Festive Food Preview


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Mind you I can't understand the prices paid for Loccy shower gel or some of the beauty items so I suppose it's horses for courses.

I get lovely liquid soaps at silly prices from TKMAXX. QVC used to sell Arran Aromatics a few years ago and they are £3.99 in there, but they don't have them all the time.Had all different soaps at less than £7. You have to have a good look but there are some great products and prices.
Oh, the salt & vinegar snack-a-jacks....yum, yum! I also like the cheese ones, too - and I'm as bad as you, I tell myself that because each one is low fat, it gives me the chance of guilt-free over-indulgence.... Then, when I total up how many of them I've actually scoffed, and check the figures on the wrapping, I realise I'm kidding myself. Oh, well.....

Snack a Jacks are my down fall, the salt and vinegar ones make the skin in your mouth, and your tongue, go white, so had to move on to the sour cream ones. I came back from the supermarket once with a massive amount (not telling) the husbands face was a picture, I said to him what? I'm on a diet they're low fat, he said not when you eat ten bags in one go they're not. :mysmilie_17:
You mean you missed the Christmas Lights show today? How could you? It was unmissible viewing.....:yawn::mysmilie_490::mysmilie_17:
I am missing all this madness as I am not watching at the moment can't abide all this Festive, gifting etc.etc, nearly 3 months of this--No Thanks! Who on earth pays these silly prices for food from QVC (they are probably paying for Yong K. items too) Everyone has the right to spend their cash as they see fit but these things get ridiculous.Even those who are housebound can shop on line or get to the nearest Aldi or Lidl.No matter how much money you have there is so much more you could do without throwing it away on overpriced foods.
Oh, the salt & vinegar snack-a-jacks....yum, yum! I also like the cheese ones, too - and I'm as bad as you, I tell myself that because each one is low fat, it gives me the chance of guilt-free over-indulgence.... Then, when I total up how many of them I've actually scoffed, and check the figures on the wrapping, I realise I'm kidding myself. Oh, well.....

Oh I know H, they're so moreish we've probably had the equivalent of fifty bags of crisps. :mysmilie_17: ah who cares eh? so long as we enjoy them.
6 small Bounties for a£1 in Pounldland. Good job they only come in milk and I like dark. I buy them for my Dad and he can go through 2 at a time.

Never understood how folk can eat chocolate which is soft - the fridge is a must but Mr L doesn't agree and I worked with someone who put cream eggs on the radiator!

My husband converted me to chocolate out of the fridge, and I don't eat it any other way now, unless out shopping and in need of a sugar boost!

Some of the reasons I think they are prepared to pay that is that they can't cook or can't be bothered and, they have more money than sense. I know if I make my own I get a great product and, I know just what goes in them. I do about 90% of all the cooking in my home from scratch and it saves about 40% on my food bill. No brainer really.

Sadly I went to the Jill Franks school of cookery, but I would never pay the obscene prices they charge for food on QVC. Was there much bandying about of the term "artisans"? :dull: If you have the skills, inclination and time to cook from scratch it must save a fortune on your weekly food bill.

I don't have a sweet tooth but always have a stash to take to my Dad. Mr L has a very sweet tooth and occasionally raids the stash but even he admits that Cadbury/Galaxy/Mars brand chocolate bars have become too sweet.

I am partial to Lindt chocolate balls especially the dark ones.

But my big downfall is anything savoury, crisps, nuts, cheese etc. When Bake Off is on the big gooey cakes do nothing for me but as soon as they do bread or savoury pies I crave something.

I'm the other way around. Wouldn't bother me if I never had another another crisp, and - truth told - I could take or leave the main course half the time, but have a very sweet tooth and love my chocolate.

Even if I was a millionaire I wouldn't pay their prices - they are just a complete rip-off and who likes being ripped off? Q must be laughing themselves witless at how gullible some people are. Having said that, there are people who will be taken in by the spiel and will genuinely believe they are getting a very special product that they couldn't get in the shops. For their sakes, I only hope they are right, but somehow I doubt it. And remembering the Pies Saga of a few years back (and I recall the picture that was posted on here showing the awful stringy, sinews and gristle inside some of them), quite frankly I wouldn't trust Q enough to buy food products. How they ever had the cheek to keep bringing the same product back after the Pies Saga I will never know.

I know it's not a direct comparison, but can you imagine, say, John Lewis continuing to work with a supplier that let so many of their customers down? When I told my husband about it the other day, he couldn't believe that they still have them on air, but the only way you get dropped from Q as a supplier is if your product stops selling. They don't care about their customers, or - it seems - their reputation as a company.
So true - no reputable company would have given them house room after what happened. Just shows, yet again, the contempt they have for people who order from them.

I know it's not a direct comparison, but can you imagine, say, John Lewis continuing to work with a supplier that let so many of their customers down? When I told my husband about it the other day, he couldn't believe that they still have them on air, but the only way you get dropped from Q as a supplier is if your product stops selling. They don't care about their customers, or - it seems - their reputation as a company.