The Brow Shaper


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Mar 13, 2010
The Brow Shaper by Lilibeth of New York Set of Two

QVC Price: £10.95
Introductory Price :
P&P: £2.95

I buy almost identical one from an African shop locally.
99p each or 3 for 1.99, they are normally placed by the till.
The razor is identical, the handle is slightly different.

While I was typing this message it sold out and is now limited on advanced order AMAAAAAAAAAAAAAZING!!!!
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Oh, and you need to replace them every 2 months the presenter said. aaaaaaaaaaaaaamazing!
My word..I got a set of three very similar things in T K Maxx and nearly did myself an injury - I binned them!
They look awful! Why would you want to shave your eyebrows or facial hair for that matter and if you did a Bic razor would do the job 71p for a pack of 5!
I love these razors, I use them on facial hair :)

On the beauty forums they shave the peach fuzz, you can use a normal desposable (sp) razor.

For everyone else, no you do not grown thick black stubble afterwards. You just get the peach fuzz growing again. Its very big in Asia and the US shaving your face.
I started using DH's Wilkinson Sword razor on my peach stubble - it drives me mad as I was catching glimpses of myself in certain light covered in powder. I was looking great in some light and like an over-powdered little old lady in others! Best thing I ever did. My skin is soft and smooth and just running the blade over dry on a weekly basis is enough to keep the powder look away.

The WS razor is great because it has tiny wires over the blades so there's no chance of nicks. A lot of my of-a-certain-age friends have started doing it now. None of us have had any sign of the mythical black stubble!

In the US they charge a fortune at the derm's office as an exfoliation treatment and use a scalpel instead of a razor. They call it "planing" (but I call it a rip-off!).
have just watched the video IceT...very informative! I did for the first time this morning try shaving - ok have a laugh everyone! But I'm 65 and menopausal (when does it END?!) and have been noticing for quite a time that I seem to be getting more & more facial hair..soon my OH won't be the only one in the house with a full beard.. but the fact that it may be anti-ageing is very interesting..I may soon look 45..! I've just been talking to my sister on the phone and she's been in stitches about me having a shave but she says the same, she's noticing more and more facial hair (she's 60) I think she'll probably try it soon too! I blobbed some hot cloth cleanser on sooner than try it dry, then wiped my face and applied some aloe vera gel as that's soothing. No nicks! My sister said if I turn up to one of our family birthday meals out with bits of loo paper stuck to my face that is going to be IT! Anyway, I shall see what happens..if I get stubble or fuzz! God, I hope I don't look in the mirror later and find that I've got a 5 o'clock shadow! :mysmilie_505:
Shaving skin was the bit that scared me caretodiffer!
There is a very good reason to have a new razor every time. A dirty blade could cause havoc

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