Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! nauseam


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Registered Shopper
Jul 19, 2014
South Ayrshire
Sorry if I'm on my own here, but after weeks of hearing certain presenters repeat the above phrase to the limit, and on almost all very excited as if they've just discovered the 'benefits' of something they have presented on numerous occasions, pretending as if it's the first time for them.

Sorry once more, I can't stand it when presenters spout this phrase all the time, so I had to vent on here after all this time as I can stand it no more.:mysmilie_490:
Pipa is guilty of this to an extreme. It's catching on with others. I suppose they think it gives the illusion of presenters actually listening to guests!
I thought this must be a thread about Pipa as well! Also Jilly says it a lot. Yeah yeah yeah.
They say it even when the camera spies them reading their sodding iPads ! I noticed Kathy T doing this when the guest was in full flow - soooooo rude. To me, everything is Amaaaaaaaazing ! its uttered every other words, amaaaazing attention to detail, amaaaaazing softness. Honestly ? its amaaaaaaazingly pathetic.
I think the majority of presenters ARE rude & this is one of the many reasons why I no longer watch the televised 'shows'. Last week I saw part of one of the sale hours with Chloe & Jessica Jay, they had just described the last item & were talking about cocktails, then Jessica started to describe the presenters in the next show as hypocrites. She stopped talking quite abruptly & began laughing which made me think she had been told to shut up. I was watching two women acting like teenagers.
I thought this must be a thread about Pipa as well! Also Jilly says it a lot. Yeah yeah yeah.

Yes Pipa G and Jilly H are bad for this, Jilly H is also a massive pain with her rude "okay....okay....okay....okay" while guest presenter is speaking.
If the presenters are soooooo bored with the products they are touting to the public perhaps QVC should wield the axe over the worst offenders...
Maybe if the presenters cannot genuinely interact with the guests, it's time to either dispense with the guests, or dispense with the presenters? At present, I know which I would prefer!
Hasn’t the introduction of guests as well as presenters become the norm over the last few years?I seem to remember in the ‘old’ days it was just the presenter, if my memory is right the presenter’s job is now much easier.They don’t need to know the products in detail & can just be a support spouting the usual iPad, 30 day mbg & the likes.
Hasn’t the introduction of guests as well as presenters become the norm over the last few years?I seem to remember in the ‘old’ days it was just the presenter, if my memory is right the presenter’s job is now much easier.They don’t need to know the products in detail & can just be a support spouting the usual iPad, 30 day mbg & the likes.

It's definitely gone in that direction. There are some press terms, usually male, who still prepare properly, but most of the females presenters seem to wing it and make excessive use of "phone Liverpool" as a substitute for caring enough to be able to do a thorough job.
Hasn’t the introduction of guests as well as presenters become the norm over the last few years?I seem to remember in the ‘old’ days it was just the presenter, if my memory is right the presenter’s job is now much easier.They don’t need to know the products in detail & can just be a support spouting the usual iPad, 30 day mbg & the likes.

Quite agree SF, its almost as if QVC have decided to employ the unemployable to get them off the streets !! so they refer to them as stoilists to get away with it. Perhaps its the rising cost of the p & p that's helping pay for them. This way the regular presenters, like you say, have little else work to do other than to tell us how to pay and see how many Tweets they've had.
Why are all the posts appearing in triplicate?

If you are using METRO GUEST as the theme (when you first log on it defaults to that, it would seem, in some browsers). Try changing the theme (scroll down to the bottom of any page, there's a drop-down box on the left hand side). That may improve matters. I contacted Graham about this yesterday and that's the first question he asked me. So having tried changing the theme it seems to have righted things. It may work for you!
Thank you all for your replies to my loathing that constant 'yeah' and you're all right I'm on the side of Pippa who I used to like being way over the top these days, almost as if she's on something, perhaps she's just happy in her life, and good on her, but spare us the OTT, thanks Pippa, and I can say the same about Jackie Kabler who I consider to be an intelligent woman who does not need to resort to this constant 'yeah'ing'
Thank you all for your replies to my loathing that constant 'yeah' and you're all right I'm on the side of Pippa who I used to like being way over the top these days, almost as if she's on something, perhaps she's just happy in her life, and good on her, but spare us the OTT, thanks Pippa, and I can say the same about Jackie Kabler who I consider to be an intelligent woman who does not need to resort to this constant 'yeah'ing'

It's weird isn't it that the ones you would credit with having the most sense, seem to be the silliest?

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