Anne Dawson


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I think you're right about the genetics silversequin. My dad was a real sun worshiper. He would lay in it all day. He had the best skin ever. In his mid sixties everyone thought he was in his early forties. My mum also had good skin, loved the sun, but she had bad lip lines.

I take after my dad around the eyes. No wrinkles at all, but unfortunately, I have the dreaded lip lines, and I hate them.
I didn't thnk Pipa was so old and I certainly didn't think Jilly was, apart from the fact that they both have fairly young children (and I know people have them later these days) I didn't think they'd left it so long. What did Jilly do before she worked for QVC? I know Pipa was a "singer" and Claire and Julia were dancers/presenters of goods etc and that Sara worked at one point in the Moulin Rouge. :mysmilie_82:
I heard Pipa say that she was 29 not longer than two years ago so that'd put her in her early thirties. Just a hunch but I think that's why Julia is so happy to state her age. Compared to the others she looks positively youthful.

I'd like to know how old baby Claire Sutton is or Chuntley and of course Jilly, she keeps her cards close to her chest that one.

I think that Claire said she is in her early forties (42, 43) and Jilly must be nearing 50 I reckon. Not because she looks old but because her dancing past sort of gives us a clue. Chuntley is a bit more difficult because she looks as if she is in her mid to late thrities BUT because of the way she talks about the past, she could well be in her early 40's like Claire. Either way, they all look good.
I'm sure I recall Pipa saying she is 36. How old do you reckon AY is then? Sara is 40 isn't she and looking very well on it I think. It just goes to show that ageing is very individual and I personally reckon it has a lot more to do with life style and genetics than anything you slap on your face, despite what QVC would have us believe.

Ali Young is three years younger than me. That is 43\44.
I didn't thnk Pipa was so old and I certainly didn't think Jilly was, apart from the fact that they both have fairly young children (and I know people have them later these days) I didn't think they'd left it so long. What did Jilly do before she worked for QVC? I know Pipa was a "singer" and Claire and Julia were dancers/presenters of goods etc and that Sara worked at one point in the Moulin Rouge. :mysmilie_82:

Jilly was a dancer too! She was in one of the dance troupes that followed Pans People on Top of the Pops. Legs and Co, Ruby Flipper?? She was also offered a job danicing in Paris when she was about 16. Not sure if it was with the Bluebell girls or something similar.
How old are the men? let's have a bit of equallity here! Dale is 50 now isn't he? has bday on Christmas day ( I watch far too much QVC) how old do we reckon the rest of the "lads" are? I think Charlie is 36.
I dont think Dale has reached the big 50 yet, think he is in his early 40's. STILL CANT BELIEVE ANN DAWSON IS 49!
Dale is definately 50...same age as my husband, who looks positively youthful compared to Dale.:mysmilie_17:
This is what I can't stand about all the presenters on QVC. There was a great forum piece about the dreadful state of Anne's teeth which made me crack up laughing. Maybe her 'holiday money' would be better spent on some much needed dentistry!
I'd put AY in her late forties, AD as late fifties, Dale as over 50 but not much, Charlie pushing 40, Kathy about the same as AY and also DG. Pipa strikes me as being mid to late 30's and as for JF, well who dug her up? Her skin died years ago...
I'd put AY in her late forties, AD as late fifties, Dale as over 50 but not much, Charlie pushing 40, Kathy about the same as AY and also DG. Pipa strikes me as being mid to late 30's and as for JF, well who dug her up? Her skin died years ago...

I think Charlie is only in his early 30's and JF is mid 40'. Also think Dale is the type who will get better with age unlike some of the ladies. Have to say saw 5 minutes of JR doing a shoe show yesterday and you can really see she has lost weigh, guess she probably is the size 12 now thats she's been pretending(to herelf) to be all these years . Well done Julia but PLEASE dont go on and on and on and on and on and on and on about it.
I dont know what all the fuss was about concerning Anne's makeover - saw her not long afrer the "unveiling" and apart from looking a bit thinner and having lighter hair, she looked the same. :cheeky: Also saw her before she went abroad and the weight had creeped back on and so had the old, shappy looking style. She cant be doing bad on QVC, and her husband sounds loaded, so there's no excuse for not looking after yourself!
Just watching AD on the Bobbi Brown hour. I really fancied one or two items but as AD is in full SCROUNGE mode I will not be ordering. She really puts me off when she is doing this. I know it's "cutting off my nose to spite etc etc" but I think why should I pay for my stuff when she won't even if she can. Rant over!

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