Customer Services - Lacking


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Registered Shopper
Jul 8, 2008
I ordered a set of Doll10 pencils ages ago and it has been so long that I decided to check my account online to see what was going on. I was surprised to see that the order was marked as Returned! I had to phone and ask and was told that Royal Mail had damaged the package in transit and returned it automatically. Ok, not impressed really but it happens, I accept that. What I don't understand though, is why QVC didn't bother to let me know the moment they knew what had happened? I was told I will get a letter but that is likely to be at least another week's wait. This is very poor, my order could have been for something I needed to a deadline for an event or a gift. To find out by their method would have made it far too late to do anything about. I'm sure it's not beyond them to have someone in the call centre 'phone and leave a message or dash off a quick email. Things like this annoy me every time I hear them say "award winning customer service". What award, and when exactly?

Just utterly fed up having to wait so long for them to do anything, be it delivery, refund or information. (Compare to Amazon - ordered 3 cans of hairspray yesterday at 1pm, free P&P. Delivered this morning just after 9am. That's service!)

Rant over!
Compare with Amazon indeed. I bought a book from one of their market place sellers (if that is what they are called) and it seemed to be taking a while. It was still within the two weeks but slower than usual. Anyway I got an email from the seller saying the parcel was damaged in transit and returned to them by RM. Many apologies and a new one would be sent out to be with me in 48 hours. It was. Absolutely no reason why Q cannot do the same.
I have to complement the Q on the quality of it's customer service. Any problems I have experienced, have been dealt with swiftly and conveniently, exceeding all expectations. So whilst my own personal feedback is only positive, I can understand why those who have adverse experiences do not share this. Credit where it is due.
I ordered an item nearly 3 was ago , didn't see hide nor hair OT so I checked my online account, showing it was dispatched on 23 sept. I rang CS who told me it was probably damaged by the couriers because they have no further tracking info on the item. So they agreed to send a replacement. This is not good enough. No attempt was made to contact me or inform me of the lost item I had paid for. Surely until it is delivered the retailer is responsible, QVC need to review their relationship with Hermes if items can just disappear from the tracking system once it has left the QVC warehouse. We pay far too much for shipping to accept such shoddy service
This and other similar things have happened to me loads of times with Q, not once have they bothered to inform me. I found out only after days or weeks of trying to get an explanation from them. Truly pathetic excuse for customer service.
I too am amazed at their 2nd only to John Lewis customer services boast.

I am a relatively new customer, less than a year and have spent a lot of money several thousand at a rough guess. I have never returned anything on the 28 day guarantee. I first had to contact customer services when i had an email to say that a waitlist item had been sent but it never arrived. Rather than just sending it again or giving an instant refund they explained they would send me a form to fill in and post back. When the form arrived there wasn't even a freepost envelope. I was expected to go to the trouble and expense despite it being their fault. I phoned up and they agreed to credit me with a pound to cover the costs. Not impressive!

The following week one of the folding benches from a recent order started falling apart so I phoned again they said they would collect in 3 - 5 days, they turned up the next day before I had time to pack it up. They came back the next day and collected it but I've had no refund. Phoned again they claim not to have received it back and guess what another form will need to be filled in. Form arrives yesterday no freepost envelope. How can they get away with it, good customer service should not cause inconvenience and expense to the customer when they make mistakes.

I have been an excellent customer to QVC the last few months and am on the whole pleased with the items that I have bought but this has really put me off. I will probably still order when I am sure but if I have any doubts or can acquire elsewhere I will probably not take the risk. Haven't had my refunds yet so can't tell you if they satisfactorily sort this in the end.
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This seems to be an ongoing theme with QVC, read the Facebook page and its endless people have things cancelled or return by post or courier. They know nothing until they check their own account to see what is taking so long. Or the not mentioning not being able to deliver that product(nails polish and cosmetics are mentioned most), to your country. They just take the money pass to the courier/post and then it comes back as unable to deliver because of restrictions. Custom knows nothing until the phone up or check account to see returned/cancelled. Or they do get it but are unable to return because of restrictions and have to get QVC to collect it. So something that should be simple is not.
shopping telly has always had a bit of a bad name but Q did stand out as being as good as any high street store with a very good customer service and good range of products, some good value, some not, just like any other DHS shop.

THEN something or someone changed and over the past couple of years they have gone downhill in all respects. Shopping with them now is no longer a pleasure but a hassel the whole way.

It now feels like a pop up market trader, hard sell (Flint), faulty good, not interested in any problems (nothing to do with me governor) selling dodgy returns, and on an on and on.

Anyone who has been with them 10 plus years who are disillusioned may be thought of as wearing rose tinted specs but seeing an earlier post from a new customer then it is proof that it is Q who have lost the plot.
lovely customer service when you are ordering but after that ....

