had nothing to do with his lady/goddess and he called the other lady a "mutant" come on Mike defenders. Defend that.

He also suggested (but recounted later) if you wife scratches your car, scratch her nails. Nice.


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