that'll teach me


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Registered Shopper
Oct 20, 2009
Umbria, Italy
Today I returned a suede coat that I bought at a reduced price of £63.75. I took advantage of the three easy payments of £21.25 and the postage to Italy cost me £7.27. There was nothing wrong wth the coat or the fit but the colour didn't suit me.

The postage back to QVC cost me 19 euros which at today's exchange rate is £17.21 or thereabouts. So, the postage there and back cost me nearly 25 quid and is more than one chunk of the easy pays, a sum that I have literally thrown away.

Never again am I gong to buy stuff that may not fit me or suit me, nor am I going to buy stuff that will be costly to send back if I don't like it.

My own fault I know but hopefully I will learn to be a bit more prudent in the furture.

Oh, that's a real stinker Almerinda!
I no longer buy clothing items from QVC (not that I bought many in the first place!), definitely wouldn't buy shoes & only pick craft items that have 5 star (sensible!) reviews attached to them, as I am not prepared to chuck away good money for no reason!
I am particularly wary of the heavier items, or those with the higher p&p rates & tend to now only buy if I already know (or am pretty darned certain!) that I'm going to like it & want to keep it!
It's really annoying having to pay double postage when you return things. I confess that I bought a "fringe" the other week. It looked good but my hair isn't the right texture to wear something like that so it went back. Just put it in a jiffy bag and the postage was £1.08 so that wasn't too bad. But £25 would really hurt, Almerinda.
I've been stung on P&P in the past but I'm coming to my senses about how much it's been costing me over the years. And, let's face it, most of their "fashion" isn't worth it anyway. There's nothing good on anymore.

It does bug me too when they bleat on about not having to battle crowds in a shop, or park the car etc. but they never tell you that it'll cost you a small fortune when you don't like what it is you've been sent. At least in a shop you know if you want it or not before you part with your cash. And shop refunds take 2 days, not 2 weeks (or longer in most cases!).
I have not bought anything for over 2 months now ( a record for me) as every time I get tempted I force myself to add on the p and p which always pulls me up sharpish and then I imagine queing at my very very busy post office to the thing back if it does not live up to they hype.I find this is working a treat to stop me wasting my money.
I think it's wise to be quite picky about what you buy from shopping telly or catalogues with p&p for that matter.
I am disabled and pretty housebound most of the time & I have learnt that for me, tops are OK to purchase as I am a standard size 12 but I've given up on buying trousers & skirts as they are invariably too big (I seem to be between a size 10 & 12 on the bottom half). I wouldn't buy shoes either so I reserve my buying of these items for rare trips to the shops. I find things like homewares, craft, beauty the best things to buy - anything that needs to fit well is a no no as not only do I resent the return postage but I can't get out to post the damn stuff. At least many of the catalogues collect returns from your home.

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