I can't say that is true either - I called them on friday to order an item from the diamonique special editions show - for some reason it wasn't coming up online and KT said that the only way to order was via the usually number - i called and spoke to a very rude lady, she took the item number from me, asked for the size i wanted and then said "oh that's sold out, ok then bye" and ended the call! :mysmilie_51: i might have been able to have a different size or wanted something else... i was not impressed
I can't say that is true either - I called them on friday to order an item from the diamonique special editions show - for some reason it wasn't coming up online and KT said that the only way to order was via the usually number - i called and spoke to a very rude lady, she took the item number from me, asked for the size i wanted and then said "oh that's sold out, ok then bye" and ended the call! :mysmilie_51: i might have been able to have a different size or wanted something else... i was not impressed

Sounds like the woman who spoke to me when I phoned and asked for CS. She said "So you are not ordering then?!" in a very stern voice.
I too am amazed at their 2nd only to John Lewis customer services boast.

I am a relatively new customer, less than a year and have spent a lot of money several thousand at a rough guess. I have never returned anything on the 28 day guarantee. I first had to contact customer services when i had an email to say that a waitlist item had been sent but it never arrived. Rather than just sending it again or giving an instant refund they explained they would send me a form to fill in and post back. When the form arrived there wasn't even a freepost envelope. I was expected to go to the trouble and expense despite it being their fault. I phoned up and they agreed to credit me with a pound to cover the costs. Not impressive!

The following week one of the folding benches from a recent order started falling apart so I phoned again they said they would collect in 3 - 5 days, they turned up the next day before I had time to pack it up. They came back the next day and collected it but I've had no refund. Phoned again they claim not to have received it back and guess what another form will need to be filled in. Form arrives yesterday no freepost envelope. How can they get away with it, good customer service should not cause inconvenience and expense to the customer when they make mistakes.

I have been an excellent customer to QVC the last few months and am on the whole pleased with the items that I have bought but this has really put me off. I will probably still order when I am sure but if I have any doubts or can acquire elsewhere I will probably not take the risk. Haven't had my refunds yet so can't tell you if they satisfactorily sort this in the end.

The comments you made are becoming all to regular - not only for QVC but other shopping channels. To be honest, I have a simple theory which some may agree with and it is this - "We have your money in the till - now b*gger off"!
I've never bought from QVC, and don't watch it to much, but when I do, I can't stand the hard sell and shouty shouty shouters. They do my head in, answer = 1) Turn over or 2) Turn off. (2) is my fav!!:mysmilie_12:
The problem with Q is it hasn't evolved so it's systems created in 1993 are just the same, and they were based on the QVC US model set up even earler (with a few UK adjustments to comply with our consumer laws).

In spite of the moaning here or on social media I suspect there are millions of blinkered QVC fans who don't order from Amazon or any other online shop and so don't have that comparison. I've spoken to people at customer events and 99% are strangely besotted with QVC and, as long as the person answering their call in Liverpool is friendly enough, their judgement of "customer service" ends there. I may be tempting fate but I've had faster deliveries and refunds from Ideal World but I know their reputation isn't consistent with my experience, so maybe I'm just relieved when they deal with a query (always email them never phone).

I'd be curious to know which firms came 3rd, 4th and 5th below Q in that much vaunted CS poll. Chuntley started to real off a list the other day and she mentioned "firms like Amazon and M&S..." but "firms like" doesn't necessarily mean Amazon & M&S. Her voice trailed off making me think the gallery had nipped that train of thought in the bud before she said something untrue. Does anyone know what the CS survey is called or where it is published?

Back to the non-receipt declaration letters - why can't they accept an email as your declaration to speed things up and save us a nother trip to the post box? Mr Akimbo is claiming against his credit card (over £300) for a dispute with Specsavers and they've been happy to accept emails and scanned documents sent as attachments so why not Q? If a customer is intent on making a fraudulent claim a paper letter isn't going to deter a them. An email declaration of non-receipt wouldn't protect the fraudster if Q or the courier were able to prove the item was delivered and signed for by that person. All this 2nd class paper-work to-ing and fro-ing is all outdated and frustrating.

Rant over...for now!
Do we all have a "glow" now that we know they have won their award for turning a poor experience into a great one?

I once had a boss who always quoted the phrase that" paper refuses nothing "and over the years I have found this to be so true. This is a load of corporate mumbo jumbo.
i would want to know how they chose the people to take part for one thing

also since we are comparing john lewis to qvc (which imo is very odd) i have many more problems with quality issues when dealing with qvc. over sold products which fall very far short when you actually buy it. john lewis do sell very high end items qvc do not in paticular some of thier own branded items